Sunday, May 9, 2010

Red Cross Toothache Medicine

Educare, perdonare, essere buoni

Cos’è il buonismo?

In assenza di dizionario penso che sia una degenerazione dell’essere buoni, come lo è sentimentalismo, moralismo etc..  e ancora suppongo che ‘ismo’ sia un suffisso che indica la degenerazione astratta e di maniera di cose concrete e positive come i sentimenti e la morale.
Dunque il buonismo è una bontà staccata dal suo supporto, una pelle di coniglio senza il coniglio dentro, una zuppa di fagioli senza fagioli.  So we are all unconditionally against this scam. While we both fans of the original: to be good.
I'm not convinced.
Meanwhile, what is interesting is to understand the source of the depletion of noble concepts, as is the case that a thought that sinks in the being of people from becoming a mere opinion that it is hanging in the wardrobe like a tanned leather is ready to be used there is just for display. The emotional impulses to the emptying of a genuine sentiment are essentially of two types:
  1. An obsessive need to stay on the right side, to the mass with the people who are in the right and feel this way protected group; idea of \u200b\u200bthe type: if I'm on the right side can not hurt me. This pressure is particularly strong as the feeling in question does not enjoy a good press: for example, 'be of sound moral principles' or just "being good". Cos' by those who are affected by these good feelings are separated from the context in which they have a concrete meaning and are part of an ideological formation that makes them more vulnerable than before because there are no concrete reports that fed more than good feelings.
  2. An obsessive need to be complacent with their good feelings and to reassure those who do not share about their good intentions. The '.. isms' are doubly collusive: collude with our regressive part that feels the need to be liked and recognized self-esteem if not ending, and colludes with the regressive part of those that 'do not have good feelings' and are looking for confirmation about the fact that basically are not responsible for what they do, and are looking for someone who loves me.
In both cases there is a depletion of the actual content that is to a human relationship in which both actors should be in contact with the other to be authentic, but here is an exchange of holy pictures, holy cards of a market: one sells it as miraculous, the other just as he acquires faith in the miracle.
So just consider the problem to be good and you immediately become do-gooders, as the need to look good, the false report. Need to be really good to dive into a relationship without getting questions and challenges with the 'bad things': for example, know that you can not always be well liked and often our 'good deeds' will appear 'bad' to another member. So not only must be do-gooders but also not good.

few days ago, a sometime teacher of an unspecified location was beaten by thrashing by a boy of fifteen years. It seems to be going on between the two usual scene halfway between joke and serious, a some point the teacher has given a boost too, and the boy responded in a fury. The teacher, aware of what was happening did not react and is limited to repair itself. Since this occurs in the context of a socio-educational project sometime he immediately set in motion the machinery 'education': we must put the boy in the non-harm and therefore dedicated teachers and educators at the individual level, and give him another chance to correct his behavior.
If the facts are this - and I failed to recognize the data because I do not have any evidence to say how this reconstruction is close to reality - but provisionally we pretend that this is so, we are right in doing good.
But above all there is an idea that education does not work.
What does it mean to give a new opportunity: there is a linear path from savagery to the civilian, someone stumbles. We help you get up and we hope that the lesson to be served.

's an idea that is so as not corresponding to reality invece popolare tra i profani del volgo e i chierici dell’educazione.
Nell’essere umano c’è sempre e continuamente ‘bestialità’ e “civiltà”. La bestia che è in noi è pronta scatenarsi non appena se ne presentino le condizioni. Sant’Agostino - che non aveva letto Freud - fa una descrizione del suo proprio imbestialirsi allo stadio che  resta un capolavoro per intendere questa verità.  Dunque noi dobbiamo fare di tutto per non dare un’altra occasione; l’altra occasione a parità di condizione psichica scatenerà le stesse reazioni. Noi possiamo tenere sopita la bestia evitando quelle condizioni, ad esempio evitare la condizione di interazione multiple of the working group in which tensions are increasing and are set off, and we do well if this is a defensive measure of the group and our safety, but does not address in any way. On the other hand is an educational intervention helping this young man to know his own violent emotions and help contain them. The starting point of this is that the young recognize the damage created on this occasion: the shots purloin the educator needs to become the raw material - teaching aid - a process for joint development of the situation.

This is just the beginning. We have had cases of young that even before the trial judge realized the damage inflicted, of the error and continued to give to others and to the other's behavior. These cases are now on the borders of the disease and demonstrate a serious split in behavior that perhaps can not be treated by means of education but with a real therapy. So the admission of liability is the starting point for educational activity : this is not to receive or ask for an apology, it is an awareness needed to make possible the action of the educator. It goes without saying that the teacher does not bear grudges and does not ask for compensation, ma deve chiedere con grande forza, come proprio dovere professionale, il ripristino delle condizioni di alleanza educativa.

Dunque hanno fatto benissimo il marito della maestra e la maestra dichiarare che non hanno alcun rancore, ma il perdono è un’altra cosa che non appartiene a loro. Il perdono appartiene al ragazzo protagonista e alla comunità: entrambi devono sapere se c’è un individuo incapace di controllare le proprie reazioni, ed incapace di riconoscere il danno che può infliggere.  Dal riconoscimento di ciò il ragazzo può rassicurare se stesso e gli altri che la cosa non si ripeterà per sua volontà e che questa esperienza potrebbe servirgli a elaborare meglio la rabbia. Dopo di questo tocca a coloro che fanno lavoro educativo cercare di capire cosa è accaduto e come evitare che si riproducano i fattori scatenanti (vedi il blog precedente) e come aiutare questo ragazzo ad educarsi ossia a non restare schiavo delle sue elementari pulsioni. Gli educatori non aiutano mai le persone a restare come sono, a scusare i loro comportamenti con qualsivoglia disagio sociale, familiare o psichico, gli educatori devono aiutare le persone a crescere e a migliorarsi. Quando violenza e rabbia esplodono il nostro compito non è schierarci con i buoni che perdonano o con i cattivi che condannano, ma con chi sa amare ed educare i giovani anche e soprattutto quando fanno cose sbagliate. Questo in genere si fa fuori dal clamore dei media, usando la competenza e il pensiero to support those who do not already have enough and until it is able to handle alone.

as I know if the educator has not been done anything like this and therefore we have an educator who might change jobs, a boy who is under surveillance but did not embark on a path of revision, a group of students who feel weight to the contemporary loss of a comrade and an educator who were quite related, a group teacher who can not help feeling frustrated by a situation that preserves the elements of weakness which are the source of the episode.

So I hope someone will look into this situation in any case, bringing to the company a boy that some would call 'unpunished' which in reality was left alone with his violent impulses and is not able to control them.
To my colleagues and colleagues of the 48th Circle of Mary Marcello, who read my blog, please give my best wishes to the injured colleague, but also to other colleagues, I imagine, to pieces for what happened. I am available if they feel that I can help you with words alone - the same ones that are in this paper - to give them my free time of the time of service.
Operators and managers of the second situation, if you recognize the picture painted, if they think it is not a figment of imagination, I call it will not hesitate to resort to my modest competence or that of anyone else who is able to tackle such a complex situation and in many respects dangerous.


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