Sunday, July 25, 2010

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Woland, Bulgakov's the cute devil (Part One)

Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita Woland is the Devil. A Devil certainly perfidious, cruel, debater, multilingual and yet ... nice.
Actually, Woland does nothing to be nice and if you like, it's not really . But it is maybe also because he appears and behaves with apparent ease, not forcing (or at least not hard) the other characters and readers to think like him.
'd love to meet, perhaps on a park bench or at the counter of a bar Woland / Satan discuss with us the philosophy so sweet and clear language, so far away from the jargon of specialists.
would drink something without being there to pray and to inform, caring, and tragic death of our future ... So how does the novel with Berljoz, announces "strong and happy:" You will be beheaded! "1
However, in this world and perhaps even there are many people in the original, no?
Of course, one must be careful to speak of the devil, especially if (as Bezdomnyi) calls the police and says: "Here the poet speaks Bezdomnyi, from the asylum." 2 Moreover, it is hard not to end up in madhouse when talking about someone who has Pontius Pilate knew or we know that we were having breakfast with Kant.3
Now, naturalness and apparent ease Bulgakov's Devil is even more in the novel. I remember that in 12-13 years I found some pages in an anthology of literature of the 2nd chapter. The Master and Margarita de , one in which Pilate asks Jesus for the first time.
remember the feeling of peace and the interest I felt in reading these pages so deep, comforting and clear , then so far from the arid and gloomy explanations of teachers, catechists and adults in general.
Merit Bulgakov, of course, with a classic literary style or rhetorical but not abstruse was able to conquer a kid.
Then I sold some (like Pinocchio!) Quell'antologia and I forgot the name of AI. and the title of the novel. But the memory of those pages read by 12 or 13 year old that I did not let me anymore.
A novel, The Master and Margarita that mixes together with diabolical skill levels are very different space-time.
fact, Bulgakov alternates Jerusalem from the time of Jesus to the Moscow of the 30s of the twentieth century and takes us to places out of space and time.
But he also deals with issues and situations very land (adultery, theft, murder) deals with matters philosophical, theological, describes acts and rituals of black magic, it launches in the satire against power and so on.

Note 1) Mikhail Bulgakov Afanasevic, The Master and Margarita, Bur, Milan, 2006, p.39 ; for the effective end of Berljoz cf. MA Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita , op. cit., pp.74-75 .
2) MA Bulgakov, op. cit., p. 103 .
3) Ibid., P.36 .

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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minimum differences

"the sketch or the ruins of a work"
Draft Suzie Wong and U-inductive
with the collaboration of James Frittelli

The clearance work is composed of three videos, stories by amateur talent devices considered as null and void, inexhaustible passions conducted in the silence that follows the words and excluded.
the exclusion principle, the partition and the rejection of items considered as irrelevant, or on the contrary, they put us on guard, trying to make sense, to speak for ourselves, the conversation that takes place in these stories opposes a disorder, a false note.
E 'attempt to implement a resistance faltering, the standard deviation of at least one untrue derailment, the gesture is made to avoid the ridiculous to others, the knitted structure in the dense network of language, condemned forever to say and betray. With Mariano
Helias, Mauro Giacomoni and Samuel and Conrad William Haynes

Person magic, video 3'25'', 2010.
Numbers magician's sleight of Helias.
noble art, video, 3'43'', 2010.
The meeting of a father with boxing, with his son.
Kazoo, video 5 ', 2010.
Music dreamed at night.

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magical person, Trento 2010

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noble art, 2010

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24 Hours Hotel Trento, Rovereto 2008/09

Workshop 24 hours
MART Museum 'Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto
Boccini Elena, Sandra Borea, Eleonora Cumer, Alessandra Less, Angela Margoni, Perghem Fabrizio, Francesca Fadda, Anna Casagranda Michele Calzavara and Suzie Wong.
24 hh was an adventure that has tried to respond to multiple challenges simultaneously: to bring a project born in the museum in the public space, make an intervention in a hotel room, emblematic of middle ground between the size of public and private, and build the possibility of a real collective creation with the group, placed in a horizontal relationship. The
room 310 at the Hotel Leon d'Oro in Rovereto with our installation has been available to customers for four months, with its usual function.
The hotel zone is a transitory, temporary dwelling, a simulacrum of home for nomadic tourists of their intimacy, epidermal as hasty consumption of space.
At the same time to the duties which houses - sleep, personal hygiene - determines the need for a dedicated set of the home, but thanks to an impersonal standard furnishing a guarantee of anonymity.
on the ambiguous boundary between public and private, two-track of living space, the presence of the always removed, and continually re-emerges, we have built micro interventions.
Move the normal use of a surface, something only visible in the dark or with only one type of light, introducing the words of others, slipping objects from one space to another contiguous, creating a continuous return between internal and external, has created a sort of background noise, the buzz that is invading the ghost of the other.

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Panorama, 2008 Cisano

Hittin' Dat White Azz 2

Without the dream of one thing, Cremona 2009

Yuri Ancarani, Suzie Wong and Wang Inc. (Transparent Things)
Juliane Biasi Suzie Wong and U-inductive (Panorama)
"Our motto must therefore be: reform of consciousness not through dogmas, but through the examination of conscience is not clear to herself, or takes the form of religion or politics. Appears then that the world has long been the dream of a thing "
(from Marx's letter to Kreutznach September 1843)
On the threshold of" The dream of a thing, "Pasolini's third novel, one comes across in this inscription .
expert at sniffing out metaphors appropriate to our universe mentale, eccolo tornare, il sogno di una cosa, anticipato da quella preposizione impropria della mancanza, senza.
L'installazione per lo spazio del CRAC prevede la presenza delle due nostre ultime realizzazioni sul tema del mondo del lavoro, un video e un'opera audio; entrambe registrano parole di lavoratori chiamati a raccontarsi come tali.
Dove l'anonimato preservato dall'assenza d'immagini di Panorama ha lasciato più possibilità di dire di sé, in un corteo bizantino di voci di operai, architetti e disoccupati che procedono stagliati sullo sfondo chiuso e desolante del lavoro contemporaneo alla ricerca di un senso intorno all'assenza del sogno, in Cose trasparenti, è il disagio degli operai delle fabbriche d'armi che rivela the inability to respond to the world and our consciousness, if not at the price of extraordinary acrobatics of the mind. We conclude with the inevitable
Nabokov, who has inadvertently provided the evidence of things transparent, for it tells of this other thing that has to do with the first.
"The last vision of what life was the glow of a book, or a box, which has become completely empty and transparent. And this, I believe, is the thing: not the anguish of the gross physical death, but the incomparable torment of the mysterious mental maneuver needed to pass from one state of existence to another. "

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Transparent Things, Brescia 2006

By Yuri
Ancarani and Wang inc.

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Internal thirteen, Ravenna 2006

employee and avid player of slot machines, a lover of the dolce stil novo and anal sex, a Vanni meeting, or at least with the person who usually portrays him
By Yuri Ancarani and Wang Inc.

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Sexing up, Genoa 2004

to say, make attractive, in fact, is what we wanted to do in Genoa invited proposing the conversion of the barracks of Bolzaneto Motel-in were the days of the first process and the Genoa European Capital of Culture in 2004. In an elaborate installation at the Galleria Civica we managed to throw in: a small collection of movies where police and motels are neither figures nor reassuring places, obviously the project done by a true architect of the conversion desired, a DJ who is always there in the absence vj of the elements of design to improve the position of the swan, and then networking with the Ministry of 'Inside for reservations of rooms in Bolzaneto.
By Michele Calzavara.

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a barracks today tomorrow the world

An investigation into a town under suspicion. As usual, the scandal Suzie Wong ma neanche questa volta caverai il tuo occhio destro. Venere di celluloide, partorita con dolore al ritmo di 24 fotogrammi al secondo. Musa niente affatto dormiente, non sei mai stata una signora. Ti aspetta un volo a planare dentro il peggiore motel di questa “carretera” di questa vita-balera. Loredana Bertè a parte, il cinema ovvero la morte al lavoro, l’invenzione senza futuro inchioda le tue ali al mondo. Immagini immobili in movimento. Fluttuanti quanto gli ospiti di un albergo per automobilisti. Edificio noto ai più con il nome di motel, sostantivo maschile nato dall’unione di due parole: l’inglese Motor e il francese Ostelle. Un rifugio peccatorum generalmente situato lungo le grandi strade di comunicazione o in prossimità di esse. E nei motel si scopa. Al cinema pure. Oppure si muore. Ospiti di Mister Norman Bates. Magari stando in piedi nella posizione del cigno, le mani in alto, la testa poggiate contro il muro. Le gambe divaricate. Pronti per il verbale.Pronti a tutto. Come in caserma. I colpi dell’oltraggiosa fortuna di quelli con il casco blu. E tra Sailor e Lula, tra Lolita e il professor Humbert, tra Mickey e Mallory rimane soltanto una pasoliniana sensazione di peggioramento. Di cui non so parlare, non so fare domande. Oggi una caserma. Domani il mondo.
Genova, 29 marzo 2004

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Free bus travel, Brescia 2003

"Yes, sir," said the taxi-way, sir: he forgot to show me his permission to travel. I can see it? It 's just a formality, of course. What
travel permit? asked Eric. "
PKDick The Illusion of Power
Free bus travel, free bus with a driver and two no less true professional hostess of the collective Suzie Wong, part of the town square on Sunday morning from a meeting place chosen by immigrants, Piazza Garibaldi Brescia, collects the membership on the spot for a tour one day and loaded with illegal immigrants starting in the direction of an attractive paese.E beautiful cities of art 'a playful challenge to a codified system of laws and relations, it is freedom of movement, is a party, a trip to the parallel world of aliens privilegiati.Non papers are needed, it's free, a free trip .

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Wurmkos live, Sesto S. 2002 John

Wurmkos is a laboratory of visual arts created in 1987 by Pasquale Campanella and people with mental health problems users of the cooperative fight against marginalization in Sesto S . Giovanni (Milano). It 'an open place, understood as an experience that brings together art and mental health problems and not put to the "salvation" where it enters on several projects, artists, and not disadvantaged, critics, people who work for construction works and texts. The Community
Parpagliona, home to some of the artists Wurmkos, was the first community of cooperative fight against exclusion, the small building was completely renovated and decorated by artists Wurmkos with the participation of other artists invited to share the project. By Michele Calzavara

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Strange captions
from Babylon to Logistics 228 Paul Nice has worked with us by writing the captions that follow Strange

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Logistics 228, 2001 State Monza

Suzie Wong stop there. I love to trace in this special place by those who have transformed the travel trade. Stop-off, pour moi, Lombard of road in the Uffizi. The voices of these are mixed with those of the absentees. Among truck drivers, journalists, art dealers, artists, Communists, bartenders, Hindus. All struck by the same blue writing: the work makes you free. Upstairs two giant food for the eyeballs. Two photographs of places do not exist, the result of miles and eaten nights spent talking to the driver who hesitates is lost.

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Postcards geographical, Castel S. Pietro

A journey in search of a friend. That is, the world of Sofia, stripteaser and accomplice of Suzie Wong. Sliding scale representations of large regions, continents, categories of spirit. Or maybe I'm just
rectangular cards to send brief news, greetings, notices. Sofia, but only traces defeats. At his workplace free and beautiful women, who work as her temporary and beautiful.

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2001 and is derived very little pay, Florence After Work

II musical repertoire of the Family Bregoli. Old songs of emigrants from Brescia. Voices from the corroded disease. Allegri miners dead. Hunger and silicosis in the beautiful setting of what was once a church and is now a museum. Tribute to the many workers who have made very soon the soul to God Suzie Wong + Officine Schwartz vocalized stories of blast furnaces and Dane. A popular choir and lay against the merchants of the temple. A kick in the mouth of bel canto, but to work tired.

wife Cara Cara

wife again I write that I am on the border of France
this car also ghe little speransa
Thee to send the Dane.

The kitchen is very much the darling
and pays very little is derived
and miners s'en van to galop
They want more to this life.

Dear wife again
I write not to give it to the priests it to the friars
but also by the most desperate
that peace in the world did not.

Hymn of the workers and factories
always were there to await the end of another round
the time consumed by the light of the high oven
sad in the forge with neither radio nor drums
our free mind wanting to escape from sad walls.

Sedicibarratrecentoquattro and you seem to be the largest
and still do not know if it is better to eat with her trousers down.

Beat hammer beat
brain still pulsing heart
the compressor and the machine you're still playing
his joy and your pain.

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2000, Rome 1999

The noble art of bowling at the time of the Internet. Work makes you free. Sport no. Because "there are people who do not even know the referee and the Regulation". Why is a terrifying thing when you do not see the reality of the game. " Suzie Wong, however, we see very well. Engages in a multimedia recreation of the reality of working men's club. The factory. The truck. The faces and gestures of Nini, also known as MM, Benito, to Fiore. Without caricatures, three characters in search of e-mail.La bowling as a simulacrum of the world. Balls to hit. Workers to be killed.

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Ameless Voghera, Milan 1999 Club Enigma

Investigation of a room full of suspicion. Porno immediately. Welcome to the Riddle, exchange sex club for couples and singles. A common and private sectors. Video, photography, art box to show whether it can also say where is not expected. The empty architecture, light crude. Artist in the tent of sex. Puzzled? Never. I would say near and far. The empty architecture, light crude, physical presence. The night of the soul uses the body as it passes Ameless, the river of forgetfulness. Orgasm and injury. Dear Suzie Wong This Is Not a Love Song.