Saturday, May 15, 2010

Brazilian Wax Lancaster Pa

"The secret to Isabel," Sonia Ognibene

Col novel Isabel's Secret (1) the writer Sonia Marche Ognibene has won the award in 2008 Montessori.
Prize deserved because in the meantime, the Secret the author has been able to present and to better represent the complex reality of adolescence (nor is this the only merit of the book). If
Adolescence (Latin adulescentia ) has a relationship with the verb or a derivation adoleo which means to burn, burn, etc.., Then the adolescent is he / she begins to burn in the sense that starts to use, for used (whatever the results) their physical and mental energy.
For me, this is something great : the adolescent is a young man or young woman is measured with the world. In
Secret the heroine, Isabel is the classic girl kissed by fortune in the family are wealthy, she was a promise of swimming and can keep those promises, a lot of friends, no problem with school ...
But in his heart is distressed by some facts that does not confess or reveal to anyone. His pain is continuous, so incessant that states: "The hell I waited impatiently, but first I would torment the earth until my last day." (2)
Now, Sonia fa mantenere ad Isabel il suo segreto fino alle ultime pagine del libro; ma per me, ha fatto questo non per mero gusto della suspence… il suo non è un giallo.
Lo collegherei anzi alla tradizione più antica ed impegnativa del romanzo psicologico-morale il cui maggior rappresentante è per me Dostoevskij.
Tuttavia, benché nel romanzo ci si imbatta in riflessioni anche tormentate, Sonia sviluppa la trama in modo comunque fresco: come quando Isabel rievoca quella volta che a 2 anni portò a casa un “granchio ammalato, morto stecchito, per dargli un’aspirina.” (3)
Qui troviamo tutto il candore della bambina… quel che forse Isabel vorrebbe essere ancora.
Comunque il book does not live according to the revelation of certain facts . Some books
you redeem in part with that revelation , but that ... there remains little removed. Instead, the Secret
precisely the final revelation comes without ever recording of setbacks, it is not, in fact, only built on that. This is because the themes of the book are several and held together by a clear narrative and that never frays.
Exactly a theme that comes back often in the novel consists in the particular dynamics and painful that sometimes seems tramutino the rival family.
on all the relatives of Isabel still stands for wisdom and dignity of the figure of the grandfather, of which she seems to "sense still" smell "of chips and tobacco carve wood all day and into the sunset, doing whatever was left to enjoy his pipe on the sea front . (4)
For me, the pain of mixtum Isabel, isolation and self-isolation, alternating sweet memories to the present and the high tone but never heavy make Secret a text of great value, a book that can speak to both teenagers and adults alike. Even
because as we said good Gramsci, we often forget the years when we were much younger. And apparently
carefree I add.

1) Sonia Ognibene, Isabel's secret, Raffaello Editrice, 2010.
2) S. Ognibene, Isabel's secret, op. cit., p.19
3) S. Ognibene, op. cit., p.16.
Ibid., P.10.


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