Saturday, February 27, 2010

Backup Verification Letter Confirmation

Birth of "The Best magazine

E 'founded the online magazine "The Best Magazine!
The "best" look like a magazine as an exaggeration, but it is nicely self-deprecating and far more measured than you think.
to understand that telling the truth enough to read the editorial Solindue, characterized by his usual politeness.
on "The Best" by a music column entitled "Music in my ears" also your scintillating hack, also known as "the man from his pen alone-that-is-a complete madhouse."
Also, know that I really like working side by side, pen, pen, mouse to mouse with many / bloggers who frequent my blog and in any case, I often encounter in the blogosphere.
consider it a fact of friendship that make a "thing" together of people who have between them the differences and similarities but also many who nurture respect for each other.
Then, "The Best" makes it possible, through various articles, creating an explosion of viewpoints on various topics ...
Sure, someday I'd like to meet everyone in a beautiful house by the sea or in the mountains, with nice and fattening About di divorare alcuni quintali di carne arrosto, abbeverarci a zampillanti fontane di vino e dulcis in fundo, scatenarci in rock-blueseggianti jam-sessions!
Ma lo so: sarebbe chiedere troppo.
In ogni caso, venite a leggerci e se vi va, anche a commentare.
Sarete benvenute/i.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Heart Gold Soul Silver Wpa

New excerpts from" The joyful torment

In questi nuovi frammenti o estratti dal mio ultimo romanzo, il mio alter-ego Giacomo Porcheddu si fa trasportare dalla sua magica scatola di cerini in quel di Praga.
Perché? Semplice: vorrebbe seminare la terribile strega Lina.
Come una persona anche scarsamente sana di mente possa solo pensare di sfuggire ad una strega rifugiandosi in una città infestata da presenze demoniache ed oltretombali come Praga, be’, questo sfugge alle mie (pur limitate) capacità di comprensione.
Però, chissà… Comunque, buona lettura.

Raggiungemmo la sede del concerto. Con fine senso della scenografia e dello spettacolo, in un parco era stato allestito un sapiente gioco di luci… consistente in una combinazione di torce e lampadine. Queste ultime facevano guizzare delle fiamme molto discrete, quasi riservate. L’effetto complessivo era misterioso e sympaticky . Avrei trovato del tutto logico veder sbucare dal buio un cavaliere senza testa that with the same arm, he greeted us with a bow to start soon after playing cards with a magician.

The concert opened with something of Mozart looked like Contredanses but were not. The orchestra struck up, very quietly, almost softly. It seemed that the notes were a light mist that rose slowly from the ground to appear, disappear and reappear. The castle overlooked the park and hung on the audience and the orchestra as a threat ... or as a promise ? The Castle looked like a giant hug could break or at any time was thinking about how, as children, many of us saw the first ... father di diventare anche noi genitori e vivere e capire certe difficoltà. Intanto la musica saliva, scendeva, appariva, scompariva ed avvolgeva anche il Castello. La pietra era forte ma niente poteva resistere alla magia impalpabile della musica.
Johanna si sporse verso il lupo e sussurrò: “Che cosa pensi del primo violino?”
Ero dunque considerato un esperto in musica classica o per essere in questo caso più precisi, un mozartologo ?
“Allora?”, tornò alla carica.
“Ha un’ottima tecnica, il primo violino. Sopraffina.”
Johanna si rimise comoda borbottando qualcosa. Quel che avevo detto era ovvio: non poteva certo guidare un’orchestra come quella una che usasse il violino per ammazzare le zanzare! Insomma, ero il solito italiano cafone ed ignorante… che oltretutto, non ci provava . Un italiano malriuscito.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ratchet And Clank Rhino V Buying

Long live the dragons!

So che cosa vi direte: vuoi vedere che questo qui è impazzito?!
No, non lo sono; o almeno, non ancora. Diciamo che c’è tempo…
Ma mi piacerebbe avere a disposizione un drago per tre o quattro giorni a settimana.
Mi sarebbe utilissimo per evitare il traffico del centro, anche se io & lui potremmo forse creare qualche problema al traffico… aereo.
Per il resto penso che un drago sia autonomo nella ricerca del cibo e che quanto all’alloggio, could easily fit: a beautiful mountain and go!
Yes, unfortunately I am suffering a bit 'dizzy and I am afraid that the dragons fly altino ..
Beyond that, today I would like to speak to the dragon ... the cinema.
Have you noticed that in addition to fire-breathing dragons and sbranagente, many films are now in good dragons, civil, and kind words that would not hurt a fly withered?
Yes, it is. It 's true!
Eg., I really liked "Dragonheart" by Rob Cohen, a movie where the protagonist draghesco had before as a hunter, then as a human friend ... played by the excellent Dennis Quaid (that of "Innerspace," " Frequency " ecc.).
Si trattava dell’ultimo drago vivente, aveva una sorta di codice d’onore e faceva molta simpatia.
Mi è piaciuto anche “Eragon” di Stefen Fangmeier, che sviluppava il concetto di un drago che sceglie un umano (il “cavaliere”) che diventa il suo capo ma alla fine, un vero e proprio amico.
Il drago di “Eragon” è un drago-femmina, possiede doti telepatiche e decide di nascere nel momento in cui sceglie l’uomo di cui condividerà la sorte.
Benché sia molto meno potente del drago, se non erro il cavaliere può sopravvivere alla morte della leggendaria creatura; il drago, no.
E’ come se il drago fosse più sensibile dell’uomo e per lui il dolore (non fisico ma spirituale) possa rivelarsi insopportabile.
Penso ad un drago che vola libero.
Immagino il suo volo potente e maestoso oltre gli alberi, i vulcani e le montagne più alte, vedo il suo profilo nobile e maestoso stagliarsi contro la luna e le stelle…
E sto bene.
In fondo, io ed i draghi siamo sempre stati grandi amici.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dogs Lactating Of The Nipple Whilst Pregnant

Consigli to exercise the power of the masters

Mi capita tra le mani questo mio scritto dell'estate 1996 quando fui estromesso dal mio lavoro di responsabile del progetto provinciale di lotta alla dispersione scolastica ad opera di un provveditore che fece carte false per poter realizzare questa nobile impresa sostenuto da un ampio stuolo di intriganti e facilitato da an army of cowards. As always happens to me during a heavy blow and try to learn something in a sleepless night I wrote these words. Unfortunately, as I wrote them so I have forgotten - the power of removal - and is now back, do not know why I find them extremely topical. Let me know if you find someone who looks like this identikit.


For some time I stopped thinking that there are conspiracies, for the simple fact that they have discovered that there is one big conspiracy that stupid. This is a story so secret that even the players are aware of and yet there is no appointment is missed, provided it is violated, an objective that is missed. Reflections on stupidity springs to mind, especially when I try to explain too much nonsense in the social system, and particularly disturbing as the thought of accompanying me when I happened to observe closely those who claim to exercise power.
intelligence and movement of the mind between two basic things: breaking down the reality, which is still complex and multifaceted mental elements simple is the reason that analyzes, who does his job to split, ratio , reality, reducing it to concepts to be introduced in mind, the second task is to establish new links between the mental elements, move them from one place to another, create new games go beyond the 'and present themselves well. intelligence is completely mobile and changing, constantly crossing borders and divisions established by the intelligence itself, is a dangerous navigation in the complexity of feelings, relationships and knowledge. Stupidity is therefore identified and fixed, unable to extricate the complexity, inability to get out from their games, unilateral reduction of reality to its appearance so it is not a lack of intelligence but a disease of the intellect.
At school we are told - and explain - that the main problem of the handicapped person, which does not mean that another disadvantage, is to set out on his own diseased part, the difficulty in developing a complex identity in which the diseased part has a role but is not pervasive. But the setting may also relate to exceptional quality - or those claims - the person, once inside, they become monstrous distortions that hinder lo sviluppo di una persona umanamente completa. Sappiamo tutti che la precoce ed insistente specializzazione della mente o del corpo rovina le persone perché le fissa intorno ad una propria parte ritenuta ‘eccellente’.
Di queste fissazioni, di questi sviluppi unilaterali alcuni hanno particolare rilievo sociale e costituiscono il brodo di coltura di cui si alimenta la congiura degli stupidi.
Tratterò tre forme   che assumono il ruolo di abito professionale per chi esercita una qualche forma di Potere. Per Potere intendo chiunque abbia un berretto in testa che gli conferisca the power to direct others, from parking where you require and how to deposit the car, the Secretary General of the United Nations.


power once descended directly from the intelligence: the priests of the temples, granaries were able to predict the time and to make provisions for work in the fields, were authorities because they were actually able to drive the growth of the common heritage. The capacità di guida e di decisione discendeva quindi dalla conoscenza, l’autorità intesa come competenza era strettamente intrecciata con l’autorità intesa come capacità di essere autori, accrescitori, del bene comune: a Giuseppe che seppe conoscere   e gestire il tempo delle vacche grasse e delle vacche magre fu dato l’epiteto di ‘nutritore’.
Quando si esercita il potere senza autorità, la decisone sostituisce il pensiero, l’imposizione sostituisce la convinzione. “Cosa fatta capo ha” : il fatto non é il risultato of joint efforts, but a weapon of power against the same people who produce the common good, sharing is not a condition for participating in the joint work, but vassal homage to those who have the power. The need to continuously produce facts that Ergani like boulders in front of his subjects, creates a state of emergency continues, and emergency preparedness in the decision.
The setting in the role of decision makers in the overproduction of facts, depresses rapidly every ability and willingness of knowledge: the facts are produced by the power stones to power itself, which increasingly tangled around them and lose all interest in unraveling the complexity of reality to invent new possibilities, to be author something.
The power is then solipsism and loneliness, self-sufficiency, dissolution and isolation from the bonds that can be called out of the game alone, just like the power to admit to himself, because ' similarity and strangeness': not created similar between no movement of knowledge, but simply lonely coexistence. In this respect men of power tend to continually recreate the spirit of the Acropolis, the citadel, which dominates the city, being inhabited by warrior-lovers, the supreme guarantee of total unity and fighting spirit in combat.
When this set of conditions is realized the power is finally stupid, unable to understand and deal with reality, fixed repeatedly and unilaterally in only one function: the compulsion to repeat their crimes to self-destruction is the necessary corollary of stupidity - blindness - the power, from Oedipus to Creon, Holofernes by Saul, from Napoleon to Hitler, people's democracies by the Christian Democrats (if it is allowed down in issues Homemade)
It 's just worth noting that the power of money and politics tend to behave the same way: just change the means to produce decisions: one using the coercion of money, the other using the coercion of the laws.


Vanity par excellence is tied to the physical appearance, beauty and prowess of the body. If the body is a common resource, the handsome, caring presence is an aspect of intelligence and precisely that aimed at developing relationships and expressing feelings: intelligent people seem beautiful even when they do not comply abstract aesthetic.
In this respect we can consider the 'beauty' in the broadest sense, as the capacity to fascinate others by his presence, whether it is an exclusively physical, be it a fascination with larger capacity.
The setting in its charm and an important source of stupidity.
The cliche has always set this feature to women, but fortunately this is one area in which males have finally begun to break the women's claim to exclusivity, for which a discourse on beauty as a source of stupidity can not be accused of being antifemmnile. The handsome man walks around with a flashy sign "Mi Sun''has a vacant look nice or retroflex on himself addressed not to meet each other in the eyes of others but to understand the unconditional admiration. Of course estrinseca il meglio di sé in presenza di almeno una persona di sesso femminile; in assenza di questo catalizzatore si serve del fascino riflesso   della folla plaudente a cui é ancora più difficile sottrarsi.
Il modello simbolico per la competizione e l’affermazione di sé é il branco in cui il maschio dominante mostra la propria potenza in relazione al numero di femmine possedute e al numero dei maschi subalterni che gironzolano intorno al branco in attesa di raccogliere qualche briciola. La folla plaudente rimanda simbolicamente al possesso di un vasto harem. Sotto questo aspetto l’uomo di potere non può esimersi dal realizzare in pratica ciò che il successo di folla postula in termini simbolici: dovrà sottoporsi a lifting, cure dimagranti e improvvisati footing per adeguare il corpo allo spirito, e dovrà anche, per vero o per finta, circondarsi di un adeguato numero di donne (in questo contesto animalesco sarebbe più appropriato il termine femmine, se non si rischiasse di avvilire il ruolo delle femmine della specie uomo a quello di mero strumento riproduttivo della specie), poco importa se i confini tra l’amore autentico e quello mercenario siano piuttosto labili.
Quando il fascino sia esercitato soprattutto attraverso i mezzi di comunicazione di massa, il problema di collezionare femmine può Simplify and become symbolic of everything: press and special programs talk about the loves real or imagined, you lounge on the quantity and quality of orgasms, the catalog of love that always ends with 'in Italy it has milleetré " .
The man of power, set in its own charm, can make pleasant to think and reason: he simply has the know-how or order it to those who can count, his argument is the number one and Prince: any stupidity or wickedness is accredited by the high number of followers, any attempt at reasoning is crushed by the abundance of opinion opposing supporters. The trial of Galileo is repeated many times: the power of the crowd may controvert any scientific truth.


intelligence is itself the source of stupidity.
One of the decisive game of intelligence and the construction of representations of reality. These representations, by their nature, are not "real" but only "trusted" must constantly be reviewed, maintained after the confrontation with reality. In general, the frequency of maintenance prevents the building is representative and comprehensive in all its parts. Still, there is an uncontrollable drive to complete the picture, to find a place for each event: it is a push that comes from the need for security, to find everything in its place, not to meet with surprises and unexpected. It is therefore an exercise together fascinating and reassuring, and someone is caught until it lost contact with the reality is how many times repeat and refine the design plans of a house, without ever realizing it. So the design becomes more refined and accurate , the more it should not be carried out to avoid the risk of fixing for ever in a real mental representation that can still be improved. When a representation is complete, perfect in its entirety, provides for each event, the successful thinker declares itself in possession of a "Weltanschauung" , view of the world has become a "thinker of great size." The vision is necessarily a visionary, a kind of illumination divine can embrace the world in one place so that only God could do. The thinker of great size can dominate the world by sitting quietly in a chair, can foresee events and to participate without slip off your slippers, can know all the knowable without bothering to leave the house, and without encountering anyone.
In fact, despite the desire to sit quiet, like any 'motor motionless' should do, the thinker of big format is taken from some anxiety: there are events beyond the control and you have to make big Efforts to restore the system: there is thus a continuous work in order to demonstrate to themselves that nothing can vary and that any new phenomenon can be attributed to those already classified, there is always a ritual formula that allows you to re-establish dominance on the events: the use of history interpreted as a succession of repetitive formulas and decisive to conduct this operation. The man ignores the plight of the poor ideological Homo Erectus, who, not having the same human ancestors and could not repeat the past, has been forced to invent the Homo Sapiens can not benefit from some good pre-existing model.
The balance possession of the truth, the completion of this self-sufficiency in a Armored system of thought, thought does not allow you to use as a communication tool but as a weapon against others, they are perfectly suited to the aphorism are wrong to be right.
Man Large size does not talk to each other, but above, do not have a particular recipient but speaks to the universal and for eternity, and oracles, and oracles do not mix to mere mortals.
When a man of great size is raised in power - as are others to take care of the need - to have an innate idea in the world exempt them da ogni forma di inchiesta nella realtà. Ciò che non si accorda con la propria visione, ciò che si ostina a non farsi inquadrare dentro di essa, viene semplicemente cancellato. La cancellazione delle idee allude a qualcosa di più grave: la cancellazione delle persone. Le persone cancellate sono definite sedicenti oppure pazze, possono essere messe ai margini, rinchiuse in manicomio o eliminate nei lager a seconda del potere di cui dispongono gli ideologi.
La stupidità ideologica si ritrova soprattutto tra le persone che usano il sapere e la cultura in modo professionale e quindi innanzi tutto tra i professori. Psicologi, sociologi, giornalisti, politici, esperti vari sono altre risk groups. It is therefore a kind of occupational disease resulting from the need to maintain the professorial aura.
The 'world views' are very practical for the men of power: it is thoughts such as "turn key" on the market there are different versions that suit different tastes: secular, Christian, hedonistic, masochistic, etc. .. . The man of power, which does not have time to draft its own, can buy, renew and choosing among the models displayed in the windows of pret a porter .

Corollario: la malvagità

La caratteristica comune delle diverse forme di stupidità é la determinazione nella affermazione di sé: poiché lo sguardo é rivolto soprattutto a se stessi, a una propria parte ipertrofica, lo stupido ha la sensazione di essere primo e   migliore,   in quanto non vede negli altri uno sviluppo altrettanto ipertrofico di quella parte. Non prendendo in alcuna considerazione altre realtà non é soggetto a dubbi - Except as a declaration aimed at interlayer captatio benevolentiae - quell'esitazione not know which is typical of reflective thought, did not need time to ponder several hypotheses. The power in its various forms appeals to stupid because it offers the opportunity to capitalize on the determination el'unilateralità. If by chance there is a comparison between the stupid and the person who tries to use intelligence, it is bound to succumb. A person who claimed his stupidity said of himself: to fool stupid people are born intelligent people. This sheds light on the nature of evil stupid not having ability to deal positively assert themselves destructively. Being able to subjugate the other, especially when this may seem humanly richer, it becomes a way to grow, as well as eating the heart of the brave warrior killed the quality of this transfer to him that if it feeds.
This seems particularly important when it is said that a new political class began to rule there is the risk that the level of stupidity from power is not yet high enough to make compatible the new rulers with the old structures. The risk is contained in what many have done a long apprenticeship stupidity in the party structures and the various steps of the sottopotere in recent years, however, if someone still did not feel quite stupid, I hope to profit from these small classes.

Written in the summer of 1996 after being ousted from my work by the courtiers vile damned race
reviewed and confirmed winter 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hypoglycemia Symptoms Cartoon

of thieves, poets, saints and murderers

L’ascolto del disco di Willie Nile The streets of New York mi esalta, ma oggi non vi parlerò del rock del buon Guglielmino.
Però, ieri sera la musica di Willie e dei suoi elettrici soci mi ha riportato, insieme alla pioggia che deliziava & flagellava Cagliari, molto del sapore dei miei antichi vagabondaggi…
Quando avevo 14, 15, 16 ,17 anni eccetera attraversavo tutta la città.
Da un capo all’altro...
A piedi e raggiungevo anche i sobborghi ed i paesi vicini; lo faccio ancora , grazie a Dio ed anche a me (scusa, Dio).
Certo, Cagliari non è una metropoli ed anche a piedi non ci metti dei giorni ad attraversarla…
Ma non è questo il punto.
Il punto è che rispetto a qualsiasi altra città, Casteddu ha un solo, grave difetto: è piena di cagliaritani .
Per il resto ha il mare, il sole quasi tutto l’anno, il mare tutto l’anno, dei musei, una parte alta da cui puoi osservare quella bassa e viceversa, un dialetto molto aspro e tanto musicale, i fenicotteri rosa a poca distanza dalla spiaggia, parecchie chiese antiche ed officine (ma molte di queste a pezzi).
Se non sai vivere senza scrivere , puoi immergerti in questa città e come facevo, faccio e farò sempre, girartela tutta con diversi brandelli di sogni e canzoni che ti sanguinano tra la testa ed il cuore, con in mano un’armonica o una lattina di birra.
Puoi appollaiarti come un falco contemplatore sugli spalti del bastione di S. Remy o sdraiarti sulla sabbia… a scrivere, leggere, contare le nuvole o se prefer to sing.
ride home? Always walk with the sunset exploding over the city by launching its colors everywhere filled with all the sadness but also of all the intriguing mystery of the world.
On the streets of my wanderings, my explorations of the ink comes to life and each other and are reborn on the pages.
not always draw inspiration from the asphalt, the sea and the ghosts of this city many times do I write at home or drive by the ghosts of other cities.
But what really counts is to give a rhythm and a sense to your writing, because with that you can defeat death, time, redeem yourself from the pain, talk thieves of poets, saints, murderers and become one of them.