Nicola Magliulo I receive from these quotes. Happy New Year to all schools.
But there is a good school year, which is organized in a meaningful way?
Walking (1913)
"One of the largest and most pestilential superstition schools Italian is the length of time. More school children are forced to remain in the classroom and less profit. Who does not know that, in the morning, the third hour of instruction is useless?
What the teacher sees the tired eyes, restless legs and arms, the general lack of attention? Worse in the afternoon. There are technical institutes where, in certain classes, ranging from two to five and possibly six, through a kaleidoscope of teachers, which happen before a student body increasingly restless and inattentive. The school
educational, healthy, fortifying should take place only in the morning, three hours with some interval of rest, in which case the third hour would be profitable. The afternoon should be dedicated to the tasks of young, independent study, part of the exercise and the walks. "
Luigi Einaudi (economist and president of the Republic, 1874-1961)
The art of wasting time (1966 ) "When he finally knows the whole truth about the kind of teaching (but I fear that day is still far away), mankind will face a gigantic hoax, and a monstrous imposture. Finally we find that the professors and students do not listen to blather, no one does anything, the student and the teacher will let cheat cheat, that string string, thirty hours of study would cover comodamente il contenuto di tre trimestri scolastici.
Nella sua forma attuale la scuola è un'eccellente preparazione. alla vita impiegatizia, a quell'arte di perdere tempo facendo finta di lavorare che contraddistingue i burocrati. Quell'indottrinamento diluito, ripetitivo, apatico e sempre uguale è esattamente il contrario di come dovrebbe essere un insegnamento degno del suo nome: conciso, intenso, stimolante".
Witold Gombrowicz (scrittore polacco, 1904-1969)
"Alla scuola, molti ragazzi sono disposti a dare il corpo, non l'anima. In pochi anni, ad iniziare dalla scuola media, almost everyone learns the tricks of the trade: the dead time to relax, feints and strategies to avoid being noticed ("the ambush"), the endless tactics of evasion and avoidance of so-called "duties" as when they do group work which in effect gives them the ability to copy or to leave it to others. Although not all love him, students cling to their contract, because it gives them a social identity, because that protects them from excessive personal involvement. And I cling to the point that they do not want to change it, so we have become accustomed: to play with the expectations of the institution and teachers, to invent new rules of the game, to manipulate the rules of assessment. Each innovation that threatens, directly or indirectly, to craft a student is ill accept it disarms them, deprives them of the defense mechanisms that generations of students have built and have been handed down.
Differentiate or make flexible - as it wants independence - the time and times depending on the design process is not accepted, because the boys know that it is easier to survive when the matter and the teacher changed every three quarters of an hour: you can get to the end of a week of thirty hours after having done so many times "decent minimum", and would be completely unable to do the same if they were forced to engage in the same activity for several hours below.
Rosario Drago (Superintendent)
An absurd teaching (1906) "educated men, teachers, students of pedagogy, which would reject the proposal to engage in terror, was even if only for a week, to attend three lectures per day, one after the other, even on topics that most interest them, do not seem to see the absurdity of teaching, hygienic and psychological education systems that force children from ten to eighteen years to be nailed, for an average of five hours a day, while whole years, on the benches of the school, as if there were other means to achieve the goals so that they reach or, to speak more precisely, it is believed that the purpose of reaching, as the final result of this intensive culture system - too similar to the system of nutrition brutally put in place in the countryside of Lower Lombardy get delicious goose livers - is too often reduced to this, to give birth in all pupils, and often the most intelligent, such a
aversion to anything that smacks of school or who has any bearing on what you are taught , to be almost feel fortunate that the curriculum has given so much to what is not worth to be known: so at least the student to leave the school because most of the baked Part of that knowledge to better serve the fulfillment of his duties as a citizen and family man and for the profession to which we aspire, at least not come out even counting any desire and impulse to acquire them for its own account as soon as recognizes the utility.
Giovanni Vailati (mathematician, 1863-1909)
Rediscovering the adult in every teenager (2007)
In an 'interview immediately after the publication of the book The Case Against Adolescence : Rediscovering the Adult in Every Teen (2007), Epstein said: "Adolescence is the artificial extension of childhood. In any mammalian species, once established la pubertà si agisce da adulti. Nelle società preindustriali quelli che chiamiamo adolescenti erano integrati nella società come adulti responsabili.
E' stata la nostra cultura ad estendere artificialmente l'infanzia, in primo luogo attraverso il sistema scolastico e le restrizioni nei confronti del lavoro. I due sistemi si sono sviluppati parallelamente verso la fine del 1800. Le leggi sull'istruzione obbligatoria sono andate di pari passo con l'innalzamento dell'età per l'accesso al lavoro. Regole nate soprattuttio contro gli abusi e lo sfruttamento minorile nelle fabbriche nate con la rivoluzione industriale. Questi sistemi hanno sempre più isolato i teenagers dagli adulti.
Ma oggi questi sistemi non funzionano più e non hanno longer applicable. Faced with an education that lasts a lifetime, learning after puberty should be combined in interesting and creative ways with work. Our teenagers are very capable in some ways much more than adults, which is detrimental to pursue their infantilization with the continuing compulsory education, which keeps them up beyond the age of majority under the supervision and control by the school, far away authentic work environments, where instead may develop responsibility and autonomy. We must rediscover the adult in every teenager, giving young people independence and responsibility as adults!
Robert Epstein (American psychologist, b. 1953)
The school building should be a meeting place for teachers and pupils in his free time (1908)
The school building, we should say, itself a powerful means of education, and it is ridiculous buffoneggiare hill curriculum reform, methods, timetables, when humble hovels, without light or air, we claim that educating the mens sana in corpore sano, in all solemnity that more or less official is praised as a noble end of the school.
Cities and provincial little town where the school is the only home of culture, the school building should be the central meeting place for teachers and students in his free time, something in between the club and after-school detention, and it should not ever fail or a reading room open to the public, the parents were enticed to come into contact with professors, not a theater for dramatic performances, in which students were free to dispose of it as their own, as they should also have free use of fitness gym.
Gaetano Salvemini (historian and politician, 1873-1957)
Too many hours (1925)
"Another serious defect of the common technical schools, as indeed of all our secondary, is the length of time overall. The twenty-four and a half, twenty-six and a half, twenty-seven and a half hours a week for the class of common schools of the twenty-nine, thirty, thirty, thirty-one schools with special address, which become twenty-six and a half, twenty-eight to thirty-three and a half hours, if there is the additional time for physical education, are too many.
are too greatly when one considers that these 5, 6 daily hours spent in class if they must add at least another two or three hours of domestic employment for lesson preparation and execution of tasks, whose burden on the system of watertight bulkheads and teaching in each subject each day weighs heavy on the frail shoulders of our school children, despite repeated circulars on overload. "
Augusto Monti (teacher and novelist, 1881-1966)
The student worker (1955)
" As long as we have - as, To take the example that is closer to me, in the training colleges - from twelve to fifteen years for materials, each with its brave subsections, in a total of thirty hours of instruction per week (that is to be five hours per day average), until we will claim that these thirty hours of shared learning as it roughly corresponds to personal work and repetition, as long as we put, quindi, lo studente dai dodici ai diciotto anni nelle condizioni di un operaio dei tempi di "Metello" (giornata lavorativa dall'alba al tramonto); e fatto questo, ci ricorderemo poi del bisogno di riposo dei ragazzi soltanto lasciando qua e là vacanze a casaccio, allungando le ferie estive e dimenticando di accorciare i programmi; finché la scuola sarà una cosa con programmi che nessuno ha mai potuto svolgere (cioè abbracciare per intero, con trenta quaranta ragazzi da interrogare, cioè da conoscere uno per uno e giudicare ogni due mesi in modo equo); finché questo caos, questa ipocrisia della dottrina scritta sulla carta e
della ignoranza reale, della fatica e dell'ozio distribuiti all'impazzata, finché insomma, this school, Draft of otia cum litteris of Cicero, is gone, we can not truly speak of education, an approach
of school to the real needs of Italian society. "
Laura Lombardo Radice (teacher of literature , 1913-2003)
We eliminate the physical education curriculum (2010)
The Italians suffer from a strange form of schizophrenia: ask the State to provide all sorts of public services, if they complain are removed or denied, and at the same time a protest against oppressive taxation, but inevitable if the services they must provide pubblica amministrazione. Se poi, come spesso accade, i servizi richiesti sono forniti in modo inefficiente dal Governo, ancor meno si capisce perché gli italiani vogliano a tutti i costi che sia questo, e non il mercato, a fornirli. Facciamo un esempio concreto. Attualmente gli italiani pagano attraverso le tasse l'insegnamento dell'educazione fisica che i loro figli ricevono a scuola. Nel panorama vacillante dell'istruzione pubblica italiana, la ginnastica è forse uno degli ambiti più disastrati, soprattutto per le condizioni fatiscenti delle palestre e delle attrezzature di cui i nostri edifici scolastici sono dotati. Tanto è vero che, al pomeriggio, gli adolescenti italiani vengono iscritti dai lori genitori ad ogni tipo di associazione sportiva private that will make them do that exercise is essential for physical growth, the public school, in most cases, it is able to offer the morning. So Italian parents pay twice for their children's gymnastics: the State in the morning for a service inefficient, and individuals in the afternoon for a quality service commensurate with their preferences and possibilities. Italians do not seem to realize this and not even realize that what they pay the State for a service is not just inappropriate. There are 33,830 physical education teachers in middle and high school Italian, whose gross annual salary is about € 29,071 (with 15 years of seniority). (...). With this somma si possono acquistare nel mercato privato attività sportive di qualità mediamente migliore di quella offerta dalla scuola pubblica. (...) La maggior parte degli italiani probabilmente reagirebbe con stupore ad una proposta di questo tipo partendo dal presupposto che sia un diritto inalienabile del cittadino ricevere un'educazione fisica adeguata da parte dello Stato, e in particolare che tutti i cittadini, anche quelli poveri, debbano poter accedere a questo diritto. Ma se lo Stato richiede ad ognuno di noi una spesa rilevante per fornire un servizio che in realtà è ben lontano dall'essere adeguato (soprattutto per i poveri che non hanno alternative), non sarebbe meglio chiedere allo Stato di farsi da parte rendendoci i soldi, in modo da consentirci di organizzare da soli quanto necessario per produrre il
Andrea Ichino (economista, n. 1959) dall'articolo su Il Sole24Ore del 25 luglio 2010
L'invenzione dell'orario e del calendario scolastico (1599)
35. Costanza nell'orario e nelle vacanze (Il Direttore provinciale, equivalente oggi del Ministro della PI, n.d.t. ) stabilisca l'ora di inizio e di fine delle lezioni per tutto l'anno, là dove variano secondo le stagioni. Una volta fissato l'orario, lo si osservi scrupolosamente, così come non si permetta con facilità di ritardare o anticipare il giorno di vacanza settimanale (mercoledì o giovedì era libero almeno al pomeriggio n.d.t. ). Si abbia cura infine di rispettare puntualmente l'ordine dei giorni d'insegnamento e di vacanza.
36 . Le vacanze. Come è necessario uno studio assiduo, così è necessaria qualche interruzione. Si badi pertò che non sia introdotta alcuna nuova vacanza, ma si mantengano con regolarità quelle che sono stabilite.
Ratio atque institutio Studiorum Societatis Iesu
(Ordinamento degli studi della compagnia di Gesù), Roma, 1599.
I ritmi di apprendimento (1999)
2. Nell'esercizio dell'autonomia didattica le istituzioni scolastiche regolano i tempi dell'insegnamento e dello procedures for individual disciplines and activities as appropriate to the study and at the pace of pupils' learning. To this end, schools can take all forms of flexibility as they deem appropriate, among other things: a) the joint modular annual hours of each subject and activity, b) the definition of teaching units which do not coincide with the 'number of lessons and use as part of the curriculum required under Article 8, hours of space debris; c) the activation of individualized learning paths, in accordance with the general principle of integration of pupils in class and in the group, including in relation to pupils with with disabilities as required by law of 5 February 1992, n. 104; d) the formation of modular groups of pupils of the same or different classes or different years of course;
DPR 275/99. Article 4 Autonomy teaching (in force)
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