Masters Road ONLUS Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies
with the contribution of Noveris Novametis srl srl
2 e 3 luglio 2010
Saperi di strada e cittadinanza dei giovani
Trame di pensiero e strutture
Trame di pensiero e strutture
per la promozione di nuove alleanze educative
La casa blu , Marc Chagall
2 luglio ore 14.00-18.30 3 luglio ore 9.00 -14.00
Sala Consiliare Università Parthenope
via Acton, 38 Naples
via Acton, 38 Naples
The power of a culture depends on its ability to integrate the institutions that comprise it through a dialectic of conflict resolution (..).
Making sense together should not essere necessariamente una forma di egemonia, un far mandare giù a forza ai più deboli la versione dei più forti (..). La collaborazione e una partecipazione attiva e competente nello studio della condizione umana non hanno come obiettivo il raggiungimento dell’unanimità, ma di una maggiore consapevolezza.
Jerome Bruner , La cultura dell’educazione , 1996
Il 18 giugno si è svolta la Sessione preliminare delle Giornate di studio “Saperi di Strada and promoting citizenship among young people, "which focused on certain issues which would be useful as a start for the work of Days 2 and 3 July: the subject of joint discussions was particularly long and complex experience of Project Chance , "questioned" about his mandate, the educational profiles of its staff, its specific methodological problem of assessment.
These and other questions, articulated through the various skills of the participants, will guide the work of experts and scholars concerned to exchange views on issues of apparent thickness of scientific but also social, ethical and political.
common denominator of the arguments of the Study Days 2 and 3 July is the report of cities with youth , ancient and very current issue in a country that seems to have chosen to "against the young." Only new educational alliances will promote intergenerational co-construction of a future characterized by the spread of active citizenship within living environments.
These topics will be interpreted according to different views, related to philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, urban planning, the right, the world of 'participation' and institutions.
The city of Naples has long been an experimental laboratory for innovative educational practices, approved by both the European Parliament that the international scientific community. Targets 'dream' of these study days is to set up a working group of stable, highly skilled and truly motivated to promote the drafting of a Charter education in large urban areas, able to provide authoritative guidance for anyone wanting support the active citizenship of young people in complex and marginalizzanti.
In collaboration and teleconferencing (only July 2nd) with
University of Naples "Parthenope"
"Quality education"
"Quality education"
Headquarters of the Workshops
University the University of Napoli Federico II
Teleconference :
Conference Room of the Palace of Offices, Via GC Cortese, 29
Conference Room of the Palace of Offices, Via GC Cortese, 29
University of Florence
Graduate School of Education in
Teleconference :
Faculty of Education, by Laura, 48
Faculty of Education, by Laura, 48
University of Bologna
Faculty of Education
Teleconference :
Bologna - Via Filippo Re 6
Educational Scientific Centre of Rimini - Via Angherà, 22
Bologna - Via Filippo Re 6
Educational Scientific Centre of Rimini - Via Angherà, 22
U PT ER - Università Popolare di Roma
Teleconference: Englefield Palace - Via Quattro Novembre, 157
Research Center ENEA Portici
Teleconference : Piazzale Fermi 1 - Portici
Chair transdisciplinary
Human Development and Culture Peace
Human Development and Culture Peace
The Workshops are designed, organized and coordinated by
Working Group of the Association of Masters Road consists
Maestro Cesar Moreno, President of Masters Road
Santa Parrello ; Researcher in Developmental Psychology and Education, Department of Relational G. Iacono, University of Naples Federico II
Nicola Magliulo Professor of Philosophy in high schools
Valentina Ghione PhD, Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes, University of Rome La Sapienza
Palma Menna Dottore di Ricerca, Dipartimento di Scienze Relazionali G. Iacono , Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Emilia Di Furia Esperta di Progettazione Associazione Maestri di Strada
Presso i gruppi di ascolto saranno presenti i responsabili delle organizzazioni promotrici per raccogliere i dati delle presenze e predisporre gli attestati richiesti.
Da ciascuna sede in teleconferenza, will be allowed, technical resources permitting, ask questions or carry out actions on schedule.
E 'advisable to book your participation to encourage the organization of work and access to locations where they are under safeguards (ENEA)
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