Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dora The Explorer Goodie Bags


Yes, 3 years of continuous blog and ...!
"Yes," as Stan would say Moulinski in one of his most successful disguises , to quote from the cartoon of Nick Carter.
And this is for someone like me, there is some over 40 years; many years ...
Now, in May of 2007 I started to infest the web and I must say that so far I have been fine.
course, I had to celebrate the anniversary of the blog three months ago, Oh well, 'I do now. It is important to them, the things he said as the forger. In these
Bloggistici 3 years I met many interesting people with whom I had stimulating discussions and positive.
There was also some controversy, as out of the web, for that matter. Everything ok.
Some bloggers and / or a commentator / a now deceased / a (I do not know why but I'm sorry) and it came to new, sometimes the "old" come back and so on.
Fine: This blog is like an inn, where every traveler can stay in 4 exchange gossip before resuming his journey.
And of course, can stop those who want to ... what he wants.
Otherwise this would be a secret medieval, not a blog.
I chose to give the impression bloglocanda predominantly artistic, although even then talk of other things.
I do not mean much to me, except in veiled form, and (hopefully) lightweight clash with the imaginary interlocutor, for example.
About me overflight, but perhaps someone who writes about himself always and only, it does so hidden ... for security or for a form of modesty (perhaps exaggerated) a little 'because it is considered much interesting.
With a few hundred pounds of suffering, here I chose to say little of the blues, Lennon, Springsteen, Dylan, The Who, Socrates, Abelard and Heloise, S. Augustine, Gramsci, Dostoevsky, the novel by Jean D'Ormesson God: the life and works , the great Praise of Folly by Erasmus of Rotterdam (but maybe I saddle, being crazy) and so on. etc. as well.
I also decided not to post music clips (but this thing I do, sometimes, on my page fb), otherwise you will not post anything else.
do not post regularly, and sometimes start things that I do not have the time to conclude, neglect, or some too "arguments.".
Eg., In the "philosopher" I spoke of the devastating impact it had on the Indians the English colonization ... ed il tema necessita di nuovi sviluppi e di una conclusione.
Ancora, in “luoghi e culture” ho pubblicato un solo post.
Sul teatro non scrivo da tantissimo tempo.
Sui mondiali (venendo ora allo sport) nonostante il mio amore per il calcio e lo sport, non ho scritto una riga; neanche una riga e mezza, accidenti!
Ecc. ecc.
Ma del resto, temi complessi ed almeno per me appassionanti richiedono del tempo; né sottovaluterei il fatto che… non mi corre dietro nessuno.
E per una volta, sono d’accordo con me stesso.
Benché abbia pubblicato 3 libri, di loro non parlo molto; in effetti, mi piace parlare also those of others.
Moreover, blogs, many others I am very happy / and know how to write. For me, many / and they should at least try to publish a book.
Be ', thanks for your interest and in some cases also for the affection that shines through the words of some, some of you.
you soon!


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