Niente di nuovo sul fronte orientale -16 settembre 2010 -
La periferia orientale di Napoli, un tempo sede dell'industria pesante e manifatturiera, oggi è sede di numerosi istituti di istruzione superiore che ospitano i giovani delle tre periferie, San Giovanni, Barra Ponticelli.
Dopo aver detenuto il record dell'analfabetismo i tre quartieri hanno avuto il record della dispersione scolastica nelle scuole medie, oggi hanno il record della dispersione alle schools, the problem then was promoted. Here is a description of the phenomenon to the 'nascent state'
At midnight on December 31, 1980, instead of making me stunned by the barrels of my noisy neighbors of St. John, climbed Mount Vesuvius to enjoy the view. The night was clear, wind-blown, the Sorrento peninsula, islands, mountains of Caserta were carved into the blue sky, white lights and yellow paesoni drew the map of the province between Naples and Caserta, on the one hand, the agro Sarnese Nocerino other. The conurbation Caserta Napoli Salerno was visible in all its broken-down maze without can guess a drawing, or around a river or around a road network, or along a mountain ridge, only along the axes of absolute anarchy.
The barrels do not have a true beginning: the whole province are looking forward to their exploding firecrackers and powerful lightning in the distance one can see that suddenly illuminate colorful buildings, dark alleys. When the fire began to intensify a strange phenomenon occurs: it seems that there are 'stokers' that are synchronized, in fact several teams do so alternately appear in the body of the conurbation of inconsistent actual movements, such as a large animal , a writhing dragon moves. At midnight, when the intensity grows, it provides a real rhythm, a kind of breath a bit 'breathless report that the large animal with long chains of intermittent ignition light along the ridges of its shell. And while land is outlined in this fantastic drawing in a salt fog blue sky and draw a mirror image of the conurbation ominous cloud that expands on it by making it gradually more and more confused with the black backdrop of night.
was then that I had a clear vision of how the mind and the eye of the observer to give form to phenomena that in itself does not have and how is the word that refers to impart a sense of what not him.
A morning routine fear
The September 16, 2010 I had an appointment with a team of 14 volunteers who were to meet with 206 young people who set foot for the first time in the Institute Professional Sannino-Petriccione. Some of them were veterans, others met and prepared a few days earlier, others just tested the day before, others arrived only now through the chains 'trust' that still exist. I distribute for couples and see that I do not have enough, someone has to be alone. Then a nice number, but a young psychologist, trying to escape from being alone: \u200b\u200bthey are afraid and is very beautiful and important si sia stabilito tra noi un clima per cui nessuno esita a dichiarare nel modo più semplice e più tranquillo la propria paura. La mia paura in realtà è moltiplicata per quattordici e anche per ventotto: temo per come si realizzerà l’impatto , per come reagiranno in caso di ’insuccesso’ altri 14 docenti nei confronti dei quali abbiamo preso questo azzardo. Poi vedo Sabrina, l’aspetto minuto e gentile di una ragazzina di scuola media, infiltrata tra i grandi delle superiori – in realtà una laureata in psicologia - che incoraggia la sua amica che opera quotidianamente al SERT - e quindi non ha certo paura di confrontarsi con realtà difficili - e prendo i suoi incoraggiamenti anche per me. Sia chiaro che non are unconscious, in a sense, a specialist in the first impact, I discussed with the teachers of the school right in saying that relate to new students is important, the first minute of the first hour of the first day of school. One wrong word, a glance through a tone too have dire consequences. Imprinting of animals is directly proportional to the precariousness of their lives, a prey animal must learn to recognize his mother in a few minutes for the next few minutes will also learn how to escape. A man afraid of life, takes fractions of a second rank strangers who meet in an unknown environment as friends or enemies. So we are prepared, as we said are the words not spoken, the gestures do not, the words to say, the posture to take. The fact that young volunteers have studied psychology or have experience helps us a lot of educators, they understand how important they are to fly these things, how many meanings behind gestures should be read in elementary school. And despite everything, despite repeated positive experiences, there is the fear of the first impact and the fear of fear: feeling we may have overestimated ourselves that this time we will succeed. So the first moment is critical for us. But it is tempered by the fact that we meet our boys in the big hall of the theater, the group formed around the couple appear to protect young workers e proteggersi nella vastità anonima di un anfiteatro da 500 posti. Il tragitto dal teatro alla classe cementerà attraverso il cammino comune negli ampli e deserti corridoi questa prima conoscenza. Dunque il primo passo è stato fatto senza danno; come spesso accade il primo passo è silenzioso da entrambe le parti ed è un bene perché le parole sono fonte di equivoci.
Dall’altro lato, tra i ragazzi, si leggevano sguardi altrettanto spaventati. Il nostro compito era di riuscire a dare un nome a quella paura, a leggere un disegno in quel quadro incoerente, aiutare i giovani a trovare un senso in quella loro presenza, insieme, in quella squallida aula.
Dunque un primo gruppo di allievi se ne sta seduto in banks, real estate, perched at the bar physically as if it constituted a shield, seem more disciplined, they are actually the most scared, waiting with dread the evolution of events. Those who have an individual counter the tilt slightly toward you, and emphasize the idea of \u200b\u200bfortification. The youth of this kind, where I observed directly, are in the back rows, then there is a line more mobile, leaning over the counter, such as athletes at the starting blocks, are slightly inclined and ready to take on the bias, waiting for the opportunity to participate in some 'fireworks' and finally there is the first line, which does not fit in the bank, launching continuous attacks to those in positions of authority, but actually also to the group: as soon as the group seems to draw something, make a speech, they break, they act the physical condition of instability, the need to escape.
Soon these attacks began changing in one direction: out of class. This convergence is created by our own reactions: The first time I tried to say that you can not quit, not just to go out when you're writing a conversation, the fire starts in a row, that shoots the whole row in the same direction to this point is reached the first goal of involuntary coalition the small group. Comincia così un andirivieni verso la porta: uscite e rapidi rientri, incontri tra gruppi di fuoriusciti delle altre classi; molti si conoscono, molti altri si riconoscono: lo stare fuori in quel modo è il segno distintivo di uno stesso disagio, di uno stesso modo di non affrontarlo; incomincia a delinearsi la sagoma del dragone che ben presto percorrerà i corridoi della scuola.
Questa banda si aggira nel vasto e squallido corridoio alla ricerca di qualcosa, si muove come una muta di lupi, in testa quelli più audaci ed aggressivi dietro a grappolo quelli via via più timidi, l’estensione orizzontale della fila compensa la scarsa audacia; ultimi, in ordine sparso, quelli che non riescono ad intrupparsi, che non even have the ability to recognize horde, waiting for the scrum to express themselves in an anarchic way.
The group wanders aimlessly in the corridor until identifies a wire dangling. This becomes an opportunity for a test of courage: some override, others will go under, it's a challenge. The game ends when one of the natural leaders say and teach in the school's electrical system? (In fact it is probably inactive uncavo phone, and they have understood, but agreed that it was portrayed as a dangerous wire charged with electricity, writer, between the dismay of onlookers who saw a scenic element be less important, has 'tidied up' by anchoring it to a big nail in the wall long ago for that purpose, but with the wear of time was put upside down, releasing the cable from its anchorage) Now the band has become a "political movement", has identified the reason may be that the ideological: the school does not work as expected. Another boy more constructive, by manipulating a handle with contempt route, pushing his foot a radiator shaky, shaking a tattered door says, but then the broken things of adjusting the guys?
A teacher of the third hour class is completely empty, trying in vain to bring them back into class, then call down to the headmaster. They feel i primi commenti aggressivi e parolacce mormorate al suo indirizzo. Il preside arriva dopo poco facendosi precedere da una ingiunzione fatta con voce squillante: tutti in classe. Nello spazio di tempo che c’è tra il sentire la sua voce e il salire i tre gradini che consentono alla sua testa di emergere dalla tromba delle scale, la banda è dispersa e tutti sono ritornati nei banchi e siedono in silenzio. Il preside scompare in una delle classi e quelli che si sono seduti si guadano smarriti intorno, orfani di un incontro ravvicinato con la massima autorità.
Nello spazio di poche ore ha preso corpo un disegno: c’è un corridoio grande come una piazza d’armi, dei bagni fatiscenti e maleodoranti that no man's land where they meet the fugitives, the men on the run, who recognize that through signals that are gatherings of the stadium, the fights, the raids in the district and there are those who are involving them in the bank and that some interaction with teachers. The space of the hall is the space of emotions act of monstrous dragon that give meaning to the incoherent movements of people devouring time, the space of the class has a simple design and pre-established that it is not able to contain the burst of this and that will soon be overcome or reduced to a miserable remnant of a large group that could be vital.
Who's afraid of who
Those sitting in the pews are afraid of aggression of others, they feel vaguely that there are kids used to a violent life, attacking for no apparent reason, that put everything in terms of aggression, they also fear the possibility that institutional aggression that the institution punishes them and deprive them of something important. Some of these guys could stop coming to school because they find it too painful to bear this situation, their mind is too busy in defense activities in order to engage in learning. Those
line of attack are convinced that in that place they will never succeed, that the game will come out of the school always defeated, their activity is therefore twofold: to stay strictly out of that game, not to accept any offer of cooperation, systematically attack the guardians and guarantors of that game and possibly bring down the entire organization. The moment you show the weakness is the inability of the institution, is not the scenario that would see them defeated. At the same time are disappointed by the lack of a valid interlocutor with which to oppose. Very happy so they play cops and robbers, or read the script and then pray that the destruction of the reconstruction: These guys have an obsessive need of authority, which it's there, which is heard so that they can play the only part they know: one of the breaker. A situation reflexive, circle in which the exchange of words is very distressing for them, puts them in a game that does not know and the outcomes for their unpredictable and threatening.
And what we are afraid of us? Many things together, the most basic, perhaps the one that unites all those who have to establish relationships with groups of people in potentially confrontational situations is the explosion of violence. To understand violence does not necessarily lead hands, but I mean the systematic destruction of any possibility of speech, the explosion of uncontrolled impulses elementary and especially their contagious effect in the mass. Each of us feels more or less obscure, the explosion of violence that leaves us helpless, unable to act when not acting for ourselves the violence and fear that this particular: the deconstruction of our self in a chaotic situation. We are not afraid of being able to suffer some physical injury, some kind of moral offense, but above all we are afraid of our reaction, the possibility of losing the attitude, that of losing control of an identity painstakingly built.
The second fear that amplifies this is specific to those who are trying a new operation to the limit: to lose control of himself means anche perdere ogni credibilità rispetto alla propria professionalità e compromettere il gruppo professionale di cui si è parte. Dunque la paura di chi tenta azioni audaci è più forte degli altri.
La terza paura riguarda il proprio sapere disciplinare, ossia il fatto che nel dilagare della violenza non ci sia alcuno spazio, per la trasmissione del proprio specifico sapere, e quindi di perdere la propria ragion d'essere nel contesto scolastico.
Dunque intorno a questo incontro si addensano nubi minacciose ed è molto difficile riuscire a vincere queste paure e a sviluppare una attività positiva.
Risolvere un problema essendo parte del problema
The first rule of
source to a complex and intricate problem solvers and in which part of the problem is to decompose the problem, sinking in small doses in space and time. Operators can be trained and prepared in advance, they may experience in different situations and at the side of veterans solutions and ways of acting. The preparation should be theoretical, ie have a sufficiently accurate description of the problem you are facing, have a plausible interpretation. Without a theoretical framework, the operators are prey to stereotypes, of concepts taken from common language that make them vulnerable to changes in respect of complex phenomena. The preparation should also be used as training aspects, namely be designed to have the skill and readiness for immediate answers and are not reflected in the face of unforeseen events. The skill can be reached only by repeated experiences of similar situations and learning to give sufficient response to automatically apply. Necessarily need to train to operate for a time alongside a skilled, confident, sure of being able to cope with the unexpected.
The second strength is to work in groups: the group gives strength to the individual, a group can offer different responses can facilitate the task of each member to reflect, to think quickly to a solution without being too stressed, it allows an alternation moments between hot and cold. Many think the group just as the multiplication of forces, it is instead of an integration, the ability to differentiate in the Joint Action and the fragmentation into many small faces.
Once involved in the action, action is needed having in mind that black is never so black as it seems, that there are always areas that a more careful observation appear lighter. A teenager who attacks you saying that the only village that is known by the phrase "you've wrecked three quarters of c." is also signaling that he knows something about the villages, but which wants to keep its own language. To capture a volo questi piccoli segnali di apertura è il difficile lavoro di aprire dei canali di dialogo. Per poter cogliere questi segnali è assolutamente indispensabile sapersi mettere dal punto di vista dell’altro, capire come l’altro, dal suo punto di vista, legge la situazione. Questo è possibile solo attraverso una capacità empatica, ossia riconoscendo che ciò che vivono i nostri interlocutori lo abbiamo vissuto e lo viviamo in forme diverse anche noi.
Un docente ed un educatore che si senta “diverso all’origine” dai nostri adolescenti aggressivi non potrà mai dialogare con loro. ‘Diverso all’origine’ significa ritenersi quasi di un’altra specie, dire a se stessi - And sometimes cry in public - "I'm not like them," puts a distance that no good reception and no way can fill. Thinking that "the end" we are different is to be aware of the fact that there is a difficult road ahead and that the fact of having taken part in does not allow us to feel hopelessly superior. This kind of humility can not be simply stated as a leap of politically correct speech, but it must be lived through the pain of failure, through the travail of the desire to escape and made only if we have explored - and we continue to explore - our parts are weak and fearful, our parts aggressive, envious, jealous, we understand - that is, read and consider - the fears, jealousies and aggressions of others. It follows from this the need for an educational project in the opportunity to reflect on their emotions in a group under the guidance of professionals who have made the exploration of the psyche has jurisdiction.
It is also necessary to climb up a mountain during a dark night to see how it moves away from the dragon who lives imprisoned in informing tangle of relationships that take place in an educational community. Metaphors must each make sense of their own actions and movements which are absorbed and subservient to the failure movement of young disadvantaged adolescents. A thoughtful guide for the group is to make sense to build a story, to have memory and consciousness of their actions. Without this working group is doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Just as the individual grows so must grow the group through its own evolutionary history and memory through its own its own identity.
This rule applies to all complex organizations. A complex organization can not be reconstructed only on the basis of protocols, rules, skills. To inherit a heritage professional is required a long common attendance. E 'possible to build organization with a similar appearance, but it is necessary to start a new story, build a new memory, and yet we can take a lesson from previous experiences, so that the need to protect the history and identity of a group is not a creed identity of its members but a professional necessity recognized by institutional purchasers of a project.
deny the future
at this time in more than one hundred professional and technical institutions in the province of Naples starts or they begin their first year in high school classes about 700-800 young 20-24000. 7000-8000 of these are not intended to go to the second year, many of them stop attending within the month of December. Many will spend their hours out systematically from the courtroom, creating situations of noise, shouting in the aisles, smoking in the bathrooms, assaulting verbally, sometimes physically, teachers. Their inconsistent movement seen from afar drawing a giant monster that devours intelligence and vitality. Thousands of teachers around them suffer without being able to intervene effectively, hundreds of school leaders will get by without being able to adopt useful strategies.
I think you have to give an answer to the problem in its entirety, build it together with patience, knowing that this is a difficult problem that no one has a solution and we can all take action if we have patience and if we devote ourselves making small steps. You can start from any point, you can start working on ten classes instead of 800 but you must have a strategy for 800 classes, outside of doing this project still experimental specimens, the flag means only cheating themselves.