Non ci disperdiamo? Precari e dispersi
Ieri alle 13 - con supplementi al cardiopalma fino alle 15 – L’associazione Maestri di Strada, insieme six other partner has sent a "Foundation for the South" an envelope with the request for funding for an intervention project in a vocational school designed to prevent and reduce drastically the dispersion. We have translated into formulas, boxes questionnaire, budget items, the work done in July with the study days and the best of twelve years of experience in the field. Do something because all our young people can become true citizens. We try the road of this small project to take on 'the pilot flame', to remember that after the end of Chance, is not over the issue, if this project takes off, but it takes at least three months before that can happen, we can take care three hundred of which 100 young people at risk - a certainty - of dispersion, but in the meantime, in a hundred vocational, technical, Polispecialistico of Naples province alone there are eight-ten thousand young people who are candidates before all''esclusione from school and then to 'exclusion from full participation in civic life.
The experience and direct knowledge of teachers, head teachers, scholars, tells us that half of these young people, 4000-5000, at school or does not put your foot, or if it goes in the first days or more or resists least until early December. It is as if, assuming that every school has a thousand students, within three months had been closed five major schools laboriously put up in early September. This is a huge social harm and serious consequences: when the boys were not going to school causes 'socio-economic', that is because they had to "bring the money home" (but I'm not sure that that was the case, was rather a social representation accepted by the victims and responsible to cover the fact that in reality the school had nothing to say - the way he said it - too many young people of the poorer classes) could remain at a minimum level of self-esteem: I able to study if only I had the money. Going to school and do not succeed, get on the first day in class, saying to themselves: not I will never do succeed, to confirm this in a few months, the young forward to this perpetual sense of mutilation, the idea that he continued in this society can only be dependent on someone or something, if you accept that some other tell him what to do. In many ways it would be better that this young man did not set foot in school 'due to force majeure', due to social discrimination, to any external cause rather than the autoconvincimento to be 'inferior to the others'.
We have learned over the years, notwithstanding the right of everyone to access - and to be incurred to be able to stay - at all levels of education, la priorità è che i giovani restino convinti di avere le risorse per poter gestire se stessi. Non è obbligatorio fare tutti gli ingegneri, ma è obbligatorio poter riconoscere la dignità di tutti i lavori e poter svolgere in modo responsabile il proprio ruolo nella società. Forse bisogna che ciò che è politicamente e socialmente intollerabile, noi impariamo a tollerarlo nella nostra psiche, ossia a metterlo nei pensieri e nelle esperienze che ci appartengono, in mezzo a cui occorre imparare a navigare: il lavoro precario, mentre ci battiamo per eliminarlo continua ad esistere, e così esistono il lavoro nero ed illegale, la violenza diffusa, la criminalità spicciola, la criminalità organizzata. Tutti i peggiori mostri social control that many of us are fighting are part of everyday life of our young students and we live together every day with this. We must live with the Camorra. I can see everyone jumping on the chair, but maybe it has not already said Berlusconi or his peers? That 's right, everything is to understand which side you live, if staying for lunch with them or trying to maintain a dignified existence in places where there are leaks, but we are the infiltrators.
I saw an interview with me for 'Cara Italy' (1998) the great Enzo Biagi:
- His children know the Camorra?
- Of course I know, we live in
- And speaking of the Camorra?
- Fanno di più parlano nella camorra.
E lui stesso in quel momento con la sua grossa auto, con la sua scorta reale e simbolica, si trovava nel cuore della camorra, ed era sotto lo sguardo di criminali che lo spiavano dietro le tende delle finestre: alcuni dei bimbi di cinque anni che davanti a lui cantavano “oi vita oi vita mia” oggi hanno già imbracciato un mitra, stanno già seppelliti sotto terra, in una cella di carcere, in un bunker aspettando il killer. O stanno in sella a una moto impegnati in un agguato.
Era una scena surreale e anche un po’ penosa: vedere un grande giornalista completamente cieco di fronte a quella realtà, parlarne come se stesse fuori. Ecco questo si intende per convivere: vedere reality, but continue to see, look at the poop on the pavement before putting his foot in it.
We educators can not peddle dreams and put us in competition with other dealers, we have a dream that is not for sale and is the dream of a young man who realizes and knows how to be himself also, and especially because he lives in difficult conditions, without deny, without adapt.
So we can help reduce the damage, we can establish 'a dialogue of life' with young people and use our skills, our experience to support them in a life that is difficult for everyone. With the project
Chance for twelve years we have shown that taking 15 desperate, aggressive, already wounded by life, scarred by defeat was possible to reopen a speech: 12-13 were able to take the 6-7 middle school and a vocational qualification. Having means other than we could have done more, but we are sure that you can do more of the action when the process of withdrawal from social relationships and learning is in its infancy. Exclusion of the ten thousand kids at least five candidates can go forward without much effort, but it is necessary to establish a dialogue with them, prior to any human alliance training contract, any school rules, any coercion of law.
Many teachers know how to do this, have learned to do it on their skin and they just, in spite of the ministry, records, laws of the sarabande, the trade unions, contracts, door-to-door sale, and more. Congratulations to them
Many others could do it but do not have the overflowing energies needed to go against the tide, many others may only do so if they were a little 'encouragement and support.
A number of us have learned to support teachers to enhance their knowledge, to guide them in a process of self-paced training that once set in motion no one can stop. We asked our ability to capitalize on this, before it was too late-as pensions, the deaths and fatigue - but we were not listened to ignorance, envy, for arrogance. It does not matter if we are not able to survive the idiocy thing we could ever teach our students?
Precarious precious
Among the teachers who have learned to establish a good dialogue with the students, or who can learn quickly, many teachers are insecure for reasons easy to imagine that they have conducted their professional precarious existence especially in poor neighborhoods, in precarious Schools and young people in precarious conditions of 'schooling'. Those who have survived this crazy jungle or are entirely or have reached a higher level of wisdom.
So if only we could bring together some capable of driving a process of 'professional learning set' (this is to clarify the terminology that should be reflected in the situation and not just in the labs' - when there is - the academy, with those teachers who already have a wealth of experience waiting to be exploited we would have a 'task force' able to tackle the leakage problem with a score of at least 50% of success.
I do so this modest proposal.
Given that next year 10,000 students in the province of Naples and will be out of school or be written again in the first, we put 600 teachers in the field (two hours per class chair) to support students in difficulty. At the end of the year they will take a test - type INVALSI - to see if you really are back and next year there will be classes in more than sufficient to absorb or use them-if we are successful - in a similar project with the new first class .
Dorrebbero Gelmini Tremonti also be happy: because Gelmini still looks good with casual, with the culture and then decreases a little 'pressure on her political union, because the global Tremonti from state coffers will leave much less and "better" than to spend money twice for repeating over and how long to spend on prison, drug addiction, petty crime which is certainly helped by social exclusion (fortunately low in proportion) and compared to increase the number of people to live more or less parasitically marginalized. Napolitano also should be glad, because this is how a neglected constitutional right is at least partly reaffirmed.
So where's the catch? I do not know, but I'm sure there is and that this proposal will not be taken into account or if it will be, will be so distorted that it's better opt out in advance.
Then I have a spare proposal, part of which I'm already doing: I took
three months of unpaid leave (lose € 4200, a luxury I can afford given my level of consumption and then I had 7500 euro settlement for the death of my wife) and I have made available to a school to accommodate boys in the early hours of school, delicate moment in which you play a very important match and confirm the negative expectations from both sides of the fence. I gathered 20 educators, psychologists, educators and volunteers for one day we will do this task. After that, I hope to do some little thing with the network that we established in the territory with Chance and is now inactive and partially dispersed.
could do more if, for example, some teachers were willing to make a precarious sort of strike on the contrary, a demonstration of what could be if someone think keeping in mind the common good and not just their own interests more than legitimate.
The Association of Masters Road, using the free services of myself and a few other volunteers, is able to support a group of 15-20 teachers (temporary workers and unemployed people) that are committed on this front, asking each of them about ten hours per week in class and seventh in 3 in'work discussion 'which are groups of discussine' duty free 'out of register, formality and profits more than is strictly a function of this can be done in class with students poco motivati e che vivono realtà difficili. Si potrebbe fare questo lavoro fino a Natale, accompagnato da un pubblico monitoraggio del procedere dell’azione (leggi una conferenza stampa mensile per fare il punto della situazione) e poi chi vivrà vedrà.
Chi sia interessato può scriverci e prenderemo accordi. Non prendiamo tutti a scatola chiusa, facciamo prima un colloquio e verifichiamo di poter lavorare assieme e di essere felici di farlo. Educare è un piacere, se non ci piacciamo, che piacere è?
"Donate Free to preserve, and protect the rainforest.... "
PS – Se ognuno dei 5000 allievi promossi elargisse – as is done for free software - free assistance to teachers, say € 100, we would have a cash fund of € 500,000 with which some of us could escape to the Caribbean and get a well-deserved luxury vacation. (But if you like this idea too bourgeois or capitalist or socially discriminatory - € 10 per month taper a sacrifice too great for our young people marginalized and their families - if you like trekking and tourism is not organized, delete it as well, on purpose I put at the bottom)
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