Saturday, August 21, 2010

Never Gonna Let You Go Brian Family Guy

Maestri di strada in TV; 1987-2001

1 2 3 4 5 6
Witness 1-1987; 2-The recreation is over 1991; 3 Italy-Milan-1994, 4-Cara Italy (Biagi) 1998, 5-Costanzo Show 2000, 6 - Costanzo Show 2001
Click to see the stamp in the blog;
double-click to see YouTube in a larger size.

I'm reorganizing my computer on a reorganization of life since it is very unlikely that I will continue the previous work.

Sto anche organizzando le mie ricchezze che sono scritti, video, relazioni per incontri formativi etc.. cosicché se qualcuno vuole una eredità gratuita si può servire.

Ho messo su YouTube la serie dei video che comincia nel 1987 con la partecipazione alla trasmissione 'Il testimone' continua con La ricreazione è finita (anteprima di Milano-Italia) del 1991, Milano Italia del 1994, Biagi (Cara Italia) del 1998, Costanzo Show nel 2000 e 2001.  Per poter rientrare nei limti di You Tube ho montato solo le parti più significative, e naturalmente c'è una certa insistenza sulla mia persona e la mia faccia. D'altra parte, come si suol dire, ci ho messo la faccia e queste sono le conseguenze.

Ci sono, in mezzo alle date citate, molte altre cose: vari TG e speciali e successivamente trasmissioni di Rai Educational,(già sul canale dei Maestri di Strada) TMC, SAT2000. Cominciamo Bene, Ricomincio da qui (D'eusanio) etc...: la trasmissione, più volte su canali RAI,  del film-documentario "Pesci Combattenti".

Per 25 anni i mezzi di comunicazione di massa sono stati un potente alleato del lavoro educativo, e chi scrive ha parlato più volte a diversi milioni di persone dei problemi dei giovani.
(in genere gli ascolti, per trasmissioni già attestate sui 5-6 milioni di spettatori  salivano di circa 500.000 spettatori durante i miei interventi, così mi è stato riferito and so I say, but I can not attest to anything, but being called multiple times in the same transmission and the fact that there was a word of mouth among journalists, it means something).

Who has the patience to watch any of these videos can see that in live broadcasts the message is clear and explicit and not be manipulated, even the popular container to help spread the message of a sometimes difficult and complex.

And 'cause of satisfaction to me that, years later, my face appear less and less and appear more young professionals, students in the course, alumni. It means that something has grown, some have learned. And I want

tell my former colleagues that this has supported the project and especially the general attention to the problems of young people. If you see my face is often because the vast majority of teachers - including those of Chance - live television and newspapers as enemies, as a means of which distrust, and thus have long been the only one to dare enter the lair of the wolf. We have to learn to speak properly, but this also applies to boys. If they are often successful in a few minutes to say important things is because I have learned in speaking to the children of Barra, talking to their parents uneducated. But mostly I learned to get in touch with their hearts than with their brains and this also works in TV.

I also want to say something about the medium and considerations about Mac Luhan (Carry version of Wikipedia, which I think is fairly accurate):
The medium is the message
The expression "the medium is the message" tells us so that every medium should be studied on the basis of structural criteria by which
organizes communication, it is the communication structure of each particular medium that makes it not neutral, because it arouses in the audience-members certain behaviors and ways of thinking and leads to the formation of a certain mindset. There are, then, some media reports that according to McLuhan perform the function of reassuring and above all one of these media is television, which for him was a means of confirmation: it was not a medium that gave rise to new social context or under the personal conduct.
Television does not create something new, does not create something new, then it is half that comforts, consoles, confirmation and "nail" the audience in a physical stasis (standing for some time sitting at her) and mental (because it promotes the development of a mindset is not interactive, as opposed to internet and other common areas of two or more senses).

For someone who makes my job feed back is continuous. Every time I come back from a TV show I found a change, "arrest warrants" (Moreno that find me! But he who sent him! Etc ...) authorities, panic and confusion among their press officers, the solidarity of students, colleagues, 'men in the street' (taxi drivers, doormen, shopkeepers, janitors, security guards, neighbors ....)
also found - a confirmation of certain claims of Mac Luhan on the power of the medium - who came up with my quotes people of culture and education. I then asked if the medium does not 'inflate' my prestige and I've come to the conclusion that it is being exposed in public in a way that is verification, because everyone knows that the next day you're in the midst of people and that these counter any falsehoods. Well I think 'to put the face' gives credibility to what you say and do, and that the medium is important because it exposes the trial and evaluation of millions of people and exposes you to a realistic evaluation of you who live nearby. Therefore I think it is important to include in the curriculum of the Masters of my personal and roads in general, the presence in television and I also say that this activity is part of the larger circle and distant communities and institutions that work used to do so that the education of youth is not a matter confined to specialists and as such ghettoized. Through good television even our children have gained a sense of their political activities is an important path to citizenship. So the means of mass communication should be included in the repertoire of tools that a teacher must bring his bag of tools. And that is why I propose these videos and others that in time will insert.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Alberta Learner License Insurance

Maestri di strada - Al termine di un percorso professionale

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Long To Wait Before A Wax

Be creative ... recycled! The 26-year

Thanks to Simon, I know the creative recycling , a truly innovative way to reuse materials that often but wrongly discard.
E 'impressive find out how many and what things you can do with materials usually considered less "noble" as tins, material packaging, bottles, boxes of fruit etc.
In Thailand, with 1 million bottles and several caps, a Buddhist temple here!
Documents on creative recycling I was also awakened memories that I thought he had now lost ...
fact, mainly agro-pastoral cultures (like that of Sardinia, though I belong to the urban area) in the past have already known that forms of "recycling."
Eg. I remember when I was a child, my grandfather turned the slats in the crates of fruit fucilini.
And we know all the ancestors of the go-kart: I speak of those wooden planks with which the ball bearings as wheels, racing through the narrow streets of the city.
My mother, with old tennis balls, some cotton wool and pieces of wire, created the figures. Ovolmatina boxes coated with a little 'gift wrapping paper advanced by previous Easter or Christmas, they became pen.
Recently, the husband of a relative from an old water heater has obtained the "kit" for the barbecue!
I come now to the point that goes beyond a little 'down' Amarcord, I wonder in fact: the creative recycling, which then (in part) already existed in the past, it is conceivable only in peasant societies?
no answer to because as I read a great deal of creative recycling would Welcomes also the problem of waste disposal.
Even without idealizing the peasant societies, I see how (system level) they use for what could reasonably think to use / re-use.
These companies aimed not at mere subsistence or survival but to a life that could extend in time so sense.
While it is clear that there is nothing sensible in a development model that produces a variety of materials from which they run the risk of being suffocated.
NB: the Pacific Ocean is the agglomeration of the Pacific Trash Vortex: 2500 meters wide and 30 deep , composed of 80% of plastic and other debris.
Atlantic and was recently identified one of his "relative," that "goes" to 10 feet deep.
Think of the consequences for the ecosystem and the fish, probably these huge piles of waste, through the food chain may also affect the body.
So the creative recycling will not be the panacea, the universal remedy, but meanwhile it may be a of practical responses.
Then, because the art could not give a hand? Poetry comes from the greek poieo, "I do", even the seemingly most abstract art has in himself the idea of \u200b\u200ba doing, an act. In
1 / 800 in mid-Notre-Dame was almost a ruin, but the great success of the novel of the Hugo, the recovery and restoration.
addition, Notre-Dame was itself a case of creative recycling before its time, it was built on the ruins of a former Gallo-Roman temple.
In Paris, the Musée d'Orsay is housed in a railway station in 1900.
Well, for me the creative recycling contributes to ask in relationship with ourselves and with the type of world in which we live. Of course, not solve any environmental problem and do not always provide solutions shared on an aesthetic level.
But there will at least ask if we are willing to use things and how or if we use us from them. Harry Harrison's novel
Bill, the galactic hero send the stars with special "transmitter on" our garbage, of course, some of those could turn into a supernova and explode several planets sweeping away!
Now, the good Harry took care of science fiction, but until a few years ago it also seems to suggest the formation of islands (or worse) plastic. The Vortex is great
PT 3-4 times Japan ... one plastic bottle takes at least 400 years at sea and destroying about 100 Earth ...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bottomless Boxer Briefs

only the beginning of 2010, Trento 2010

Solo l’inizio è un mezzo slogan, ciò che è rimasto di un utopia.
Scanzonata e malinconica evocazione di fantasmi nei luoghi in cui apparvero prodigiosamente in altri tempi, un vicolo di via Verdi accanto alla storica Facoltà di Sociologia di Trento.
Una compilation di slogan, un mantra, una visione ipnagogica, parole insomma.
Le foto sono di Serena Busana.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Baptism Outfits In Calgary


Pino walked almost in the clouds of smoke and watched with amazement the debris that looked like they would not stop flying.
Pino was 26.
The night before (it was passed by graduation day very little) had telephoned to Stephanie, his wife.
"Why do you have this voice, love?", Asked him.
"Because ... I love you, you know. But sometimes (if you're not in front of me) I can not say a word. "
" And stop, tontolone ! "She said in that voice so sweet together and decided.
Stefania, dai capelli ramati ed il sorriso ironico… Pino sospirò. Quella sera aveva deciso; vado a Ferrara e le dico: “Sposami.”
La mattina dopo lui pensò che da Bologna avrebbe raggiunto Ferrara in un’oretta d’autostrada.
“Ma devo prepararmi un discorso”, si disse tra mentre raggiungeva la stazione. “E il treno, come la notte , porta consiglio.”
“La tua antica saggezza cagliaritana !”, ridacchiava spesso Stefania quando lui parafrasava qualche antico adagio.
Cagliari era lontana da circa 6 anni ma questo a Pino non dispiaceva; lui aveva Ste . Peccato che lei lavorasse e vivesse a Ferrara… ma una volta married they would live together forever in Bologna, Ferrara, Cagliari or wherever. Pino was
meet an old man, but straight as a die.
"Hello, boy. How are you? "
" Well ... I do not understand what happened. "
That was a sorrowful smile. Then he saw Pino ... blood flowing to the ground and the remains of those who until a few minutes before they were human bodies.
Elder, with an accent that seemed to Eastern Europe: "Someone has caused an explosion, so many people died."
Pino wanted to drop, however, turned to the man a questioning look. The man came
hands and almost losing the calm that had performed so far, now if the twisted and said, "Yes, you too, young man."
Pino was between a great feeling of peace and an equally large anger .
He said: "I wanted to marry and have children with Stephanie. I already had a job, I was interested in the wealth, I just wanted to marry my beautiful Ferrara, "Pino said with embarrassment," and live our work. I graduated ... I was also on 1 of my family. "
The East took a slight bow and said gently:" Nothing is more noble than a true love and a life of honest work. I am also sure, dear, that your relatives would have been proud of you. "
" Thank you, sir. But for this massacre? "
" You see, the plots of each country (including yours) are by definition obscure, contradictory and convoluted cruel. The law is reversed into its opposite, the violence goes through fortitude, the common good is regarded as a denial of freedom, the information is deflected or courting ignorance. "
Pino nodded and asked him his name.
"Gilgamesh and some are just a character from an ancient poem. Today accompany the peace who died of violent and unjust death. But now come, let's go. "
" One moment, Gilgamesh, I seem to see into the future: I see the years pass away one after another, like a winding ribbon that stretches at least a generation who is now ... I see children become adults, adults become ... some old and die after so long, we will not have justice yet. I'm not happy in peace. "
" I understand, but sooner or later you will have justice reigns in the universe if too much injustice, it will cause its demise. And this can not happen. Now let's go. "Pino
So, that would have gutted the station always 26 years, followed Gilgamesh, he and others expect, again, that justice is done.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Peanut Butter & Jelly Place Card Holder

Kazoo, Pavia 2010

Foods That Bind Toddlers

Un progetto educativo integrato - Offerta di collaborazione

Eleven years ago, Article 68 of Law 144 of 1999 was established the compulsory education, while schools in the region and still groping to find workable solutions, the project has Chance started to offer alienated youth vocational training courses that were both paths to citizenship and the restoration of the depressed person otherwise, crush, aggressive. At the time, if you remember someone in Parliament with the Communist Refoundation, spent one year extension of compulsory, because these Democrats seemed regrettable that the requirement might be fulfilled in vocational training, which is standard B, is in private hands, etc etc. .. the choice early and so on. In doing so went against the tide and at the same time we have shown that it is only this second class that is poorly managed and against the true growth of the young, while first class is the result you can get when you take the best of the best energies.
Four years after Law 53 of March 28, 2003 rule, including agreements with the State-Regions, the way to achieve the required training and also provides funding. It was an opportunity for the experimental path made by Chance move could come within the law, but our authorities, Regional Education and Region, gave no signs of life, so the writer went to work with a group of volunteers together and organized Three schools superintendent participation in the regional call for the construction of three OFIS (Training Offer Integrated Experimental). At the time schools were little 'equipped' for participation in these projects and agreed that the design and operational management of the operators was Chance. In addition a memorandum was signed with the City Councillor of the time because a part of the resources of the Project Chance was used to support this project (pocket money, guided tours, social and educational activities, etc.). These courses lasting three years have allowed us to check on the distance the effects of the recovery of third grade.
As experienced regional councilor of the time called the writer in a regional commission that planning this type of intervention. I have provided the My contribution in many meetings and educational guidelines published in the official gazette welcome (no cite) full lines followed by the Project Chance.
In this committee took the experience of integration between design education and training and socio-educational project carried out in the previous year and it was like that in a hundred OFIS was allowed to 12 (six in Naples and the rest of the six region) were pilot projects with a supplementary funding in the order of 20,000 euro for social and educational activities. Again, in the absence of institutional initiatives, the writer together with a number of volunteers from the association Street teachers prepared 6 integrated projects and proposed them to six schools with a deal like this: we provide the design and coordination teaching for free, you let us manage the project according to standard well-tested. 6 on the projects proposed notice five were approved (one was presented a few minutes after the time limit) and have been made over the next three years. Three have been made in vocational schools, one in a technical institute of accounting, the other in a technical institute for social services.
The Association of Masters Road to provide adequate psychological and educational assistance to all operators organized a complex agreement network that brings together the resources of five schools to centralize certain functions of the system. So
methodologies Chance project could easily be taken in other contexts and fit perfectly into the established order, but this fact and the substantial success of this operation has never been recognized and also within the project is Chance was considered as a kind of foreign body (of course there are notable exceptions, such as colleagues who have undertaken the management of these courses). It was an opportunity to turn the page, but when asked to formalize the time alderman Chance of participation in the commission that established lines of intervention was told that there were problems with Chance unspecified. repeat for a moment the situation: the writer had worked for three years this committee in a personal capacity (as There was an orgy of paid consultants, the writer has received a €), but could not participate as a representative of the experience ought to have been as Chance. This tax was accepted without question by the management team and of course by Chance who writes that the spirit of service - but I would say back to mere ignorance - continued to do its part,
In exchange for alderman - but the same majority party again - this is quashed, the new Deputy Mayor did not even bother to give us the marching orders, simply ignores all of our work and any significant experience not only led to Chance, but in dozens of OFIS who had experimented with new ways of doing school. The following interventions to remove IPs all parties had contributed to its success: the table, guided tours, the social and educational activities, the mentor, but most do not develop any integration with other activities that were well funded (eg schools open) and that could usefully be added to resources specifically targeted interventions integrated. So we
Chance project we are forced to go back, we invent the "multi-course guidance" to prepare our students to enter the regional routes that do not provide meaningful measures of 'support person'. In the meantime, we leverage common funding, so all this is accomplished with regional funds and so happens, so much so that the professional courses ending October 16, 2009: we had extended the course to keep the group together to work and young people until you reach a new arrangement. Meanwhile, the direction of the MIUR we had raised teachers,
When November 13, 2009 the Region approved the new draft Chance, career paths are not even nominated, and no answer was given to various official requests aimed at creating at least a continuum between the paths of middle school and the existing experimental alternative routes (PAS) .
currently not known if and how we will fund the new PAS and the draft Regional Chance can not even pay for work already done. At present the facts so for young people between 14 and 16 years there is no option but enrollment in the new high school that was further reduced and canceled - just in the initial two year period - the operational part and laboratory. In fact, the dispersal rates will grow enormously in the city of Naples and province.
writer is making a bid for the Regional regain the initiative in this area and this should be facilitated by the fact that the so-called reform, however, contains a number of accompanying measures in the direction of prevention of dispersion, however, that there are months' is a 'power vacuum' at the Regional Office (the new Director has not yet found laboriously installed) that does not facilitate the task, and secondly he hoped very pleasant to be able to make a truly integrated and systematic project with funding from the foundation for the South
The project was developed, it is feasible, it is compatible with the rules, but the school with whom I had taken the route is withdrawn due to prior commitments. So even this possibility has vanished. Unless a last-minute recovery. I write these notes and then to offer to those who wants the opportunity to participate in a project that could help to delineate a model of intervention that is less episodic and dispersed those tested so far.
List below the essential features, for a more detailed description can be extended to refer to the documents link. South Project Foundation (same project on Scribd)
The deadline for submissions is September 10, the various partners are already available, just missing the school
The project includes a two-year intervention on the classes with the first ' target
1. enrich the educational offer for all pupils in first in order to encourage their participation in school life and social life;
2. halve the dispersion within two years (roughly from 40/50% to 20/25%, according to data of the professional school in the other rates are lower)
3.    recuperare  un paio di decine di casi di conclamata esclusione,
4.    accompagnare  i percorsi di riflessione dei docenti e di tutti gli operatori al fine di sviluppare una professionalità ricca e complessa.
5.    creare stabili relazioni di scambio circolare tra scuola e territorio;
6.    diffondere alle scuole del territorio di riferimento metodologie  per migliorare la qualità del lavoro educativo,
I modi di intervento sono più o meno questi:
•    psycho-pedagogical assistance to teachers and practitioners by experienced operators who accompany the entire course of the project, and reflective practices related;
• interventions to support the young person who studies carried out by specialized educators collaborate with the teachers for keeping the class group and the development of social and educational activities and citizen action
• teaching support through workshops, guided tours, internships, work in small groups assisted by educators
• Action in Development citizenship to be realized in an integrated school and territory; participatory planning initiatives
• collaboration with research groups Italian and Neapolitan in the field of education science, psychology, philosophy, anthropology a scientific monitoring of the project for the development of internships and doctoral programs.
Schools that participate must:
a) be located in the town of Naples
b) be high school
c) preferably be vocational schools or technical
d) may be provided that schools already have a strong interaction with the area high schools and
) can also be classical or scientific high schools. In this case, adjust the project in relation to the specific difficulties encountered by students. However, this is a challenge in many ways more significant than that achieved in the vocational schools.
f) That there are at least two teachers for each class before, available to participate in the project .
Caesar Moreno
PS - Many tell me to be prudent in the disclosure of details of the project 'if you do not steal it'. I do not ask that many other ruby \u200b\u200bproject. The only condition is that the ruby \u200b\u200bgood, or they take it all and not just some piece and to devote themselves to its implementation with care and determination it requires. If someone tells me of such thefts makes me happy.