Monday, November 8, 2010

Good Women Music Artists

Fare scuola in contesti difficili - 2

Percorso di riflessione professionale
e avvicinamento al compito per docenti precari
anche per quelli che potrebbero essere impiegati nel 

"National Operational Programme" Skills Development - 2007IT051PO007
financed by the European Social Fund Annuity 2010/2011.
integrated interventions aimed at the schools of the Campania Region, to promote academic success

with particular attention to all the groups at risk of social marginalization. "

Dear friends,
turn this communication to those who believe may be interested in participating in a Free course to improve their skills in teaching and educating in difficult contexts.

Decree 'salvaprecari' and local initiatives that follow, have depressed the issue of these teachers to a mere question of wages. This initiative is intended to be an opportunity to affirm a professional teacher who is not flexible to bow down to the alchemy of time and organizations that reduce teaching to a performance by the hour (like those who practice the noble art of the plumber or electrician, only that we are dealing with humans and not with tubes), but is creative and interactive - and therefore flexible - not to adapt, but to create conditions best learning and teaching work:

tax depending on the flexibility of the simple command
the creative professional on the basis of civil progress.

This could be the slogan for the precarious claim, not just those of school, a professional-quality advanced and highly committed. And the message is about a way to review and make policy that goes over roads often ineffective, while the defense of working conditions and wages can not be done outside the context of professional dignity and civilian mission, essential qualities for those who work for the knowledge and the growth of new generations.

So if you like to share these ideas get active to publicize the initiative.

As for teachers not precarious, may indicate their possible interest in a course like this, we probably have room for them, if not organize something in the future.

From this point begins more formal communication that you can print and distribute

Hotel and Catering
with the participation of scientific

Department of Relational Sciences" G. Iacono"
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
Dipartimento di Studi delle Istituzioni e dei Sistemi Territoriali
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Dipartimento di Psicologia
 della Seconda
Università degli Studi di Napoli
Invita a partecipare al corso di formazione
ideato e promosso da  Associazione Maestri di Strada ONLUS
Do school in difficult
process of reflection and professional approach to the task for teachers
that put his candidacy to join the
"National Operational Programme" Skills Development - 2007IT051PO007
financed by the European Social Fund Annuity 2010/2011.
integrated interventions aimed at the schools of the Campania Region,
to promote academic success
with particular attention to all the groups at risk of social marginalization. "

Dear teacher,
Circular of MIUR Prot.n. AOODGAI/13271 - Rome, November 10, 2010, states that the "academic staff member in the rankings to exhaustion of Law No Article 296 of 27/12/2006. 605 paragraph 1 letter c) and entered in the permanent lists of Article 554 of Legislative Decree 297/94 " can be used projects mentioned in the narrative.
Association "Masters of street ONLUS" (working for years in a local, national and international activities for the promotion of citizenship of youth through education and education), in collaboration with the sponsorship of scientific departments mentioned, and with the direction of Headmaster of IPSAR Cavalcanti, considering that for a complex work such as that proposed activity is essential for professional reflection by teachers called, has decided to offer a number of teachers this possibility organizing a free short course of reflection and professional self-help among knowledge workers. This course is intended to help enhance the effectiveness of social and civil MIUR
The course is based on the exploitation of past experience and on informal learning achieved by the temporary teachers in previous years, thus provides brief introductions theoretical and two hours of discussion in small groups (15) led by experts in the estate of the groups.
The introductions will be given by researchers and academics - who specific experiences of caring for educators involved in the management of difficult situations - the three departments that sponsor the initiative, and experts from the Association of Masters Road.
The course will have a total duration of 15 hours and will consist of five afternoon sessions (16-19 hours)
26 November and 3 , 6 , 10, 17
December 2010 at the Iron IPSAR Cavalcanti Via Taverna, 80146 San Giovanni in Teduccio
(with parking)

The core themes of the meetings are:
1. estate professional in difficult circumstances or how to develop the professionalism reflecting on experiences (November 26, 2010 hours 16-19)
2. How to support learning;
3. How do social and educational activities that support for cooperation among the students - managing classroom groups and small groups;
4. cooperation among teachers or co-teacher in how to operate with colleagues and other professionals;
5. nonlinear programming, interactive and participatory contexts in chaotic or how we can build a curriculum of human, social and professional experiences emphasizing informal, the unpredictable, the difficulties.

The dates on which meetings are held following the first, are those listed, but the topic is placed according to speakers' availability. The Group Leaders are always the same for the duration of the course.
Given the voluntary and free of the commitment of the organizers of the course are expected to limit the number of participants to 100 teachers. The Scientific Committee of the course, therefore, reserves the right to make an informed selection of participants on the basis of professional reported by the participants themselves. They may ask to take the course all the teachers are insecure, and those who are already committed and those that may be, both those for the current year is presumed not to be employed.
Reservations can be made only by mail ( ), indicating their discipline and giving information (few, meaningful and "self assessment") on accumulated experience that are deemed appropriate to ensure active participation in discussion of topics.
Al end of the course will be issued a certificate of participation and procedures are being studied to demonstrate - in a subsequent path - the skills acquired.
Thank you for your kind attention, we hope you will take action to bring this initiative to teachers who may be interested in it.
The head teacher of
Prof. Carmela Libertino

Schedule of topics to be discussed
1. Estate professional in difficult circumstances or how to develop their professionalism reflecting on the experience
a training complex is like navigating through a sea route to strong currents, big waves and strong winds. Under these conditions it is difficult to seal the professional, namely to maintain the security of its professional tenets of own identity and dignity. There are continuous invasions of the field, we are making continuous trespasses doubts about themselves, that we are really doing what we are called to do and what we are prepared to do. ; In the profession of educator we continually loses and is not an integral part of professionalism is not lost, but to be able to see yourself after you lost. The think tanks and self-help vocational training are critical to maintaining the personal and professional integrity of those working in difficult conditions. The wealth of experience personal professional, scientific and professional knowledge becomes a source of security and peace of mind only if there is a container sufficient to contain them and reorganize them. By means of reflection on experiences in a situation of crisis and growth, participants will be brought to reflect on ways you can defend and keep alive their professionalism

2. How do social and educational activities that support for cooperation between students - to manage groups class and small groups
learning and growth are social activities with individual results. Learning must be developed that particular social cooperation is that the interaction set that uses concepts, words and patterns of thought which organizers of the reports and facilities for the production of intellectual artifacts. The socio-educational activity is an essential part of the learning process, a source of personal empowerment and social it is polarmente opposta all’apprendimento per travaso che suppone la passività del soggetto, e l’isolamento personale.
Esistono specifiche tecniche, modi di organizzare la classe e le lezioni, di interazione tra docenti e discenti,  e di interazione all’interno dei gruppi, che favoriscono uno sviluppo individuale forte in quanto ricco di relazioni e capacità cooperative. Così come esistono modi della didattica che addestrano alla passività. Sulla base di narrazioni di esperienze concrete si sviluppa la discussione su questi temi

3. How to support learning
n Learning is complex path between emotions, relationships, discipline, skills. The school education in the classroom enter this path in a partial way and much more partial as we deepen what was strictly disciplinary. For young people. For many different and unique reasons, it can be difficult to participate in learning and growth with the simplicity and joy that should accompany it. Many teachers find it difficult to decentralize its point of view and see that a good education is not necessarily in conformity to good learning. This is a source of frustration distress, including difficulty in relationships. In these sessions, on the basis of concrete examples are intended to improve teaching methods adapted from the side of learning and to build new and complex interactions between those who teach and learners.

4. Cooperation between teachers or how to work with other co-teacher docenti ed altre figure professionali
Se nei processi di crescita ed apprendimento viene coinvolta la complessità della persona, delle sue emozioni, dei suoi sentimenti, dei suoi saperi, delle sue competenze, allora chi vuole educare non è una persona o una collezione di persone, ma un gruppo coeso in cui circolano  tra tutti le competenze relative alla complessità della persona ed insieme ciascuno dispone di competenze specifiche riguardanti articolazioni dell’umano.  Il lavoro educativo richiede necessariamente cooperazione tra diverse figure professionali  tra diversi saperi pratici, different academic disciplines. The co-teaching concerns a concrete way to work in the classroom in which functions of guidance and coaching alternate continuously as it should happen in any complex task which is given the linearity of the paths or hierarchy of knowledge and professions. Analysis of the best experiences of educational projects carried out in co-teacher.

5. Nonlinear programming, interactive and participatory contexts in chaotic that is how we can build a curriculum of human, social and professional experiences emphasizing informal, the unpredictable, the difficulties
The educational programming for all that was said before is not a linear process, it is not a solitary process, not a cold process. Complexity, interaction, emotional participation of the actors are essential ingredients of good programming caring person singular. But the very fact of paying attention to these elements develops a chaotic situation, that is not as predictable and This non-programmable. Almeno non programmabile secondo sequenze lineari. E tuttavia proprio in questi casi si rivela l’importanza decisiva della programmazione intesa come trama di pensiero e di azione in grado di intercettare l’imprevisto,  le esperienze informali dello stato nascente, l’orientamento ossia ciò che sorge tra i giovani e chi di loro si cura,  le difficoltà che sono sfida all’intelligenza pedagogica e professionale di tutti gli attori.
Proprio in questo tipo di programmazione, fatta di ascolto, di indagine sulle preesistenze, di valorizzazione delle asperità che diventano punti di appoggio forse è molto esperta by definition - perhaps unwittingly - the noble lineage of which is precarious for the force to operate in changing conditions and locations that has not planned, in situations that are often compromised by excessive rotations. the precarious condition of wage bargaining and perhaps educational resilience is a resource that is to put in value. In this session you plan to share with participants the experience of successful educational programs that have managed to go over the wall of the unilateral and linear programming.


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