Thursday, May 7, 2009

Softball Bat In Between Boobs

Notes neopanteistiche

Secondo la teoria neopanteista,

gli eventi non sono legati gli uni agli altri in maniera sequenziale. O, comunque, in maniera very very slight.

The only way is illusory, but this is a topic we will discuss later ...

In practice, the scheme "to A follows B" is wrong. The exact schedule is "X follows A, B in X follows."
This elusive "X" is nothing more than the "strength" (GHE). An imbalance of forces and then generate the events in a non-linear.
From this it follows that pattern:
-nice things (or bad) are never alone. In fact, the same GHE that generated a given event is still present and tends to create similar events.
-useless despair if, as a result of effort or commitment, the result is not as hoped.
-The fact that a certain action is "easy" is the prelude to a happy result of the action.

distinguish at this point by GHE GHE-MA-DA.
In this deterministic world, events can be categorized into coarse (such as a falling stone; DA) and less coarse (thoughts, MA). Fact:
-might well be that a person holds an MA GHE-high and able to withstand catastrophic losses.
-on the contrary, a person who has success in many fields (economic, loving) could be suffering from depression.

This dis-alignment between DA and MA comes from the presence of "mental constructs" (CM).

and True their living, "virus of the mind", which some call "memes" (reflecting the fact that they are not the only fool who believes these jerk).

Most of the CM is based on the concept of "victory."

What is "victory"? It 's a budget, pure and simple. It is a 'calculation' summarizing a given situation at any given time. And 'how to make the closure of the accounts in a company at year end. Do you know how to do it, no? You do Mastrini, who live in the accounts to have you tie in, etc. (I studied accounting, you see, no?). It is estimated, in summary, if you are in "active" or "passive."

Victory (or defeat) is evaluated "breaking" the natural flow of events and then doing a "budget" of the situation.

From here it follows that to stop and think "let's see how they are made," "make the situation" and such is a harmful habit. Getting used to judge it hurts. Sooner or later the day will come when we will be judged negatively and feel bad.
also stops the natural flow of events and it defines them. All this has the "periods of life" defined by two consecutive breaks.
The phrase "My goal is to win" is a boiata crazy. Even at this very moment I could stop and take stock of my life ...

The last deduction (the day) is this:

do our best in every situation and freghiamocene the result.

For the record, I think I have already read this sentence in a gospel, but I do not remember exactly which one. The usual script of ideas, seems obvious to me ...

GHE ...


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