Project Chance in twelve schools Venerdì 20 novembre 2009 Approvata la delibera regionale che trasforma il Progetto Chance in una risorsa ordinaria per 12 scuole
io non so se questa delibera sia veramente passata, può darsi che a causa di qualche correzione debba ritornare all'approvazione, ma ho preferito comportarmi come se fosse stata già approvata.
In quello stesso giorno c'era il convegno
Civitas Educationis-Interrogazioni e sfide pedagogiche,
sponsored by the dean of general education Elisa Frauenfelder, these professors of the ten major Italian universities. There was talk in some way to civic role of education and it seemed an opportunity too good not to mention Chance. At night so I wrote the following, and the morning of Saturday, and Pirozzi producing his note, I spread - flyer as the good old days - this manifesto in 50 copies. I believe that there is contained an implicit response to the many questions posed by Pirozzi, but mainly I think in a more direct, more simple and straightforward which is exposed is the current problem, which is not Chance, But - I insist - the foundation upon which our civil society is founded. I wish there attenessimo elementary at this point: all the rest are accidents, where side streets do not intend to lose neither myself nor those who are capable of understanding what we're talking about.
What can be the Chance project for school and for society
communication for participants to "Civitas Educationis"
Project Chance has been for eleven years, a draft new citizenship based on young people otherwise excluded. The general scope of the project comes from its position themselves in a strategic point for the development of a society, one in which young people are entering the existing social order. At this point that belongs with the order of social space and the order of the mental space of a civilization, a meeting takes place between the existing social setup and a new form to be carried along with the newcomers. At this point you decide if a company is able to grow or simply to incorporate, assimilate, digest the new, growing without gaining weight. The suburbs of industry, geographical periphery, the periphery of the soul have a common trait: the ability to put into question the existing social contract, the certainty of the foundations, the safety of social roles.
The barbarians at the gates
Is there a way to treat those who pushing the boundaries of society that is epistemologically foreclosure: outsiders are 'barbarians' do not speak our language, do not share our epistemology, our weltenshaung, can become 'our' as long as they learn the first our language.
Education, and before this the school that teaches how to read write and count, is from this point of view, a port of entry into the office, during which the private dreams of millions of families can become a blueprint for processing and social growth.
or not, the school may have the role of the gauntlet, a door to the step which is necessary to lower the head, a human being humiliated to be brought in companies such as prey rather than as sovereign citizens . Educational practices that are not also practices of freedom, citizenship immediate (not delayed indefinitely), creativity - Free of self-invention - are not practices that expand the boundaries of society, but practices that claim to pass the rope through the eye of the needle.
Millions of young people living in this school way. The first are those for which the school can boast the 'educational success', the success of an assimilation process that too often assumes the contours of conformity, the subjection of the type that generate pain and discomfort to which young people themselves do not that can give stereotyped responses, conforming to a social model that they were deprived of the ability to reinvent themselves. Latest who live badly the school are those with which the school can not claim any success, those who stayed out, drop out, the marginalized.
From the point of view we are proposing that they might have in the 'purity', a sort of savage alien to the social conformity that would make even the human subjects preferred. There were and there are attempts to focus the last romantically as potential saviors of the world, those able to flip the world and open it to a radiant dawn of universal brotherhood. Never fail those who are seduced by the primitivism, who are fascinated by the last and suffer from a disease very similar to the nostalgia of the original "mal d'Africa".
But that is the soul of the company and never follow the channels of a social mechanism as a linear pre-relativistic celestial mechanics. The latest in a society of communication, are not pure, are not free and absorb the episteme of having simplified the complexity of closing. And the failure in education and training does not open to a world free from the bondage of induced needs, but sealed with the mark of exclusion is impossible to be active citizens with the possibility of being a compulsive consumer of what the market offers and what the individual may have with fair means or foul.
recasting city
There is another way to treat those who are on the border that is inherently friendly: you have to be together because we have to rewrite the rules, we need to build a larger circle, we must make room for new citizens, but to build together a new citizenship. So the project dealing with the past and Chance except you are not busy to readmit al banchetto dei consumi indotti quelli che non avevano i mezzi per farlo, ma si è occupato di restituire a giovani invasi insieme dal dolore e dalla coazione a ripetere il potere della parola e del pensiero.
Dunque da questo punto di osservazione ha potuto avere un punto di vista privilegiato su quel crogiuolo dove al calor bianco si rifonda una società, osservare da vicino i processi psichici, i modi di socializzazione che consentono a ciascuno di riprendere in mano il proprio destino, di passare dalla condizione di etero direzione a quella di autonomia, da quella di anomia sociale a quella di sociatività, centri attivi di promozione di legami e di convivenza.
Per realizzare questo obiettivo il Progetto Chance non used a revolutionary logic or an education alternative. Did not try to "flip" the rules, nor sought a teaching elsewhere for applying new alchemy. He has chosen to operate the premises exclusion, has chosen to live the ghettos of the city and soul, to share the experience of the last to rework with them to be reliable guides to leave the ghettos and prisons of social 'mood. Being able to use the thought and speech in extreme situations, be able to maintain a sense of the education when the whole world collapses around you, when gun violence and violence in consumption induced continuously devalue the person and the word is the lesson of life that we are able to offer our students, what makes us predictable and legitimate in their eyes talking.
street teachers then teachers who teach in the street, guides to get out, to educate themselves.
Teachers who speak in the agora, the market, as did Socrates, who responded to the streets in matters of life and death, reflected in public on the legality of blood revenge and the need of the law. And for these answers, given out by the Academy closed, was sentenced to death.
Today people are not given the hemlock, but there are several ways to gas, to kill himself in professional and pedagogical sense. Sometimes you just need prolonged breathing an atmosphere saturated with poisons to stay dry. So our existence as educators is at risk every day and this daily without risk we would not be true educators. So we must be happy to live at risk, but at the same time we know that we must survive, to show that the risk can be challenging to grow.
In these eleven years the existence Chance has been systematically esposta a letture svalutanti ed avvelenate: è un progetto di recupero sociale, si occupa di disgraziati senza speranza, meno male che ci sono, che sono così masochisticamente eroici, chissà quale colpa stanno espiando
(Rulli e Petraglia sceneggiatori de O’Professore – sceneggiato Mediaset che oscenamente pretende di rappresentare i maestri di strada - hanno dato corpo a questo fantasma: o’Professore è un sessantottino assassino che espia la sua colpa dedicandosi – in modo paternalista e collusivo – ai figli di quelli che erano i suoi nemici di un tempo).
Indeed the 'masters of the road' in this logic to meet a social need of repair, a second chance is not given to children but to a social formation to repair the wounds that had previously dealt. And seen in this way we are also witnesses to a crime that most would hide. On the basis of this emotion we were held back, perhaps even protected, but in the same way they do the security programs for witnesses uncomfortable: however live a hidden life.
A flaw in the system of thought
Or we were lived as if we were responsible for a flaw in the system of thought in all analogous to the "incompleteness theorem" of mathematics, an oddity as the existence of prime numbers. The most perfect science has an underlying fallacy: there are no true statements derivable from the axioms, as saying that the axioms are always incomplete, that there are prime numbers that are beyond the regular series. A thought like that keeps the sleep all systems (I mean exactly) to those who need a system that philosopher's stone turns every problem in a foreseeable possibility on the basis of shared axioms. The mud transmuted into gold.
"wasting time, the real problem is prevention, is to do things respecting the axioms teaching right and everything will fall into place automatically (and this is the reason why the ideological left-wing ministers and junior ministers have been incapable of giving an institutional framework to the project). So the project has been an irregularity Chance epistemic disturbing and as such rejected the outskirts, not stigmatized for socio-political, but philosophical incompatibility.
Whatever your point of view we have been peripheral, marginal and excluded practices routinely practicable.
reflective practitioner
except that as we speak and write, since we have a flag made of reflective professionalism of the project in these years we get a lot of friends, many of which are present in this room, perhaps for a healthy instinct of educators, perhaps because of human sympathy, we have heard and followed, and often helped us to frame our practices in theoretical models and trends identified by the scientific community. If the project has lasted for eleven years, much due to the way in which the Academy has supported us in various ways.
Yesterday, Friday, November 20, 2009, and was held on the first day of the conference, as he fell on the 20th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted the first official act that makes the Project Chance a resource in a way normally incorporated in twelve schools of the Province of Naples and located in strategic areas of exclusion.
This is a happy coincidence. But the fact that it is a coincidence and not an event indicates a problem. When the project thanks to Regione Campania (but an orphan of the previous contributions of the City of Naples, the Ministry of Education and other institutions that were part of the program in 1998) becomes 'normal' may become the subject of normalization (recall the normalization of the tanks in Prague? ) - involuntary or vindictive - which destroys the charge transformative potential of growth for the entire school.
We believe that the Project Chance can help a general reflection on educational practices for citizenship that must involve not only the school and the school, and we ask those of you who can do a helping to maintain this sense the project. An aid for all that was said to be especially aid of thought, a contribution to validate a working model based on observations, reflections, and evidence. It 'time to transform human solidarity in the positions based on pedagogical principles (which are those that are circulating in this room) that should govern institutional transformation of this project.
A project that highlights the practical humble but full of important details
Chance, as we repeat, not to claim any originality, birthright educational or teaching, but to proudly claim determination and consistency with which it has enhanced the practical humble, insignificant details to others.
Chance The project has been and must remain a care project - the young person growing, people who agree with them - in which the primary relations of the founding co-existence are grown out of sentimentality and rhetoric with a solid organization that can manage complexity, to preserve and enhance human resources and professional. This remains the main strength of the project and its ability - Chance - to influence the transformation of all educational practices.
What we hope to promote this heritage is threatened - mainly for human weaknesses to which we are all affected - sinking of a sailing becomes much more complex.
In the coming weeks, by mail, we spread a position paper on the educational practices of citizenship inspired by the Chance project, and we hope to be able to sign with a group of scholars from various disciplinary origin, an act guidance on the fundamental points of these and on this basis a kind of permanent scientific observatory that will contribute to the keeping of this new pedagogical challenge.
Caesar Moreno
President of the Association of Masters Road - ONLUS