Study Days
Knowledge street
and active citizenship
plots of pensiero e strutture
per la promozione di nuove alleanze educative
per la promozione di nuove alleanze educative
Napoli 2-3 luglio 2010
PERCORSI SPEZZATI . Una Casa blu da demolire o ristrutturare
Introduzione di Santa Parrello
(Dipartimento di Scienze relazionali G. Iacono - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Intervento di chiusura di Cesare Moreno, maestro di strada
Quando l’Associazione Maestri di Strada mi ha invitata a collaborare al coordinamento scientifico di queste Giornate, mentre facevo una serie di riflessioni professionali sono ritornata con la memoria a short period of a few years ago.
I was, for a few hours, the psychology of a group of 10 adolescents included in a path to combat early school leaving. The tutor was almost house by house in the morning to wake the boys, aged between 15 and 19 years. I was with them on the way from downtown to the agricultural school that housed a bit 'out of town. On that bus I found statistically significant occurrences of the texts of many songs neomelodici Naples, clearly centered on the theme of jealousy, betrayal, of unhappy marriage. The girls were 3. Our group discussions tiring, but I learn a lot, almost like an anthropologist on Mars: Exploring the planets cultural codes far away from mine, yet the dynamics of adolescence seemed notes.
One morning one of the girls gave me sneak a letter telling me her engagement 'at home' with a guy who soon turned out to be jealous and violent, according to a fee but not surprised. E 'practice in certain contexts that parents pass to his daughter's boyfriend control over their behavior of young women, without too much care of any violence with which it applies. The problem then was told in the letter apparently another, namely the unexpected meeting with a friend, most gentle and sensitive boyfriend, from whom she felt attracted to this and confessed his unbearable guilt. Recently occurred a news town, which we discussed in the group: the stabbing murder of a teenager who had dared to 'watch' the girlfriend of another ... I invited the girl to an interview on a bench sheltered 's huge garden of the school, there were no other areas .. was very scared but not enough to not try to ask for help. However, my hours in the project were almost completed. I tried way below, to no avail. I heard of Valeria two years later, by chance, was pregnant by a married man much older than her and had run away from home alone .. it had not completed his studies. Neither: In fact, I had the distinct feeling of a work break, in which I hinted that it may be other ways without support. I do not know how the legislature compulsory education had imagined the role of psychologist in hours .... The fact is that I have always fully understood, I think, temporary teachers who have worked with me then, when told of broken paths from the non-recognition of the need for continuous education. It is not only difficult to separate, to recognize the limits, but awareness of the fact that after there will be a void for young people already accustomed to the loneliness and management problems as adults too early.
My teachers, engaged in the first SICSI training, or courses enabling after a decade of work by deputies or by teachers who have chosen to support the need for work, my school teachers called normal or at risk, have always generously shared the everyday exciting yet sometimes difficult, hard work , fears, frustrations, failures, but also the tenacity and satisfactions. In their narratives (valuable tool for training and research) has always seemed one could see clearly the reality of the Italian school, which allows areas of normality and excellence, but above all states and amplifies inequality, discrimination, wastes: the waste ability of teachers leaving them alone, wasting the potential students that may be incurred. Among the many stories that I have encouraged, listened to and used in teacher training, there is that the meeting with Cyrus, "last year I had a temporary annual - the writing teacher - 7 hours of the first letters in the media. ( ..). Colleagues I have already spoken of Cyrus, his father was killed in a gunfight, he lives with his mother and two brothers. We share an original sin: both come from the periphery of Naples and I that I came out, I still remember that feeling of inadequacy that assails you in front of the companions of the Vomero when you say you live in Secondigliano. I start from there, from this place synonymous with exclusion, to make them capire che per me non è un “alieno”, che mi importa di lui, che lo considero intelligente e degno di rispetto come tutti gli altri, non uno scarto o peggio un numero che ti consente di formare o meno una classe. Iniziamo a negoziare i ruoli, non mi riconosce l’autorità di insegnante e allora scendiamo a patti (..). E così su queste negoziazioni quotidiane è trascorso un anno scolastico; a volte Ciro si è impegnato, si è interessato a qualche lettura, l’ho visto incantarsi di fronte alle “Fiabe campane” raccolte da Roberto de Simone; altre volte ha vinto la spinta eversiva, quell’essere rabbiosamente contro, fuori dalle regole e dagli schemi che accomuna le storie di questi ragazzi. (..) But at the end of the year, relentless, came the rejection, which is empowered by the string of failures, disciplinary reports and suspensions. Cyrus has been defeated, I; sufficiency in Italian, which I had imposed on the class council, is the sign of my experience. " Valeria
and Cyrus are among the many young people that the city, so different, marginalized, abandoning fear and anger, and yet the city has seen them, know, meet, picking up their call for help and also their willingness to learn. But since the 'great change' has not happened in the terms established by law, Valerie and Cyrus returned into the drop-out, marginalized through the accumulation of failures in their development tasks.
Maybe it was the painful awareness of so many broken paths that motivated me to participate in the company of these study days. They are inspired not only by Chance on various projects which the city has invested in recent years, but constitute a pause for reflection, with many voices and more instruments-which comes from a variety of experiences of engagement in this area.
Invitees are all authoritative and qualified for different reasons, belong to various fields of science and operational, and some are only part of those who could fully be here today and tomorrow. To each I extend my genuine ringraziamento.
Il titolo di queste Giornate è molto denso: “Saperi di strada e cittadinanza dei giovani. Trame di pensiero e strutture per la promozione di nuove alleanze educative”. E’un titolo che nasce dal tentativo di esplicitare la consapevolezza, teorica e confermata sul campo, che ogni discorso educativo è complesso e politico: complesso perché non può non coinvolgere pensiero e strutture materiali; risorse esistenti e da valorizzare, come i saperi di strada appunto; obiettivi come la cittadinanza piena e attiva dei giovani, attraverso lo strumento dell’impegno di professionisti di vari ambiti per la costruzione di nuove alleanze educative; politico perché è evidente la valenza politica of any educational program that has consequences for or against the young. Education is dangerous, as is the culture at large, as are art, literature, all those activities which can promote critical reflection and stop the usual circuit of the construction of easy consensus. Imagine, therefore, intended as an education support for the development of the person and not as a mere learning of skills, an education in the sense of Hannah Arendt by Paul ricordatoci Landri in the preliminary session: "Education is the moment we decide whether we love the world enough to take responsibility and save it from ruin, it is inevitable that without a renewal, without the arrival of young people. Education will also decide if we love our children so as not to exclude them from our world, leaving them to fend for themselves, if we love them so much not snatched their chance of undertaking something new, something unpredictable for us, and instead prepare for the task of renewing a world that will be common to all "(H. Arendt., The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951, tr, en. 2001, p. 244).
The preliminary session of our Days, held June 18, was thick as the title: the contributions of these were by necessity very short time all, but each has focused on important elements of giving incentives to joint reflection.
synthesizes some, of course, organized by my point of view.
The City of Naples gave birth in the nineties, and thus in a precise historical moment with specific socio-political and cultural connotations, to a movement of thought and action that involved various stakeholders from the institutional agents (schools, universities , asl, the European community, municipality, region) and civil society. The energy that moves them was probably the dream of achieving the common practice of education for young people of the area that the school could not take in (or would not take in) to their standard locations, and that ended up being repeatedly marginalized. It was necessary to think and implement specific methodologies, being able to draw on a vast psychological literature, educational, sociological, some exemplary experiences before, but imagine having to practice appropriate to local context. On the afternoon of 18 have been cited, for what concerns the psychology, the area of \u200b\u200bproximal development (Vygotsky), the scaffolding (Bruner), his teaching (Perret-Clermont), learning from the experience and mental function (Bion), the transference and countertransference in the educational relationship (from Freud to Blandino!), narrative thinking (Bruner), the reflective practitioner (Schon), the analysis of demand, the collusive dynamics (Carli and Paniccia), which would suffice alone, in their original sense and in their subsequent searches to support any educational practice on. These issues add to the function of maternal care, support and contain, reflect, be-with, that allows you to be creative rather than to react to shocks of reality (Winnicott), and that of the paternal function of which changes in our society today a lot is discussed, together with the problem of authority / authority, related to the recognition and removal of conflicts and the subsequent management of aggression especially in adolescence: I think many contributions to the philosophical and psychoanalytic matrix (for example, among the most Recent Benasayag Eiguer, Korff-Sausse). Psychoanalysis, in its various facets, has been repeatedly called into question during our preliminary meeting, it was based and substantiated theories and methods of work chosen and implemented in many projects Chance. It 'was finally revived a reading group relations systems that have been formed over time at most layers in the same projects.
In essence it is clear that it is impossible, and perhaps unproductive, due to a unique array of theoretical richness of the heritage of scientific references that has accumulated over the years in the practice of which we speak.
I have no intention here to trace a history of projects Chance or similar, I would not have jurisdiction and I know that this effort was often carried out elsewhere, as evidenced by several papers and publications (such as that of Carla Melazzini we'll hear soon). However, our preliminary session highlighted an important dynamic that often seems to take action when dealing with those projects: a dynamic indoor / outdoor, which - nurtured and sustained by those who feel inside and who feels out - often ends up producing celebrations , transforming the object of discourse in a kind of aesthetic object crystallized, to be commemorated for better or for worse. In this perspective, those who claim to receive or give out does not seem to understand the legitimacy wonderful, but also disturbing, dense relations that characterized the projects Chance. I would like to collect a stimulus in the afternoon of 18, during which he remembered no observer is entirely external: inescapable assumption, to which I add that even those who did not participate in the trip through the streets of projects Chance, methods for dealing with similar experiences, goals and contexts, of course, leads his contribution relevant to the discussion. The object of our thinking together is not what they are or are not projects Chance, but what are the factors to be considered inevitable for the good quality of work to support the development and social advancement of the youth of our land and large areas typically urban, such as the common positive denominator of the myriad of experimental experiences that have occurred over time and in different places but similar? which the degree of repeatability and its exportable? Perhaps we can begin to consider a methodology that inescapable not deserted parents, teachers and educators, creating space for reflexivity needed to tolerate and process the emotional ups and downs related to the uncertainty inherent relationships education, from high risk of error and failure, the meeting with pain; methodology sustained by active institutions to shorten the distances of the inevitable gap between rhetoric and practice.
There is therefore a way - we ask you today and tomorrow - To assess and value these experiences? You can use them to build structures and patterns of thought that, taking account of economic, social, political, cultural, promote agreements and alliances inside and outside institutions? I believe that at this moment in history we must work with the institutions and within them, to support a democracy far from obvious. And 'well known that the current choices of an alleged reform of schools and universities are going in the direction not to invest resources to support any kind of education that has as its objective the expansion of real democracy, participation on the basis of talent and merits from development paths of equal opportunity: no economic resources, no legislative choice to support the training need for teachers, early and ongoing, no recognition of the value of continued education or the need for flexible hours, in fact, any rule seems to be aimed at the places of the corporatization growth of young, mechanized learning pathways and their evaluations. No real desire to support students with disabilities, considering mainly expenditures. No intention to finally put away the scandalous absence of the school psychologist in Italian schools. On June 18, said he was "projects like Chance are now a luxury that we can not afford" or better that we do not want to allow, in a country that is ever more clearly "against the young." Yet the social generativity, Erickson claimed in the year '60, qualifies as adults able to fulfill its development tasks: dealing authentically only of their children, as Arendt said, and the children of others, as specified in our economists Boeri and Galasso, it actually invests in the future.
These days could authoritatively expressed thanks to the thickness and motivation of the participants that there is a wealth of studies and research in the historical, philosophical, psychological, educational, legal, planning that demonstrates the ability to devise methods Local support for the development of young people, primary and secondary prevention, construction expanded citizenship.
The House of Blue Chagall, we chose to characterize these days seems to be placed in a suspended between the poor and the residential suburbs, about to be demolished or renovated rather deftly: his ultramarine places it in the space dream Chagall is unsurpassed in the creator. In the space dream applies the symbolic language that is able to shape the emotional experiences bypassing the limits of hearing and speech. Fromm explained the characteristics of its symbolism using the example of the suburbs, "we (..) a state of mind when we feel lost, abandoned in a world that is bleak, a little 'terrible, although not dangerous. Would you like to describe this state of mind (..) but (..) you find yourself floundering in search of the words (..). The next night you dream. We see the outskirts of a city, just before the coming of dawn, the streets are deserted (..), houses have a wretched appearance, your surroundings will be considered foreign, and have not provided any of the usual means of transport to reach places familiar to you and which you feel you belong. When you wake up and remember the dream, you realize that the sensation you felt in the dream was exactly that feeling of loss and gray the day before you tried to describe in symbolic language ..(..) inner experiences are expressed as if they were sensory experiences "(E. Fromm, The Forgotten Language, 1951, tr. com. 1961, pp. 15-16). The suburbs are therefore symbolic places of confusion and gray, which lack the resources to stay and go, and in our cities are physically, even if they are located only at the margins. Valeria and I figured Cyrus alone and lost with their fears and their anger: I was wondering if there are adults able to build for them, perhaps in the Blue House, a place where they feel safe, to be free not replicate their parental models. Even the art may invoke the responsibility to take a position with respect to our internal and external peripheries: to choose whether to demolish or renovate the opportunities for a better future for our youth.
broken paths and thoughts of continuity
The discussion that we have done has been marked by dense words, points are accumulation of knowledge and learning and flowing words, whispers that have come like shadows - now threaten refreshing - participants. The dense
words are words of action, organized action we need to produce effective action, to dialogue with social formations dense and layered, to take spazio nelle regioni del mondo istituito, le parole fluide sono quelle che corrono a stabilire legami invisibili, che filtrano al di la degli steccati, che sussurrano all’essere, che mobilitano i cuori.
George Steiner nella sua lettura delle Antigoni dice tra le tante preziose cose, che il conflitto tra Antigone e Creonte non è solo il conflitto tra il potere e i sentimenti, ma più al fondo rappresenta la nostalgia dell’essere razionale per i propri stati tellurici, per la sua appartenenza all’inorganico ancora prima che alla vita.
La vita nasce dal mondo liquido, dentro una miscela incoerente in cui si forma la prima catena di molecole capaci di comportarsi come membrana semi permeabile, capace di catturare dentro di sé altre molecole poi dette nutrimento e trattenerle dentro la propria configurazione.
La dinamica interno-esterno è una dinamica tellurica, che rimanda alle capacità generatrici della vita, alle dinamiche che generano la vita prima che la vita acquisti la capacità di generare.
Non c’è nessun modello fisico, nessun modello matematico o probabilistico capace di descrivere questo stato di nascita. Lo stato nascente primigenio è questo, è insieme la fluidità penetrante delle molecole elementari e lo sviluppo di catene di aggregati che si nutrono e che nutrono.
Qualsiasi movimento di pensiero, qualsiasi formazione sociale che voglia restare a contatto con lo stato nascente porta con sé la paura - la maledizione di un return to incoherent dust in the primordial soup - and the infectious joy of life. The fear of death and decay, and the enthusiasm of eros, or life of the bonds of love as Antigone says, live together. Eros and Thanatos are together for the simple fact that they are indistinguishable from Eros and Thanatos is born as soon as it has done its work generator.
If you ever see an animation on this nascent state, amino acid chains can be seen wandering inconsistently as looking for something and in fact are a partner or a partner - sex is not here yet, but the eros there already - and continue to search together - without knowing it-other pair. E 'already a dance of love, a wedding ceremony.
Canevaro in his speech on the founding myth of Education says that this should be to the wanderer, a traveler who summarizes the characteristics of the Good Samaritan, the Buddha or Christ visit you in the guise of the poor wanderer of Coureur de bois that runs through the great forests of North America - without luggage - based on enriching encounters.
But the traveler, it is also the Tramp (passenger, visitor, traveler, wanderer, adventurer, wanderer, nomad) that settled - the inhabitants of the geographical regions as those regions of the spirit, of castles and estates that populate the individual psyche and social - perceive as a threat to what is established. Still
George Steiner says that the Greek myths - the myths of the nascent state - continue to reproduce in renewed forms, but essentially no additions to a small number of original myths. Perhaps, he says, the only new myth is that of Don Giovanni, the myth of the seducer who violates any constraint set, unions and secular women, who acts as a destructive force and eros - the final scene of Mozart's Don Giovanni - is swallowed from the ground after shaking hands with the stone guest. The demonic force of Don Giovanni is the demonic force that gives birth to life from the earth and is - the dominant male fantasies - secretly connected to the generating capacity of women. The prince charged for the witches that he is paired with the devil.
And we have learned in our work as educators that education is closely related to seduction, not by education if there is an even seductive, a production of connections and relationships that propagates according to the logic of contagion rather according to the aim of enlightenment, the logic of hierarchical management reporting stellar.
This is the fluidity of the nascent state, is the driving force, the force of what is the origin and is frightening to all orders made. So what
che ci dice e quello che sa fare Guelfo - e che in altri modi molti di noi hanno imparato a fare - è tenere assieme le parti: le capacità generatrici e la paura di perdersi; cioè tenere viva l’energia corrosiva di uno stato nascente dinamico. Coloro che hanno fatto lavoro educativo in condizioni estreme sono già istituzione, hanno già scritto le equazioni che governano questo stato fluido; ciò che non hanno saputo fare - e che ora insieme vogliamo imparare a fare - è governare le dinamiche intersistemiche che vengono generate da una forza fluida, trovare una collocazione spaziale e mentale che consenta insieme il contenimento e la produttività di questa energia esplosiva.
Ciò che dobbiamo aver molto chiaro è che qualsiasi initiative born in this crucible is defined as an initiative that can only inspire love and sympathy, which necessarily generates a wave of adverse emotional and worried.
And this is the sense of a presence among us of specialists 'creative conflict management', creating 'local social contracts'. There are already institutions that have made the conflict as an obstacle to development but as an engine of development, which have a capacity to continuously transform the nascent state of affairs. The apparatus of containment, reflection, mediation is a fundamental part of a process of education, are not accessories, luxury and frills. And 'why the dispute with our institutions: the devices that are also thinking of defense equipment with the mental health of operators and equipment for the development of creative skills. In an educational project anything can - and should - be questioned except apparatus of reflection.
In these two days we have adopted a circular configuration. It 'been a source of organizational commitment and choice to find a room that would allow this configuration. We are in a room of the Academic Senate. Those same gentlemen who sit on a chair if they do not speak to young people themselves take a circular configuration. Then the circularity is not incompatible with the institution, is incompatible with a hierarchical configuration of knowledge. And we have seen the effect of disorientation that this configuration produces the sensation of crowding so well expressed by Paul, but how will all these people talking. They are exactly - a little 'less - the same number of those who speak in a scientific conference, only that there is alternate to the chair back and forth between the public and each in turn is professor, but there is rotation in the roles non-circularity of knowledge.
The idea of \u200b\u200bdistributed knowledge is genuinely new idea. Canevaro says, but I do not have to learn everything, I have to learn to establish links with those who know. What is productive non è il sapere ma i legami e le relazioni. E sono profondi i legami che nascono dalle cure ricorsive e sono anche forza di resistenza. Fondamentale in tempi in cui il nulla è all’offensiva.
Dunque io credo che questa configurazione di lavoro abbia avuto pieno successo nel contaminare forme di pensiero diverse e nel ricreare la confusione propria delle situazioni oniriche che è la dimensione fusionale in cui è possibile generare qualcosa di significativo.
Ora viene la parte più difficile, raccontare il sogno che abbiamo fatto insieme. Riuscire a trovare parole ferme per una situazione fluida.
Io devo ringraziare i presenti perché in questi due giorni hanno commemorato Carla Melazzini senza commemorarla. Carla's words to many - who already knew them because he has written four years ago - have appeared new and extraordinary lives, and everyone is related to those words as words to live. It was repeated on this occasion that extraordinary event in which we used in the learning community: that words are simply the vehicle of a thought already made, but the creative power of thought shared. And 'this capacity to go beyond the pain, to be able to pick up the thread of life beyond the end of his individual events should be put in place when education in general seems to have run the risk of death, when innovative projects have already been closed.
The commitment that we can keep it between us to constitute ourselves as a generative matrix of projects, so no chance the continuity of a project or projects or projects chance of citizenship for young people, but a container - the container harvest is limited - able to support the desire to dream and the ability to design.
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