Friday, April 24, 2009

Watch Free Dancing Blade


How could I not talk about it?
From an early age, I've always been passionate about Nostradamus & Co.
Clearly, in the midst of this forest of magicians or assumed, only some have deeply touched my soul, to convince me of its veracity.

If you exclude a priori the Jehovah's Witnesses and their predictions 21'548 never guess.

first point of my beliefs: the human being was created. I
natural evolution that has led man to a certain point. Then "someone" or "something" that added bit more to make us what we are today. And I do not you come and say that was the essence of pure spirit or some other "things" spiritual. The man is too advanced for our world. Overly developed. Nature, alone, would not create something ever so "expensive".

second point: that someone did not create us because he was bored and had nothing else to do, but for the simple reason to use us as slaves. Or as "guardians of the Garden of Eden," which does the same.

third point: there was a time when that someone has left to ourselves on this beautiful (?) Planet. Left alone, we started to make us the wars and fighting among ourselves about who was the coolest group of people. Sorry for the digression, but this reminds me so much the flight of our king (with the small "r") Vittorio Emanuele III after September 8, '43. The republic sucks, but it is always better than the savoy. Re-excuse the digression.

Fourthly : these gentlemen, one day, could come back and claim, say, to rule us again.

Decide Against this background, I can be pleasantly surprised at the face of numerous Internet-nautical, like me, they speak of 2012 as the year of the return of planet Nibiru, or Planet X, whatever you want. My joy is, of course, in that they are not the only crazy. My dismay, however, is in know that between 3 and a half years I have reason.

Thus, it seems that our creators are coming back. It also seems that their planet is a walking disaster (expect tides dizzying ... do you remember the flood? And who do you think caused it?) And a heat source (which would justify the global warming).

Given all these circumstances, how I behave? I could choose to
-build a bunker to protect myself from the flood, or
-remain at the mercy of events, good or bad they are.

I confess: I'm too lazy to build a bunker ... I almost wonder
a loan of 1 million euro, while do not pay ever. During these three years I have left me walking.

Fifthly ...

Listrine And Oral Thrush

vote, always

In this very short post, I urge you to

to vote, anyway, even if it's raining, snowing or if you have 39 ° C fever. In any consultation with national policy, administrative policy or referendum.

Remember: never, I repeat, never that our leaders, one day, say, "as Italians do not like to vote, to abolish elections"

go to vote ...

Chetna Prithvi Mallige

Referendum, I vote YES

announcement to the world (that is, you poor four cats that I read) that the referendum on electoral system del 21 giugno 2009 voterò SI.

Abbiamo un sistema bicamerale perfetto? Usiamolo!
Se vincerà il SI, alla camera avremo un partito con la maggioranza assoluta dei seggi e al senato un sistema pseudo-proporzionale che premierà i due partiti più grossi.

In pratica: un meccanismo anti-ribaltone e un nuovo sistema monocamerale de facto .
Due piccioni con una fava!

Lo so, lo so... non è il bellissimo doppio turno dei miei sogni, ma certamente questo è il meccanismo migliore a cui possiamo aspirare noi italiani nonostante i politici che abbiamo...


Ten Years Exchange Rate Graph

Australian electoral system

Hola! Vi inoltro il mio ultimo (And the first and only) work on the site 27Australia._Una_proposta_di_riforma_elettorale? & Depth = 98 & order = 1 & sortby = 3 & ; render = threaded

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agree more with the Australian aviation system.

has the advantages of the two-round election, allows the formation di partiti "terzi" (al di fuori della dittatura del bibartitismo) e, cosa non da poco, fa risparmiare un bel po' di soldini rispetto al doppio turno (trattandosi di una sola tornata elettorale).

Propongo solo una cosa: ordinare tutti gli n candidati sulla scheda è pericoloso. Molto pericoloso.

1. i voti nulli potrebbero essere molti (gli anziani, sapete...)

2. in Australia esiste il "donkey vote", o "voto dell'asino", dove molte persone (per ignoranza o per stupidità) scrivono 1, 2, 3, 4... dall'alto verso il basso esattamente nell'ordine in cui sono visualizzati i candidati. Result: many of you have the last name beginning with "A" (Aaron, Ashton, Arley ...).

3. THE VOTE EXCHANGE! No one thought of the exchange rate? We are in Italy, people!

Remember how the exchange rate in the first republic? I explain it here briefly for the forgetful: I Armandone (mafia & political), do a favor for X and Y (eg. I find them a job in town) and I expect that I will vote. You say that the vote is secret? Bales. At that time there were four preferences. The vote must be X-quindi1 Armandone Pipuzzo 2-3-4-Aienna Vinelli. The vote of Y, however, must be 1-2-Armandone Pipuzzo 3-4-Vinelli Aienna.

Dopo le elezioni, basta denunciare "brogli" e le schede vengono ricontate davanti a 100 persone (tra cui io, politico &amp; mafioso). Semplicemente guardando le schede, so esattamente se X e Y mi hanno votato oppure no, in base all'ordine delle preferenze .

Consiglio quindi che vengano segnate solo la prima e la seconda preferenza (credo che si chiami "contingent vote").

Inoltre, per evitare errori da parte degli anziani, si eviti di dover scrivere "1" e "2"... è sufficiente che la scheda elettorale sia doppia (due schede elettorali appaiate, per capirci). Nella prima half would mark the first preference in the second half and the second preference.

Regards, Armandone

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noisefromamerika ...