Sunday, March 21, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Cholinergic Urticaria

The music, the moods and seasons

The music reminds me of the passing of time, its seasons. Some styles of music and some songs I recall certain elements with such intensity ... almost trasportarmici . When I listen I'm a child
, Sugar Mountain and Comes a Time Neil Young (live mainly in large Rust Never Sleeps ) I am under the snow, wind and fog in the middle of winter or autumn. The acoustic guitar and harmonica
Young lead me in the middle of forests never be beaten by human night falls and I have to find the fire and shelter for the night, before they get the wolves ...
Violins by Vivaldi, the noble ancestors Young's guitar and harmonica ... especially in this movement (if I remember correctly) 's Winter in which the violins runaway horses as you. Horses, rain and wind galloping up the stairs of an ancient Venetian palace.
For me, that moment is as if the music had accumulated tension, electric ... almost like a storm that must lash out. So then, finally!, Violins speed (although the pace remains tight).
This is very similar to what I feel when I listen Mannish Boy Muddy Waters: a blues-rock that makes me hope for the 'explosion a nice solo electric guitar!
The guitar is there, along with a battery rocky, with a harmonic rhythm that ago e ad una voce potente; ma la chitarra non scatta .
Quando invece, in certi rock, la chitarra esplode, libera così tutta l’elettricità e la tensione che si erano accumulate… la pioggia picchia alla grande, il vento strappa le porte dai cardini. Conduce l’inverno alle estreme conseguenze ma lo fa finire .
La primavera arriva con Vivaldi, con dei violini non pigri ma rilassati e gioiosi: in effetti, nella Primavera del Veneziano la melodia è anche incalzante , il tono di fondo è… un trillo. Con la sua Primavera è maggio o giugno. Si intuiscono l’estate, le cicale AFA and air curtains. The
Mozart's Requiem Mass is a winter full of ice, pain and remorse; Wolfi, the small, brilliant wolf of Salzburg has offended this father and the Other. The voices that sing requiem aeternam come in waves, alternating with the music, they are subdued and menacing together.
three centuries before Villon had been tormented by the sound of the bells of Notre-Dame ...
But autumn ends with all its fluttering leaves, mist and rain when driving with a relaxing Max Weinberg battery Secret garden of Bruce and the "E" Street. Why
she has a garden segreto, pieno forse di promesse. Vedo le foglie turbinare ancora ma ormai in lontananza, oltre il sentiero. Il tempo di Secret è rilassato ma attento, il sax di Clemons rimane sullo sfondo, si intuisce un violino… o è un synth?
Con Without you (anche questa, come Secret in Blood brothers ) ci troviamo in piena estate . Senze di lei il protagonista si sente “triste”e “indifeso”ma il sax invita alla danza, la batteria gioca, gli altri musicisti si uniscono al coro, il piano tintinna; si spera che il tutto porti via le ombre della malinconia.
La musica di Without ricorda un po’ Sherry Darling to (The river in ) with a rousing Clemons on sax, guitars and more discrete band that pulls off the main character from a situation in which peep out of unemployment, the disturbing 'agent at the end of the park "and pretty girls on the beach but" so out of reach. "
The music is very cheerful reading between the lines though the story did not seem so ... anyway, maybe it is stated here, as in Badlands that" it is a sin to be happy to be alive. "


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