Sunday, July 25, 2010

Puerto Rican Coconut Ice Cream

Woland, Bulgakov's the cute devil (Part One)

Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita Woland is the Devil. A Devil certainly perfidious, cruel, debater, multilingual and yet ... nice.
Actually, Woland does nothing to be nice and if you like, it's not really . But it is maybe also because he appears and behaves with apparent ease, not forcing (or at least not hard) the other characters and readers to think like him.
'd love to meet, perhaps on a park bench or at the counter of a bar Woland / Satan discuss with us the philosophy so sweet and clear language, so far away from the jargon of specialists.
would drink something without being there to pray and to inform, caring, and tragic death of our future ... So how does the novel with Berljoz, announces "strong and happy:" You will be beheaded! "1
However, in this world and perhaps even there are many people in the original, no?
Of course, one must be careful to speak of the devil, especially if (as Bezdomnyi) calls the police and says: "Here the poet speaks Bezdomnyi, from the asylum." 2 Moreover, it is hard not to end up in madhouse when talking about someone who has Pontius Pilate knew or we know that we were having breakfast with Kant.3
Now, naturalness and apparent ease Bulgakov's Devil is even more in the novel. I remember that in 12-13 years I found some pages in an anthology of literature of the 2nd chapter. The Master and Margarita de , one in which Pilate asks Jesus for the first time.
remember the feeling of peace and the interest I felt in reading these pages so deep, comforting and clear , then so far from the arid and gloomy explanations of teachers, catechists and adults in general.
Merit Bulgakov, of course, with a classic literary style or rhetorical but not abstruse was able to conquer a kid.
Then I sold some (like Pinocchio!) Quell'antologia and I forgot the name of AI. and the title of the novel. But the memory of those pages read by 12 or 13 year old that I did not let me anymore.
A novel, The Master and Margarita that mixes together with diabolical skill levels are very different space-time.
fact, Bulgakov alternates Jerusalem from the time of Jesus to the Moscow of the 30s of the twentieth century and takes us to places out of space and time.
But he also deals with issues and situations very land (adultery, theft, murder) deals with matters philosophical, theological, describes acts and rituals of black magic, it launches in the satire against power and so on.

Note 1) Mikhail Bulgakov Afanasevic, The Master and Margarita, Bur, Milan, 2006, p.39 ; for the effective end of Berljoz cf. MA Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita , op. cit., pp.74-75 .
2) MA Bulgakov, op. cit., p. 103 .
3) Ibid., P.36 .


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