Sunday, November 14, 2010

Allnighter Wood Stove Parts

Dictionary gourmet reasoned

I, like everyone, I eat, the man is what he eats, as they say? Well, I do not know (even soles separately).
However, when getting the groceries strikes me the name of certain foods, many of whom seem to be invented. Exempla (examples):

Bavette . Egyptian type of pasta. Particularly appreciated by the Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who jealously guarded the fact in his beard.
Brigantone . The "Brigantone" cheeses. Under the usual and necessary layers of cellophane, find a multicolored label which is a terrible criminal who cappottaccio wrapped in a moth-eaten, is staring at you from under 2 feet of beard.
eyes when you see, perhaps for fear of being scraped or removed Rovos the beard.
The robber that links its fate to the eponymous criminal cheese and rifle-armed and its pockets are nice peeps 3 or 4 knives, probably acts at the skinning of mammoths.

We move now in the creative world of the bar who does not love a good cup of coffee? We speak then of

Coffee correct. E 'has now been ruled out the possibility that this is a drink very popular with teachers of grammar and diction.
The hypothesis in question survives only in narrow (and stale air) environments cyclamen growers in Quebec. In
However, according to recent alchemical text Veneficum caffeum , before drinking a cup of coffee right in the cup should be soaked in the grip of a lizard (moderate) delirium tremens and possibly color blind.
slice of the port. The history of pizza, sold illegally in the most famous taverns in all cities of the sea, is really painful.
Originally slice was withdrawn from circulation as a matter of copyright: his name was considered by the children of Marlon Brando an obvious plagiarism of the famous film Waterfront, Italian the Waterfront.
Paid a penalty of several million euro, the slice went under the tables of the most picturesque bad place between now and Vladivostock.
Unfortunately, it was then called the Port Trancione and this new name was considered potentially obscene, indeed corrutrice morals of youth.
It was restored only when it was called Pizza Van Gogh and although this is now the official name (also accepted by the local medical) in the heart of many remains The slice o trancione .
Ingredients: flour, buffalo mozzarella, sauce, garlic, onion, capers, sausage or Sardinian Aspromonte, aringa fritta, pepe, salvia, tabasco, speck, code d’anguilla farcite di peperoncino messicano e grasso di motore.
Tuttavia, non ogni pizzaiolo mette l’aglio.
Vialone nano . Pare che il Vialone sia un tipo di riso, anche se non si sa quale; qualcuno pensa che sia collegato alla toponomastica tedesca.
Effettivamente, a Berlino si trova il Der gross Zweg Allee … appunto il Vialone nano, quel viale molto largo ma cortissimo che collega Berlino a Koenisberg, la città che diede i natali al grande filosofo Immanuel Kant.
Ma certi germanisti sostengono che Der gross Zweg Allee significhi "il viale of the great dwarf "or" Nanon ", because between 1770 and 1799 at the court of various kings of Prussia served a very small man, but of unknown identity.
the hypothesis of rice (not in itself laughable) was re-evaluated by historians, however, also thanks to the discovery, in Potsdam, a statue that plays Kant (disguised as a Chinese) just grow rice.
Be ', and hours here and so close, you soon and hope that does not pass one more month!


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