Wurmkos is a laboratory of visual arts created in 1987 by Pasquale Campanella and people with mental health problems users of the cooperative fight against marginalization in Sesto S . Giovanni (Milano). It 'an open place, understood as an experience that brings together art and mental health problems and not put to the "salvation" where it enters on several projects, artists, and not disadvantaged, critics, people who work for construction works and texts. The Community
Parpagliona, home to some of the artists Wurmkos, was the first community of cooperative fight against exclusion, the small building was completely renovated and decorated by artists Wurmkos with the participation of other artists invited to share the project. By Michele Calzavara
Parpagliona, home to some of the artists Wurmkos, was the first community of cooperative fight against exclusion, the small building was completely renovated and decorated by artists Wurmkos with the participation of other artists invited to share the project. By Michele Calzavara
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