Video by TG 2
The article published by Il Mattino Online received over 40 comments, all in the name of "stomach ache", the visceral reaction that is based in prison, slaps, expulsion from schools of the kingdom and everything else. Only a few respond to the emotions of others with disdain, but few subjects and many curses. I saw the
TG2 husband's comments and I think that this alone is worth any argument. If you ever, perhaps you have seen my comment.
then I read the positions of various friends. We defend the school, we appeal to those who can deal with these issues, etc ...
Four days before an educator - in an entirely different situation - was beaten severely by a fifteen prey to rage even more fired without justification.
I take this opportunity to try to tell a wider audience in what was to - when there - the methodology of the masters of the road in these cases.
First consideration: making a situation analysis broad category is not needed. The comments of "The Morning", without knowing who the good guy, a topic that may be living in violent environments and degraded, having parents who backed him etc. ..
Probably there is some truth but I'm not sure that it is, could be equally true to the title exactly the opposite, namely that contacts a normally quiet and polite boy.
Second consideration: the positions taken by political, moral, educational, action, do not need.
We need to understand the situation first, get a description of the events unfolding in their minutes.
Now since I have no possibility to investigate either live would make sense in a situation where I do not have to intervene to improve the state of affairs existing, reconstructed on the basis of the facts in my possession:
- INVALSI was the day of evidence, that an examination of the subject of controversy and much feared, and at a trial during which even the most detached of us feel judged even self judge. The day before I accidentally saw the manager of that school, was totally immersed in the reading of papers relating to the test. I looked out to see her because it is one of my former colleague. Three times I said good morning, did not feel right, raises his head to the third: "It 's just the wrong time to farmi visita: prove INVALSI». « Sono in visita per questioni di segreteria. Buon lavoro». Conoscendo Rosa sono sicuro che abbia fatto svolgere le prove col massimo del rigore e della serietà, come occorre fare in queste occasioni.
- Nei mesi precedenti ci sono stati – anche questo l’ho appreso casualmente recandomi presso l’istituto professionale dal quale dipendevo – seminari con i valutatori INVALSI che avevano ad oggetto alcune singolarità statistiche delle prove a svolte a Napoli che forse dimostravano un non eccessivo rigore da parte di molti.
- Conoscendo questi dati ho subito immaginato che la maestra oggetto dell’attacco non fosse la maestra abituale del bambino. L’ho chiesto operators that video a few minutes before had turned the hospital and I had confirmation: the teacher was present to supervise tests. And I guess, since this is not a task in itself exciting, whether you are a sensitive teacher and motivated.
- The dynamics of the facts: a child in the class says a phrase that a more considered offensive in itself and this gives him a pen (once they were in beech wood with a sliding lid, and saw broken heads for their misuse ) I guess that was to soft ones with the zipper. I guess the boys were away and the shooter immediately after the launch, as is mandatory in such cases, has raised a fury to get to the other: it was here that the teacher is rightly intervened triggering a reaction of uncontrolled anger.
last year, including our students, veterans of that defining a troubled school year is an understatement, they had to sit the characteristic feature. Provide adequate preparation - which I will discuss below - in most cases not There were explosions, but in cases where this has occurred certamente c’era stata inadeguata preparazione.
Dunque sostenere una prova nazionale di valutazione è di per sé una fonte di forte ansia per adulti bambini e genitori; se poi si sa di essere osservati in modo speciale – il sud che fa brutta figura con il nord, i valutatori che ti hanno già criticato, le polemiche intorno alla validità delle prove, la scarsezza dei mezzi a disposizione per fare un buon lavoro educativo – ci si rende conto che l’esplosione del primo bambino è come la pistolettata di Sarajevo: fa precipitare in guerra aperta una tensione di cui l’aria era satura da un pezzo. E come sempre accade in questi casi i primi ad essere disponibili alla zuffa sono i più unfortunate, those who feel more at that moment the intolerable situation, and I want to go out whatever the cost.
The difference between our pitcher of insults and the regicide of Sarajevo that he believed his personal enemy of the Archduke, and this is his classmate.
What to do?
The first rule when you're in the shit is that we recognize, is to share the discomfort of the situation, it serves to give a name to an anxiety that from a rational point of view it is unreasonable and unjustified and which we are ashamed as if it were the light of a guilty conscience. When I had the opportunity to do my work coordinator, the first thing was to reassure them that a single test could not call into question the seriousness and dedication with which they had worked for an entire year. Of course there could be inadequate and that the results would be discussed, but in any case could not be questioned on their person.
This is the first step: Sort the results by the person and the results are the consequence of a very complex task and somewhat inscrutable, our mutual professional respect is based on attendance and a serious piece of work that goes on for two hundred days and 1600 hours. Of course we have to discuss if we have disappointing results, but the whole organization, beginning with the coordinator, who must get to work to identify areas of weakness. We know that the failures are pushing us toward new solutions. The important thing is to carry out the examination with the utmost seriousness and serenity in order to be ready to accept the defeat as a source of growth.
Without this with adults it is repeated verbatim with the boys. A review and test their complex meanings:
- visible to the institutions that organize the school what the final result, and this is important because in this way, young people know helping to improve the system. You can do all the controversy that you want on these tests, but then we should support them wholeheartedly, however, because they are a tool for change, the same evidence, if necessary. Supporting evidence is therefore also tell young people that are not mere 'objects of observation' but are subject to possible changes. For us to realize a project, perhaps it was easier to say "we work seriously, we see that the project had an effect."
- Making young people aware of their value. The kids often have low self-esteem, hanno il timor panico di non sapere, spesso sottovalutano le cose che sanno. Esercitarsi in precedenza per dimostrare a se stessi che le cose che si sanno alla fine vengono fuori è fondamentale. Aiutare i ragazzi a contenere l’ansia che può diventare debilitante e distruttiva è un compito importante a monte delle prove. Noi arriviamo a fare delle simulazioni d’esame il cui scopo è proprio imparare a gestire l’ansia
- Addestrare i giovani e i loro educatori a sostenere gli esami, a considerarli una parte essenziale e ineliminabile del processo i crescita. Superare un esame significa sostenere la prova e saperne accettare ed elaborare le emozioni connesse. Partecipare a un esame con questo significato means that whatever the results, I go bigger. Better able to manage my life because I know the limits of my skills, and better because I know my ability to handle difficult situations or frustrating. We use to say that the examination is not only to sum up a path, the path but add something that enhances any previous experience in retrospect.
Think instead to another type of exam preparation: trying to find out beforehand what could be the focus of evaluation, the parents bring a private trainer, teachers want to rush to fill the more obvious shortcomings , many are scrambling to find or request ploy to enjoy some help during the tests, many were fitted to copy and do what the world began to do for exams.
All these things do nothing but increase anxiety, which multiply the weight that is behind boobies Examiner: must answer for itself, the parent who has spent the money, the teacher who brought a recovery of the last now, the principal who is keen to make the school look good.
must clear the field from all this and work on relaxation, to ensure that the young no matter what happens we love you and we're there to support to get out the better. In the past school year for reasons that I will not expose, we knew that a number of students would certainly have been rejected because the members of the Selection Board had expressed a final opinion on experience. So our job as educators and teachers of a restoration project has been to ensure maximum availability for our side to be more in boys, and if possible to continue the work begun in other forms.
So if we return to the matter: I am sure that the strong tension has played a decisive role, and has played a decisive role in the fact that there were no previous knowledge of the protagonists.
Now it is certain that the tests should be conducted with the presence of strangers and accept that this presence is itself an important test of maturity, but it is equally certain that the stranger should not be invested by the examinees from anxieties and emotions that do not concern him. Encourage prior knowledge, outside the configuration 'hard' exam can help to humanize a figure who is perceived differently almost as an enemy.
So you have to help teachers and schools to handle these situations, above all we must help them to think about these things, analyze them in detail to find new strategies and then we must begin by saying that teachers ed educatori devono essere messi in condizione di difendersi facendo bene il loro lavoro.
Va da sé che ci vogliono mezzi e quant’altro, ma è altrettanto vero che finché non ci saranno i mezzi dobbiamo comunque imparare a disinnescare queste dinamiche; se no, non ci saranno fondi ministeriali che basteranno.
Il punto di vista che devono adottare gli educatori è quello di voler aiutare se stessi e ogni altro operatore ad affrontare situazioni difficili ed impreviste.
Altri punti di vista sono molto più interessati a usare il caso come emblema di qualcos’altro, lasciando l’operatore là dove si trova. Io penso che una buona politica, e una buona cultura dovrebbero partire dalla premessa di saper fornire un aiuto a chi sta in mezzo al guado. Ma mi pare che l’atmosfera sia troppo avvelenata dallo scontro politico e troppo ideologizzata per ansia da schieramento per curarsi dei maestri e delle maestre che domani mattina andando a scuola potrebbero incappare in un calcio.
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