Saturday, August 21, 2010

Never Gonna Let You Go Brian Family Guy

Maestri di strada in TV; 1987-2001

1 2 3 4 5 6
Witness 1-1987; 2-The recreation is over 1991; 3 Italy-Milan-1994, 4-Cara Italy (Biagi) 1998, 5-Costanzo Show 2000, 6 - Costanzo Show 2001
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double-click to see YouTube in a larger size.

I'm reorganizing my computer on a reorganization of life since it is very unlikely that I will continue the previous work.

Sto anche organizzando le mie ricchezze che sono scritti, video, relazioni per incontri formativi etc.. cosicché se qualcuno vuole una eredità gratuita si può servire.

Ho messo su YouTube la serie dei video che comincia nel 1987 con la partecipazione alla trasmissione 'Il testimone' continua con La ricreazione è finita (anteprima di Milano-Italia) del 1991, Milano Italia del 1994, Biagi (Cara Italia) del 1998, Costanzo Show nel 2000 e 2001.  Per poter rientrare nei limti di You Tube ho montato solo le parti più significative, e naturalmente c'è una certa insistenza sulla mia persona e la mia faccia. D'altra parte, come si suol dire, ci ho messo la faccia e queste sono le conseguenze.

Ci sono, in mezzo alle date citate, molte altre cose: vari TG e speciali e successivamente trasmissioni di Rai Educational,(già sul canale dei Maestri di Strada) TMC, SAT2000. Cominciamo Bene, Ricomincio da qui (D'eusanio) etc...: la trasmissione, più volte su canali RAI,  del film-documentario "Pesci Combattenti".

Per 25 anni i mezzi di comunicazione di massa sono stati un potente alleato del lavoro educativo, e chi scrive ha parlato più volte a diversi milioni di persone dei problemi dei giovani.
(in genere gli ascolti, per trasmissioni già attestate sui 5-6 milioni di spettatori  salivano di circa 500.000 spettatori durante i miei interventi, così mi è stato riferito and so I say, but I can not attest to anything, but being called multiple times in the same transmission and the fact that there was a word of mouth among journalists, it means something).

Who has the patience to watch any of these videos can see that in live broadcasts the message is clear and explicit and not be manipulated, even the popular container to help spread the message of a sometimes difficult and complex.

And 'cause of satisfaction to me that, years later, my face appear less and less and appear more young professionals, students in the course, alumni. It means that something has grown, some have learned. And I want

tell my former colleagues that this has supported the project and especially the general attention to the problems of young people. If you see my face is often because the vast majority of teachers - including those of Chance - live television and newspapers as enemies, as a means of which distrust, and thus have long been the only one to dare enter the lair of the wolf. We have to learn to speak properly, but this also applies to boys. If they are often successful in a few minutes to say important things is because I have learned in speaking to the children of Barra, talking to their parents uneducated. But mostly I learned to get in touch with their hearts than with their brains and this also works in TV.

I also want to say something about the medium and considerations about Mac Luhan (Carry version of Wikipedia, which I think is fairly accurate):
The medium is the message
The expression "the medium is the message" tells us so that every medium should be studied on the basis of structural criteria by which
organizes communication, it is the communication structure of each particular medium that makes it not neutral, because it arouses in the audience-members certain behaviors and ways of thinking and leads to the formation of a certain mindset. There are, then, some media reports that according to McLuhan perform the function of reassuring and above all one of these media is television, which for him was a means of confirmation: it was not a medium that gave rise to new social context or under the personal conduct.
Television does not create something new, does not create something new, then it is half that comforts, consoles, confirmation and "nail" the audience in a physical stasis (standing for some time sitting at her) and mental (because it promotes the development of a mindset is not interactive, as opposed to internet and other common areas of two or more senses).

For someone who makes my job feed back is continuous. Every time I come back from a TV show I found a change, "arrest warrants" (Moreno that find me! But he who sent him! Etc ...) authorities, panic and confusion among their press officers, the solidarity of students, colleagues, 'men in the street' (taxi drivers, doormen, shopkeepers, janitors, security guards, neighbors ....)
also found - a confirmation of certain claims of Mac Luhan on the power of the medium - who came up with my quotes people of culture and education. I then asked if the medium does not 'inflate' my prestige and I've come to the conclusion that it is being exposed in public in a way that is verification, because everyone knows that the next day you're in the midst of people and that these counter any falsehoods. Well I think 'to put the face' gives credibility to what you say and do, and that the medium is important because it exposes the trial and evaluation of millions of people and exposes you to a realistic evaluation of you who live nearby. Therefore I think it is important to include in the curriculum of the Masters of my personal and roads in general, the presence in television and I also say that this activity is part of the larger circle and distant communities and institutions that work used to do so that the education of youth is not a matter confined to specialists and as such ghettoized. Through good television even our children have gained a sense of their political activities is an important path to citizenship. So the means of mass communication should be included in the repertoire of tools that a teacher must bring his bag of tools. And that is why I propose these videos and others that in time will insert.


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