Sunday, May 23, 2010

Arizonafence How Close To Property Line

Il caos, condizione sublime per la professionalità educativa

I started writing these lines as a premise for a full publication of the letter to the editor of Maria Luisa Busi , but I took too much space and I just put the link to his letter.
to you through this blog know that I can imagine what the cost is and what this letter will also touch the very high price to pay especially compared to all those professionals who feel embarrassed by this gesture and that must be taken away from her, and will be soft compared to the slander and vilification of this assumption of responsibility. You pay a high price even when compared to those who want to make this gesture in a 'passage of the field' and this will be agreed by both sides to make a civic gesture in a gesture so partisan is millet, for some and for others to use it for their faction.
For my part I can say that the 'masters of the road' still exist even with good services of RAI and various newspapers and think about her fight to the real world and on toilet paper in the elementary schools the battle of us all.
reproduce a piece of the article "The professional educator and quality of health services and workers' of Andrea Canevaro published in Defense Social N ° 1-2001

What we mean by professionalism, particularly educators?
We could point out some of the components in the recognition of professional status and thus a role professional. The recognition is not ha unicamente una dimensione giuridica ma anche una dimensione sociale e culturale. Il riconoscimento deve essere dato dalle Istituzioni, da un atteggiamento che valuti ad esempio la possibilità di fare concorsi con l'indicazione del ruolo, di avere avanzamenti nella prospettiva di carriera, e di avere delle considerazioni da parte di altre professioni per lo specifico compito che ha un educatore, e non di far dipendere il compito di un educatore o di una educatrice dai voleri delle altre professioni.
Il riconoscimento è importante. Nello stesso tempo il riconoscimento è tale se vi è una competenza, e la competenza è messa in un profilo professionale.
Quindi non è solo un riconoscimento giuridico ma anche una capacità di realizzare. Un profilo professionale permette di capire come si formano quelle competenze, perché non siano legate a carismi o a tratti di personalità.
Un buon educatore, una buona educatrice, nasce da un percorso formativo, a cui danno un contributo non irrilevante gli elementi di personalità; ma il percorso formativo deve essere chiaro, individuabile, trasmissibile, e deve essere corredato da strumenti, da tecniche. Il profilo professionale è un elemento costitutivo.
Vi è poi, nella professionalità, una assunzione di responsabilità costante . Quello che può distinguere, soprattutto in certi compiti, la professionalità dal volontariato è la costanza. Senza far riferimento alle accezioni di un volontariato che si esprime per tutta la vita, il volontariato può essere, senza colpa, una fase anche breve della vita.
La professionalità è una decisione assunta e tale da esplicarsi per tutta la vita, anche in modi diversi.
C'è, nella professionalità, un dovere di far capire anche a coloro che si avvalgono della stessa professionalità, le multiformi possibilità di vivere questo lavoro. (Andrea Canevaro)

Ciò che mi colpisce di questa definizione di professionalità è che essa venga legata all'essere della persona e non confinata all'esercizio della professione, e che sia definita come assunzione di responsabilità.  
Forse, pensandoci bene, questa definizione potrebbe riguardare qualsiasi professionalità, perché ogni professione per quanto distante dal quotidiano, rimanda in ultima analisi alla tenuta delle relazioni in una società civile. e quindi ad un contenuto umano e relazionale. Ma mi voglio limitare alle professioni che più direttamente bring in a professional contact with other human beings with whom he interacts deeply in these professions can not be simply 'following orders', we can not simply meet the formal rules, we must take responsibility and take it for ribs whole life, even in different ways.
To me that means a custom box, reception, empathy, competent help can not be abandoned or put on command, I would even say that taking constant responsibility is also against our will becomes so deep adherence to a pattern of behavior and relationships. Certain behaviors 'heroic' are required: Korczac felt obliged to accompany his students to the crematorium, they feel compelled some firefighters who risk and give their lives to save other lives, they feel compelled - beyond any rhetoric - those soldiers in battle or defend a retreat the lives of comrades at the risk of their own. It 'an obligation that arises from the technical and human expertise that is at the same time and that enables us to understand what is best, which is beneficial to our relationship at that time.
Who does not know that see, who does not see can not hear, who can not hear does not work.
The professional knowledge is also the result training, that is reflected and repeated actions that become patterns of action required, almost automatically.
When you want to degrade a professional just very little, eliminating reflection, eliminate the training, to subject persons to small harassment that compromise the responsibility that the condition is called in to question not about themselves but about what could take the leaders at that time.
sublime So the condition for a professional is the pursuit of his profession where , is not accepted, where everything is being done to humiliate her, where it is does everything possible to disrupt, because it is in the condition that the seller may or may not fully assume its responsibilities, whether or not his is a lifestyle choice.
must know how to turn their expertise in relation to extreme conditions and destabilizing. And as he says Canevaro - is my reading of his words but I think forced compliant - at times educators must also educate their clients with the strength of a method, with the ability to keep connected with what seems impossible to keep .
There are women who continue to be humiliated by her husband, often beaten and even if they are women who have no psychological subjection, are to manage a family because they feel there is still a good chance, probably wrong, but I understand it is hard to see when it arrives the time when the personal suffering is a price to pay useless or even harmful. The educator, as Canevaro says, has a plurality of clients is constantly torn by the dilemma of the real mother in the face of Solomon, both claim to be the mother of this child. Now the limbs in two, and I give a piece to each. The mother now says not true be so, and Solomon, in his wisdom, the delivery of the whole child.
continually put us in a situation where people's lives can be quartered and we feel even at the cost of guaranteeing the integrity suffer violence. But to what extent can we accept this?
As long as we just decide it is very difficult, we need a reference group. someone who can reason with us and from our point of view but in a somewhat 'more detached, from the point of view can see the movement as a whole. A professional community is intended to serve, so if you will allow me to remain in metaphor - but in my opinion is not a metaphor - of women subjected to physical violence, is just a group of female solidarity that can help women subjected to violence but also to decide to change as long as you can. ;
It 's almost a year - more or less the first days of July 2009 - the writer is trying to figure out where is the limit. He made a movement of the endless shrimp to the point of having to ask if he was still himself, to the point of risking their own psychological and physical health.
I asked in vain for help at least to understand if I was doing well or not.
Then I realized that having to leave it alone, of having to take on parental responsibilities towards the environment, I made some moves, including the one to organize a debate by people who in various ways have supported the work with their encouragement of a wide group of professionals, and I think we hold fast to the possibility of thinking is a must for this profession and I am convinced that on this road you will find solutions.
But in the meantime, the reality continues its transformation , knots are important to the comb and the writer is once again faced with dilemmas powerful.
It is thought that so far also failed to tell his professional community what are the conditions in which it operates.
Every time he speaks of reality, the newspaper sees embarrassment, a desire to Escape: The people do not like to hear what happens beyond the wall, the evil deeds that are consumed in the home, we would like these things did not exist, we realize that simply listening to something and do not force us We have no desire to get involved in this.
The story of the atrocities there dirty, we fear. A professional is left dirty because it is in grado di elaborare tutto questo; se fugge come gli altri non ho alcuna possibilità di dialogo con lui.
Lo capisco, lo capisco, 
ma non lo accetto.
E soprattutto non lo accetto dai professionisti, perché questo nostro professionismo deve sempre partire dall'assunzione del dolore altrui, la nostra distanza non è estraneità ma solo un punto di vista defilato che ci consente di inquadrare l'insieme comprendendo nello stesso quadro la sofferenza della vittima e quella del carnefice (il carnefice è sempre solo una persona che agisce la propria sofferenza infliggendola agli altri), le ragioni dell'operatore e la logica del sistema. 
Dunque vorrei che someone answer me, not giving me information, not suggesting practical solutions, but notes and shares the difficulty of a situation in which perhaps there is no remedy except that of solidarity.
And I would like to make it clear to myself and other partners, when we meet together to think, that this thought has meaning and usefulness if it does not forget that arises from the pain of an experience, the challenge of defeat.


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