Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Milena Velba Hardkore

Dimenticare il Meridione

I followed the radio "all the Town's Talking", which focused on the growing intolerance towards the south
Some observations:

must tell the truth.
a) right of the pastor of Green Park Caivano, truth be told.
life in our cities is unworthy of a civilized country. E this we have to say that we live in these neighborhoods and we must say also that there is a social class - taking different political colors depending on the time and convenience - which has a parasitic role and he plays at least a century and a half to use misery and degradation of the south - by her own power - to pump and suck money which only serve to fatten itself. Traditionally this social class is in the early conquerors of Savoy - the unit is important, we believe but the flags are not always taken by people equally noble that their flags - then the rulers of the moment. Minister Brunetta has that place thanks to the votes and support of the parasitic class and his government has done nothing against this parasite class, and while he says the government of which it forms part is buying the votes of the parasitic bourgeoisie. So right
Brunetta and would do well to spit in the sky to see who gets his insults.
Racism has always been fueled by those who use it and exploit it for their own private interest. What is serious is happening is that millions of conscience remain hostage to this game in which opposing sides in the name of a common front, some bullies continue to bully those in whose name they say they fight. So we must say the truth must be said that we live in sucks and that they are responsible for this crap the same people who pretend to be condemned. What is serious is that an educated person as the pastor does not realize that any public figure, even more so a minister can not speak that way, can not instigate a thought that is inherently racist in a category that unifies that can not be unified as this - linguistic and psychological - contributes to oppress those who are victims of this crap. The rubbish on the streets of Naples is a true reflection of its leaders and this does not absolve those who deposited any rubbish in the spots and also in the house, even makes them doubly guilty of being sozzoni and be mentally enslaved by sozzoni who govern us (who are the current ones and those who clean autdichiaravano who ruled for 17 years the region, province and municipality).

The injustice of the victors not the vanquished nobility injustice
b) the historian can not remember the name right when he says that there were massacres, that the logic of the generals was to invaders. They are the fourth generation of an officer who fought in Piedmont Curtatone and arrived in Naples in the house where I live, as occupation troops, at home I found the military planning and the provision of troops to defend the hosts, but to bomb and attack the working class areas. In front of my house the sharpshooters have fire on striking workers Pietrarsa workshop which was the first in Italy to repair locomotives. All the great industries of the area east of Naples - where I live and work and where it now dominates the Camorra - have been dismantled a after the other, those heavy, textiles, leather etc. .. so those are all true, but it is also true that the whole industry was protected, that the whole industry was in the British capital, Belgian, French, Swiss, etc. .. While some monstrous city (Naples was larger than Paris, and then the most populated cities in Europe, but it was a city, a productive environment and social structure, or a grande accampamento di clienti commensali di briciole della grassa borghesia che consumava a Napoli i frutti delle rapine nelle campagne meridionali?), è anche vero  che alcune industrie protette succhiavano il sangue di tutto il meridione. C'era ricchezza ma mal distribuita, male usata, riversata nei palazzi principeschi che affollano Napoli, portata all'estero e mai riversata negli investimenti produttivi. Ancora oggi il sistema bancario raccoglie nel meridione molto di più di quello che investe in loco, le banche locali sono diventate filiali lucrose di grandi gruppi del nord.  Gli studi dicono anche che a parità  di macro-indicatori economici c'erano nel cortile di casa dei Borboni - che tale era il loro indicibile regno - livelli di investimenti incomparabilmente diversi e soprattutto una mancanza di imprenditorialità vera che ha reso l'apparato economico del sud facile preda del colonialismo vendicativo dei piemontesi.  Dunque non c'era giustizia e non c'era un sistema economico sano. I piemontesi invece di combattere questa sperequazione e queste ingiustizie hanno sostituito la loro ingiustiza a quella dei borboni, il loro colonialimo industriale a quello degli inglesi, dei francesi, dei belgi. Dunque, allora come oggi, l'ingiustizia dei vincitori non nobilita l'ingiustizia dei vinti. Anche in questo caso dobbiamo dire la verità perchè la verità aiuta la giustizia, aiuta a dare un senso alla sconfitta e all'oppressione degli ultimi, mentre deployment biased, one way or the other, in perpetual thought a clash between the ruling classes without considering the lives of entire peoples.

It's never been done the only thing that had to be done
c) is not true that everything that needed to be done was done. It's never been done the only thing that had to be done: to break the political alliance between the state and the national bourgeoisie and the Southern parasitic corollary of this alliance which is the tolerance or the alliance with traffickers. The story of the last century shows us that even when New York cops, prefects iron-general of police, police commissioners, judges, priests, journalists, rebel against criminal organizations, the network weaknesses, tolerances, liabilities, and finally also the shallowness of the complicity of real closes at the end of the protagonists who pay with their lives. So those who are tired of the south have always turned my face away, who are bored by this talk always of the same things, this tangle around the same issues, who want to continue doing business and living with the bourgeoisie southern without being disturbed by a lot of unnecessary chatter. They're right, I ask you journalists if we chase these people to convince them of the goodness della causa meridionale oppure dobbiamo aiutare le persone - e sono già milioni - a capire che la proria dignità la si difende innanzi tutto dissociandosi  mentalmente e psicologicamente dalla sudditanza alle idee e al potere di questi signori.

Cesare Moreno, maestro di strada, ex coordinatore del progetto Chance, un progetto che si è occupato per dodici anni - con successo e con onore -  dei ragazzi che non vanno a scuola e che è stato chiuso nell'indifferenza generale  da quella borghesia che oggi grida allo scandalo razzista.


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