Saturday, April 24, 2010

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Voices of Freedom

Our Strength joined in the fight against fascism people animated by very different faiths political and cultural ... badogliani monarchy, Catholics, various souls of the Left (socialists, communists, anarchists) and other secular setting and also linked to the Risorgimento (the Liberals, Republicans, shareholders).
And even those who did not fit into these signs are indicative that, in principle, however, had profound ideals of justice and freedom. People
training and cultural backgrounds often fought alongside the opposite, showing the same sense of self-denial, and this led them with great courage to suffer torture and abuse of all kinds ... to the death . In their last letters
affects the sense of serenity that they showed in the run fine; tante quasi si scusavano coi cari per il dolore che avrebbero causato con la loro morte.
Di rado (benché ciò sarebbe stato del tutto umano) cedono all’ira. Eppure, scriveva Antonio Fossati, a lui furono strappate le ciglia e le sopracciglia, le unghie delle mani e dei piedi, gli misero ai piedi delle candele accese” e fu torturato per giorni con l’elettricità1.
Leone Ginzburg, che “arrestato dalla polizia fascista” e “percosso e ridotto in fin di vita, muore a Regina Coeli di Roma il 5 febbraio 1944”2 non maledice gli aguzzini ma da vero intellettuale rivela alla moglie Natalia il suo dolore per la “facilità con cui le persone attorno I lost the taste of the general issues before the personal danger "3. From
true intellectual because he did not abdicate its duty of reasoning even before the physical concreteness of its cancellation, thus demonstrating that this duty is not something that concerns only the moments of calm. Neither
Ginzburg was alone in this: the 'worker Asti Giambone Eusebio, who worked in Turin, Gramsci was arrested and shot by the Fascists (5 April '44) by four fascist National Guard, wrote his wife that the "course of history" could not be blocked by the Nazi-Fascist terror.
And he explained to his daughter: "Your Dad was convicted for his ideas of justice and equality, "" To me, life is over for you begins, life is worth living when you live honestly, when you have the ambition to be not only useful to themselves but to all humanity "5.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba society based on justice and on the ' equality becomes a well that is not philosopher or man of letters, philosophy alive, without any distinction and uncompromising.
Repetita iuvant: who was "guilty" to fight for the liberation of Italy, before being killed suffered terrible tortures and torture. Again: the farmer Leandro Crown, Maracalagonis (Cagliari), was arrested by Italian SS, tried, because "in delay of three days on the date of the call to arms" and shot by Gnr 6. And the fascists massacred children also 7. In Italy
symbolizes the Nazi barbarity of the massacre Marzabotto. "The SS have fun throwing children alive into the flames, to decapitate the infants of mothers breast, a foolish corpses" from 8 September to 5 October, the town of Marzabotto complained in 1830 deaths, including five priests. "8
this with the cover and in several other cases, with the active collaboration fascist as well as SS Italian military formations existed trained in Germany (divisions Monterosa, Italy, San Marco, Littorio) or otherwise acting in concert with the Nazis (X-Mas, Black Brigades 9) who reported such serious crimes. In
lager Risiera di San Sabba near Trieste were wiped out 5 thousand people and bound for Buchenwald, Dachau and Auschwitz passed through "more than 25000." 10 Here too appeared the Italian SS.
"The ideal" Nazi was based on the thesis of the German people as " Herrenvolk " lords of 11 people, so war and genocide seemed logical and natural systems to force the world Nueordnung , the new ordine12.
Alla fine della guerra l’Italia ebbe quasi 500mila morti , gli ebrei 6 milioni , gli zingari oltre 500mila … complessivamente, nel mondo le vittime furono 54 milioni … Ma dove esiste l’attuale democrazia (benché imperfetta) la si deve ai soldati Alleati, sovietici e ad partigiani di tutta Europa, uomini e donne che combatterono contro il nazifascismo.
Disse bene Guglielmo Jervis, ingegnere napoletano: “Non piangetemi, non chiamatemi povero. Muoio per aver servito un’idea”13.
Quale differenza tra le parole di Jervis e quelle di Mussolini, che ci trascinò in una guerra priva di ogni giustificazione ed a fianco dei Nazis, then dell'impreparazione aware that war in the country with great cynicism and said that would be enough: "A few thousand dead Italy to sit at the peace table" ... 14.

1) letters condemned the Italian Resistance, Einaudi, Torino, 1975, p.3 .
2) Letters, op. cit., p.148 ; A. Milan, History of the Jews in Italy, Einaudi, Torino, 1992, p.408 , and among the Italian Jews: "In 1946, the victims had been found for seven thousand deportations and the massacres in Italy for a thousand." In Milan , op. cit., p.409 .
3) Letters, op. cit., p.148 .
4) Ibid., P.140 .
5) Ibid., P.143 .
6) Ibid., P.84 . Gnr the Republican Guard was the fascist.
7) R. Bentivegna C. Mazzantini, We were hated, Baldini & Castoldi, Milano, 1997, pp.199, 279 , R. Battaglia G. Garritano, Brief History of the Italian Resistance, Editori Riuniti, Rome , 1997, p.110 , M. Ball, Mussolini and Fascism, Giunti, Florence, 1996, pp.140-141 .
8) R. Battaglia G. Garritano, op. cit., p.198, 199 .
9) Ibid., p.222 . Sulle SS italiane cfr.
10) Molto utile una ricerca in
11) E. Collotti, Hitler e il nazismo, Giunti, Firenze, 1996, p.110 .
12) Ibid., p.108 .
13) Lettere, op. cit., p.157.
14) R. Battaglia G. Garritano, op. cit., p.28; M. Palla, op. cit., pp.115-122 .


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