Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ring Worm Big Red Bump

Changing the form of government (2) Changing the form of government

I refer to my last post "Changing the form of government."
In many (!) Have commented that it may be difficult to create a constitution where any law or any government must have the support of at least two of the three "pillars" directly elected by the people (president of the republic, the House and Senate).

In reality it is very simple.

Since every law to be valid, must be signed by the President, just add these little notes:

-call "absolute majority NOT QUALIFIED" the amount of seats ranging from 50% to two-thirds-1 +1;
-call "two-thirds qualified majority" the amount of ranging from seats to more than two thirds;

-President must sign all measures decided by the parliament if:
a) both Houses are in agreement and both have at least approved by an absolute majority unskilled;
b ) at least one chamber has approved by a qualified majority of two thirds and one room with an absolute majority is not otherwise qualified.

-the Chairman has the power '(ie it chooses, does not mean that it will) to sign if:
a) the rooms are in disagreement, where one approved by an absolute majority and the other is not qualified otherwise not qualified with an absolute majority;
b) the rooms are in disagreement, which has approved a qualified majority of two thirds and the other is opposed by a qualified majority of two thirds.

point. The result is expected.

Examples with two bedrooms each composed of 100 components:
bedroom 1 bedroom 2
55 votes in favor 60 favorable votes, the president must sign

bedroom 1 bedroom 2
55 votes in favor 40 favorable votes
the president chooses whether to sign or not

bedroom 1 bedroom 2
70 votes in favor 40 favorable votes, the president must sign

Room 1 70 votes in favor
bedroom 2
20 votes in favor of the president chooses whether to sign or not

but how cool are they?

right ...


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