Saturday, March 7, 2009

Non Qualified Annuity Rollover


The purpose of the two-round election is very simple:

"ensure an electoral outcome where the parties are few and voted on by all"

trite, no?
E 'futile hope that the parties are aggregated to produce a simplified political landscape for the good of the country. Ah ah ah! Abbimo under the eyes of all the history of the Christian Democratic Party (only in words but in reality composed of an infinity of currents), the Democratic Party and the Rainbow Left. And if there were even marriage Berlusconi FI-AN would end tomorrow.
are just tricks to deceive people and to adapt to the electoral system in force.
- We want to just leave? Dam. Point. Of course there will be a lot of lost votes (ie votes for parties not included)
- We want those few parties in parliament are to be voted on by all? Re-vote. Point.

What is the ideal? The double shift proportional.
the first round to vote for a thousand partiti. Al secondo turno si ripresentano quei partiti che al primo turno hanno superato una certa soglia. Facciamo (ad esempio) il 10% dei voti. Perfetto.
- Parlamento composto da due-tre partiti votati da tutti.
- Nessun voto perso.
- Rappresentanza politica proporzionale alla volontà degli elettori.
- Nessuna aggregazione forzata tra i partiti.
Difetti? Uno solo. IL COSTO. Abbattibile con un trucco. Che si chiama IRV, Istant Runoff Voting, o doppio turno istantaneo.

La versione originale australiana prevede:
1- l'elezione di UN vincitore;
2- l'ordinamento dei partiti dal primo all'ultimo.

La versione italiana prevederebbe:
1- l'elezione di MOLTI partiti;
2 - the only indication of the first and second party. This change is preferable for two reasons: with the Australian system, in Italy there would be 90% of spoiled ballots and then would be used as a system for rating scheme.

Trouble: there would be some invalid votes, but few compared with the benefits.

But I always rest doppioturnista convinced, if only for the fact that we vote every five years and certainly are not certain election expenses to send the dogs in Italy.

IRV ...


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