Monday, May 24, 2010

Folded Horn Subwoofer Calculator

things little things lost or

There are things for reasons I never understood ( not understand is one of my strong points) I've ever touched, but could never reach really. I'm talking about small things
... though maybe those are related to other big, maybe huge, huge, gigantic, and why not, megagalattico.
Or at least, mammuthesche.
Well well well ... we start.
I always wanted to see the concert film of Led Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same . The song of more than anything else I've seen a few, scattered sequences.
Instead of Once Upon a Time in America Sergio Leone, Morricone's music but I have tasted several different parties, which together have "made" my movie.
For years I could not get Dylan's Desire: something happened to the disk or tape (use the late-medieval terms, I know!) therefore mr. Zimmerman left the post. The
football ... here, that, when I did / do I stop the escaped / often escapes. Feet of wood? Yes, unfortunately!
Now I have learned (a little ') to make it, stop him.
But this matters little now, because it becomes increasingly difficult to find someone who wants to play as before.
Some of my friends play in paradise, some emigrated, someone is working too much and has no time, someone else does not work and almost never is too bitter to play football. The umbrellas
... since I was 14 I have always lost 1 o 2 ad inverno.
Quest’ inverno, che peraltro mi sembra sia finito da pochi giorni, ne ho perso tre o 4. Evidentemente sto ringiovanendo.
Diario d’Irlanda di Heinrich Boll: perso a pochi mesi dall’acquisto. O prestato a qualcuno e mai più restituito? Vogliamo dire quell’antipatica parola… rubato ?
Il senso dell’orientamento … beh, almeno quello posso dire di non averlo smarrito, poiché non l’ho mai posseduto.
Il saper nuotare … benché io sia nato ed abbia sempre vissuto in una città di mare ( Kar-El , Kalaris , Caller , Casteddu Cagliari or if you prefer) every time the pool and he and I do a lot of beautiful beach projects.
But then I ever learn not really.
Sure, I can not drown, which seems still a good result. Indeed, from the standpoint of my physical survival seems a success!
fact I take this opportunity to thank myself.
A part (or even included such things) what are the things or things that you have lost, or that is usually lost?
Courage: conversation and / or research are games.
not let them wait!
I can wait.
They do not.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Arizonafence How Close To Property Line

Il caos, condizione sublime per la professionalità educativa

I started writing these lines as a premise for a full publication of the letter to the editor of Maria Luisa Busi , but I took too much space and I just put the link to his letter.
to you through this blog know that I can imagine what the cost is and what this letter will also touch the very high price to pay especially compared to all those professionals who feel embarrassed by this gesture and that must be taken away from her, and will be soft compared to the slander and vilification of this assumption of responsibility. You pay a high price even when compared to those who want to make this gesture in a 'passage of the field' and this will be agreed by both sides to make a civic gesture in a gesture so partisan is millet, for some and for others to use it for their faction.
For my part I can say that the 'masters of the road' still exist even with good services of RAI and various newspapers and think about her fight to the real world and on toilet paper in the elementary schools the battle of us all.
reproduce a piece of the article "The professional educator and quality of health services and workers' of Andrea Canevaro published in Defense Social N ° 1-2001

What we mean by professionalism, particularly educators?
We could point out some of the components in the recognition of professional status and thus a role professional. The recognition is not ha unicamente una dimensione giuridica ma anche una dimensione sociale e culturale. Il riconoscimento deve essere dato dalle Istituzioni, da un atteggiamento che valuti ad esempio la possibilità di fare concorsi con l'indicazione del ruolo, di avere avanzamenti nella prospettiva di carriera, e di avere delle considerazioni da parte di altre professioni per lo specifico compito che ha un educatore, e non di far dipendere il compito di un educatore o di una educatrice dai voleri delle altre professioni.
Il riconoscimento è importante. Nello stesso tempo il riconoscimento è tale se vi è una competenza, e la competenza è messa in un profilo professionale.
Quindi non è solo un riconoscimento giuridico ma anche una capacità di realizzare. Un profilo professionale permette di capire come si formano quelle competenze, perché non siano legate a carismi o a tratti di personalità.
Un buon educatore, una buona educatrice, nasce da un percorso formativo, a cui danno un contributo non irrilevante gli elementi di personalità; ma il percorso formativo deve essere chiaro, individuabile, trasmissibile, e deve essere corredato da strumenti, da tecniche. Il profilo professionale è un elemento costitutivo.
Vi è poi, nella professionalità, una assunzione di responsabilità costante . Quello che può distinguere, soprattutto in certi compiti, la professionalità dal volontariato è la costanza. Senza far riferimento alle accezioni di un volontariato che si esprime per tutta la vita, il volontariato può essere, senza colpa, una fase anche breve della vita.
La professionalità è una decisione assunta e tale da esplicarsi per tutta la vita, anche in modi diversi.
C'è, nella professionalità, un dovere di far capire anche a coloro che si avvalgono della stessa professionalità, le multiformi possibilità di vivere questo lavoro. (Andrea Canevaro)

Ciò che mi colpisce di questa definizione di professionalità è che essa venga legata all'essere della persona e non confinata all'esercizio della professione, e che sia definita come assunzione di responsabilità.  
Forse, pensandoci bene, questa definizione potrebbe riguardare qualsiasi professionalità, perché ogni professione per quanto distante dal quotidiano, rimanda in ultima analisi alla tenuta delle relazioni in una società civile. e quindi ad un contenuto umano e relazionale. Ma mi voglio limitare alle professioni che più direttamente bring in a professional contact with other human beings with whom he interacts deeply in these professions can not be simply 'following orders', we can not simply meet the formal rules, we must take responsibility and take it for ribs whole life, even in different ways.
To me that means a custom box, reception, empathy, competent help can not be abandoned or put on command, I would even say that taking constant responsibility is also against our will becomes so deep adherence to a pattern of behavior and relationships. Certain behaviors 'heroic' are required: Korczac felt obliged to accompany his students to the crematorium, they feel compelled some firefighters who risk and give their lives to save other lives, they feel compelled - beyond any rhetoric - those soldiers in battle or defend a retreat the lives of comrades at the risk of their own. It 'an obligation that arises from the technical and human expertise that is at the same time and that enables us to understand what is best, which is beneficial to our relationship at that time.
Who does not know that see, who does not see can not hear, who can not hear does not work.
The professional knowledge is also the result training, that is reflected and repeated actions that become patterns of action required, almost automatically.
When you want to degrade a professional just very little, eliminating reflection, eliminate the training, to subject persons to small harassment that compromise the responsibility that the condition is called in to question not about themselves but about what could take the leaders at that time.
sublime So the condition for a professional is the pursuit of his profession where , is not accepted, where everything is being done to humiliate her, where it is does everything possible to disrupt, because it is in the condition that the seller may or may not fully assume its responsibilities, whether or not his is a lifestyle choice.
must know how to turn their expertise in relation to extreme conditions and destabilizing. And as he says Canevaro - is my reading of his words but I think forced compliant - at times educators must also educate their clients with the strength of a method, with the ability to keep connected with what seems impossible to keep .
There are women who continue to be humiliated by her husband, often beaten and even if they are women who have no psychological subjection, are to manage a family because they feel there is still a good chance, probably wrong, but I understand it is hard to see when it arrives the time when the personal suffering is a price to pay useless or even harmful. The educator, as Canevaro says, has a plurality of clients is constantly torn by the dilemma of the real mother in the face of Solomon, both claim to be the mother of this child. Now the limbs in two, and I give a piece to each. The mother now says not true be so, and Solomon, in his wisdom, the delivery of the whole child.
continually put us in a situation where people's lives can be quartered and we feel even at the cost of guaranteeing the integrity suffer violence. But to what extent can we accept this?
As long as we just decide it is very difficult, we need a reference group. someone who can reason with us and from our point of view but in a somewhat 'more detached, from the point of view can see the movement as a whole. A professional community is intended to serve, so if you will allow me to remain in metaphor - but in my opinion is not a metaphor - of women subjected to physical violence, is just a group of female solidarity that can help women subjected to violence but also to decide to change as long as you can. ;
It 's almost a year - more or less the first days of July 2009 - the writer is trying to figure out where is the limit. He made a movement of the endless shrimp to the point of having to ask if he was still himself, to the point of risking their own psychological and physical health.
I asked in vain for help at least to understand if I was doing well or not.
Then I realized that having to leave it alone, of having to take on parental responsibilities towards the environment, I made some moves, including the one to organize a debate by people who in various ways have supported the work with their encouragement of a wide group of professionals, and I think we hold fast to the possibility of thinking is a must for this profession and I am convinced that on this road you will find solutions.
But in the meantime, the reality continues its transformation , knots are important to the comb and the writer is once again faced with dilemmas powerful.
It is thought that so far also failed to tell his professional community what are the conditions in which it operates.
Every time he speaks of reality, the newspaper sees embarrassment, a desire to Escape: The people do not like to hear what happens beyond the wall, the evil deeds that are consumed in the home, we would like these things did not exist, we realize that simply listening to something and do not force us We have no desire to get involved in this.
The story of the atrocities there dirty, we fear. A professional is left dirty because it is in grado di elaborare tutto questo; se fugge come gli altri non ho alcuna possibilità di dialogo con lui.
Lo capisco, lo capisco, 
ma non lo accetto.
E soprattutto non lo accetto dai professionisti, perché questo nostro professionismo deve sempre partire dall'assunzione del dolore altrui, la nostra distanza non è estraneità ma solo un punto di vista defilato che ci consente di inquadrare l'insieme comprendendo nello stesso quadro la sofferenza della vittima e quella del carnefice (il carnefice è sempre solo una persona che agisce la propria sofferenza infliggendola agli altri), le ragioni dell'operatore e la logica del sistema. 
Dunque vorrei che someone answer me, not giving me information, not suggesting practical solutions, but notes and shares the difficulty of a situation in which perhaps there is no remedy except that of solidarity.
And I would like to make it clear to myself and other partners, when we meet together to think, that this thought has meaning and usefulness if it does not forget that arises from the pain of an experience, the challenge of defeat.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cheap Blackout Contacts

Tre cose da fare per difendere l’educazione

MELAWebTV - Channel Documentation
Interview at Conference
"Education is not over,"
Bologna, Faculty of Education
  1. The first thing is that educators believe in themselves because this is the only thing on which we can truly affect.
  2. The second is to create ultra-corporate organization to defend them. When I say ultra-corporate I say ironically, because unfortunately the teachers are exposed to the winds, and then an organization that defends the professional identity may now be a bit 'extremist. Then we make time to open up. but in the meantime we try to be a bit 'more closed in on ourselves.
  3. The third is to realize all that education is too important a thing because if they occupy only educators. We should, first to defend the professional identity, the other to say loud and clear to all that education is a task of humanity and not a group of specialists.
We are in the service of humanity for do this and so we must be specialized.
But it is time for education in charge of them all: the prime minister who is a bit 'rude, the Dean of the Faculty who may be more polite ma non sempre se ne ricorda… Quel comandamento che diceva non dare scandalo ai bambini … bisognerebbe che ce ne ricordassimo un po’ tutti.
 Il Web e Internet. Che cosa c’entrano con l’Educazione
Possono entrarci moltissimo perché intanto servono agli educatori per tenersi in contatto tra di loro e avere degli scambi che sono veramente essenziali. E la velocità della comunicazione è fondamentale. Se ci riferiamo ai bambini e ai giovani è uno strumento che può essere altrettanto importante per avere una comunicazione più vasta ma anche più accessibile. Poi ci sono gli aspetti di fruizione passiva, ma quelli non c’entrano con lo strumento, c’entrano con il fatto che qualcuno ti ha reso passivo. Ma l’utilizzo attivo del Web anche per i giovani è uno strumento fondamentale.

Brazilian Wax Lancaster Pa

"The secret to Isabel," Sonia Ognibene

Col novel Isabel's Secret (1) the writer Sonia Marche Ognibene has won the award in 2008 Montessori.
Prize deserved because in the meantime, the Secret the author has been able to present and to better represent the complex reality of adolescence (nor is this the only merit of the book). If
Adolescence (Latin adulescentia ) has a relationship with the verb or a derivation adoleo which means to burn, burn, etc.., Then the adolescent is he / she begins to burn in the sense that starts to use, for used (whatever the results) their physical and mental energy.
For me, this is something great : the adolescent is a young man or young woman is measured with the world. In
Secret the heroine, Isabel is the classic girl kissed by fortune in the family are wealthy, she was a promise of swimming and can keep those promises, a lot of friends, no problem with school ...
But in his heart is distressed by some facts that does not confess or reveal to anyone. His pain is continuous, so incessant that states: "The hell I waited impatiently, but first I would torment the earth until my last day." (2)
Now, Sonia fa mantenere ad Isabel il suo segreto fino alle ultime pagine del libro; ma per me, ha fatto questo non per mero gusto della suspence… il suo non è un giallo.
Lo collegherei anzi alla tradizione più antica ed impegnativa del romanzo psicologico-morale il cui maggior rappresentante è per me Dostoevskij.
Tuttavia, benché nel romanzo ci si imbatta in riflessioni anche tormentate, Sonia sviluppa la trama in modo comunque fresco: come quando Isabel rievoca quella volta che a 2 anni portò a casa un “granchio ammalato, morto stecchito, per dargli un’aspirina.” (3)
Qui troviamo tutto il candore della bambina… quel che forse Isabel vorrebbe essere ancora.
Comunque il book does not live according to the revelation of certain facts . Some books
you redeem in part with that revelation , but that ... there remains little removed. Instead, the Secret
precisely the final revelation comes without ever recording of setbacks, it is not, in fact, only built on that. This is because the themes of the book are several and held together by a clear narrative and that never frays.
Exactly a theme that comes back often in the novel consists in the particular dynamics and painful that sometimes seems tramutino the rival family.
on all the relatives of Isabel still stands for wisdom and dignity of the figure of the grandfather, of which she seems to "sense still" smell "of chips and tobacco carve wood all day and into the sunset, doing whatever was left to enjoy his pipe on the sea front . (4)
For me, the pain of mixtum Isabel, isolation and self-isolation, alternating sweet memories to the present and the high tone but never heavy make Secret a text of great value, a book that can speak to both teenagers and adults alike. Even
because as we said good Gramsci, we often forget the years when we were much younger. And apparently
carefree I add.

1) Sonia Ognibene, Isabel's secret, Raffaello Editrice, 2010.
2) S. Ognibene, Isabel's secret, op. cit., p.19
3) S. Ognibene, op. cit., p.16.
Ibid., P.10.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Red Cross Toothache Medicine

Educare, perdonare, essere buoni

Cos’è il buonismo?

In assenza di dizionario penso che sia una degenerazione dell’essere buoni, come lo è sentimentalismo, moralismo etc..  e ancora suppongo che ‘ismo’ sia un suffisso che indica la degenerazione astratta e di maniera di cose concrete e positive come i sentimenti e la morale.
Dunque il buonismo è una bontà staccata dal suo supporto, una pelle di coniglio senza il coniglio dentro, una zuppa di fagioli senza fagioli.  So we are all unconditionally against this scam. While we both fans of the original: to be good.
I'm not convinced.
Meanwhile, what is interesting is to understand the source of the depletion of noble concepts, as is the case that a thought that sinks in the being of people from becoming a mere opinion that it is hanging in the wardrobe like a tanned leather is ready to be used there is just for display. The emotional impulses to the emptying of a genuine sentiment are essentially of two types:
  1. An obsessive need to stay on the right side, to the mass with the people who are in the right and feel this way protected group; idea of \u200b\u200bthe type: if I'm on the right side can not hurt me. This pressure is particularly strong as the feeling in question does not enjoy a good press: for example, 'be of sound moral principles' or just "being good". Cos' by those who are affected by these good feelings are separated from the context in which they have a concrete meaning and are part of an ideological formation that makes them more vulnerable than before because there are no concrete reports that fed more than good feelings.
  2. An obsessive need to be complacent with their good feelings and to reassure those who do not share about their good intentions. The '.. isms' are doubly collusive: collude with our regressive part that feels the need to be liked and recognized self-esteem if not ending, and colludes with the regressive part of those that 'do not have good feelings' and are looking for confirmation about the fact that basically are not responsible for what they do, and are looking for someone who loves me.
In both cases there is a depletion of the actual content that is to a human relationship in which both actors should be in contact with the other to be authentic, but here is an exchange of holy pictures, holy cards of a market: one sells it as miraculous, the other just as he acquires faith in the miracle.
So just consider the problem to be good and you immediately become do-gooders, as the need to look good, the false report. Need to be really good to dive into a relationship without getting questions and challenges with the 'bad things': for example, know that you can not always be well liked and often our 'good deeds' will appear 'bad' to another member. So not only must be do-gooders but also not good.

few days ago, a sometime teacher of an unspecified location was beaten by thrashing by a boy of fifteen years. It seems to be going on between the two usual scene halfway between joke and serious, a some point the teacher has given a boost too, and the boy responded in a fury. The teacher, aware of what was happening did not react and is limited to repair itself. Since this occurs in the context of a socio-educational project sometime he immediately set in motion the machinery 'education': we must put the boy in the non-harm and therefore dedicated teachers and educators at the individual level, and give him another chance to correct his behavior.
If the facts are this - and I failed to recognize the data because I do not have any evidence to say how this reconstruction is close to reality - but provisionally we pretend that this is so, we are right in doing good.
But above all there is an idea that education does not work.
What does it mean to give a new opportunity: there is a linear path from savagery to the civilian, someone stumbles. We help you get up and we hope that the lesson to be served.

's an idea that is so as not corresponding to reality invece popolare tra i profani del volgo e i chierici dell’educazione.
Nell’essere umano c’è sempre e continuamente ‘bestialità’ e “civiltà”. La bestia che è in noi è pronta scatenarsi non appena se ne presentino le condizioni. Sant’Agostino - che non aveva letto Freud - fa una descrizione del suo proprio imbestialirsi allo stadio che  resta un capolavoro per intendere questa verità.  Dunque noi dobbiamo fare di tutto per non dare un’altra occasione; l’altra occasione a parità di condizione psichica scatenerà le stesse reazioni. Noi possiamo tenere sopita la bestia evitando quelle condizioni, ad esempio evitare la condizione di interazione multiple of the working group in which tensions are increasing and are set off, and we do well if this is a defensive measure of the group and our safety, but does not address in any way. On the other hand is an educational intervention helping this young man to know his own violent emotions and help contain them. The starting point of this is that the young recognize the damage created on this occasion: the shots purloin the educator needs to become the raw material - teaching aid - a process for joint development of the situation.

This is just the beginning. We have had cases of young that even before the trial judge realized the damage inflicted, of the error and continued to give to others and to the other's behavior. These cases are now on the borders of the disease and demonstrate a serious split in behavior that perhaps can not be treated by means of education but with a real therapy. So the admission of liability is the starting point for educational activity : this is not to receive or ask for an apology, it is an awareness needed to make possible the action of the educator. It goes without saying that the teacher does not bear grudges and does not ask for compensation, ma deve chiedere con grande forza, come proprio dovere professionale, il ripristino delle condizioni di alleanza educativa.

Dunque hanno fatto benissimo il marito della maestra e la maestra dichiarare che non hanno alcun rancore, ma il perdono è un’altra cosa che non appartiene a loro. Il perdono appartiene al ragazzo protagonista e alla comunità: entrambi devono sapere se c’è un individuo incapace di controllare le proprie reazioni, ed incapace di riconoscere il danno che può infliggere.  Dal riconoscimento di ciò il ragazzo può rassicurare se stesso e gli altri che la cosa non si ripeterà per sua volontà e che questa esperienza potrebbe servirgli a elaborare meglio la rabbia. Dopo di questo tocca a coloro che fanno lavoro educativo cercare di capire cosa è accaduto e come evitare che si riproducano i fattori scatenanti (vedi il blog precedente) e come aiutare questo ragazzo ad educarsi ossia a non restare schiavo delle sue elementari pulsioni. Gli educatori non aiutano mai le persone a restare come sono, a scusare i loro comportamenti con qualsivoglia disagio sociale, familiare o psichico, gli educatori devono aiutare le persone a crescere e a migliorarsi. Quando violenza e rabbia esplodono il nostro compito non è schierarci con i buoni che perdonano o con i cattivi che condannano, ma con chi sa amare ed educare i giovani anche e soprattutto quando fanno cose sbagliate. Questo in genere si fa fuori dal clamore dei media, usando la competenza e il pensiero to support those who do not already have enough and until it is able to handle alone.

as I know if the educator has not been done anything like this and therefore we have an educator who might change jobs, a boy who is under surveillance but did not embark on a path of revision, a group of students who feel weight to the contemporary loss of a comrade and an educator who were quite related, a group teacher who can not help feeling frustrated by a situation that preserves the elements of weakness which are the source of the episode.

So I hope someone will look into this situation in any case, bringing to the company a boy that some would call 'unpunished' which in reality was left alone with his violent impulses and is not able to control them.
To my colleagues and colleagues of the 48th Circle of Mary Marcello, who read my blog, please give my best wishes to the injured colleague, but also to other colleagues, I imagine, to pieces for what happened. I am available if they feel that I can help you with words alone - the same ones that are in this paper - to give them my free time of the time of service.
Operators and managers of the second situation, if you recognize the picture painted, if they think it is not a figment of imagination, I call it will not hesitate to resort to my modest competence or that of anyone else who is able to tackle such a complex situation and in many respects dangerous.

Is Parmigiano-reggiano The Same As Parmessian

Calci alla maestra e calci all'educazione

Video by TG 2
The article published by Il Mattino Online received over 40 comments, all in the name of "stomach ache", the visceral reaction that is based in prison, slaps, expulsion from schools of the kingdom and everything else. Only a few respond to the emotions of others with disdain, but few subjects and many curses. I saw the
TG2 husband's comments and I think that this alone is worth any argument. If you ever, perhaps you have seen my comment.
then I read the positions of various friends. We defend the school, we appeal to those who can deal with these issues, etc ...
Four days before an educator - in an entirely different situation - was beaten severely by a fifteen prey to rage even more fired without justification.
I take this opportunity to try to tell a wider audience in what was to - when there - the methodology of the masters of the road in these cases.
First consideration: making a situation analysis broad category is not needed. The comments of "The Morning", without knowing who the good guy, a topic that may be living in violent environments and degraded, having parents who backed him etc. ..
Probably there is some truth but I'm not sure that it is, could be equally true to the title exactly the opposite, namely that contacts a normally quiet and polite boy.
Second consideration: the positions taken by political, moral, educational, action, do not need.
We need to understand the situation first, get a description of the events unfolding in their minutes.
Now since I have no possibility to investigate either live would make sense in a situation where I do not have to intervene to improve the state of affairs existing, reconstructed on the basis of the facts in my possession:
  1. INVALSI was the day of evidence, that an examination of the subject of controversy and much feared, and at a trial during which even the most detached of us feel judged even self judge. The day before I accidentally saw the manager of that school, was totally immersed in the reading of papers relating to the test. I looked out to see her because it is one of my former colleague. Three times I said good morning, did not feel right, raises his head to the third: "It 's just the wrong time to farmi visita: prove INVALSI». « Sono in visita per questioni di segreteria. Buon lavoro». Conoscendo Rosa sono sicuro che abbia fatto svolgere le prove col massimo del rigore e della serietà, come occorre fare in queste occasioni.
  2. Nei mesi precedenti ci sono stati – anche questo l’ho appreso casualmente recandomi presso l’istituto professionale dal quale dipendevo – seminari con i valutatori INVALSI che avevano ad oggetto alcune singolarità statistiche delle prove a svolte a Napoli che forse dimostravano un non eccessivo rigore da parte di molti.
  3. Conoscendo questi dati ho subito immaginato che la maestra oggetto dell’attacco non fosse la maestra abituale del bambino. L’ho chiesto operators that video a few minutes before had turned the hospital and I had confirmation: the teacher was present to supervise tests. And I guess, since this is not a task in itself exciting, whether you are a sensitive teacher and motivated.
  4. The dynamics of the facts: a child in the class says a phrase that a more considered offensive in itself and this gives him a pen (once they were in beech wood with a sliding lid, and saw broken heads for their misuse ) I guess that was to soft ones with the zipper. I guess the boys were away and the shooter immediately after the launch, as is mandatory in such cases, has raised a fury to get to the other: it was here that the teacher is rightly intervened triggering a reaction of uncontrolled anger.
So I have reason to believe that there was a situation of great tension between the school staff at all levels. And this was true, however, because we have systematically tested in the vicinity of the examinations: teachers, educators, administrators, anxious to be: just look at the existence of an alien or just 'different' from the usual (and therefore a person family is present in a new guise) to unleash "an anxiety of performance" that is transmitted amplified boys. Of course everyone says I'm the children to be anxious, but in fact there is an amplifying circuitry between the various components of the small community that soon brings anxiety to frenzy until someone decides to break the cycle with some act that melts in explosively, the general tension.
last year, including our students, veterans of that defining a troubled school year is an understatement, they had to sit the characteristic feature. Provide adequate preparation - which I will discuss below - in most cases not There were explosions, but in cases where this has occurred certamente c’era stata  inadeguata preparazione.
Dunque  sostenere una prova nazionale di valutazione è di per sé una fonte di forte ansia per adulti bambini e genitori; se poi si sa di essere osservati in modo speciale – il sud che fa brutta figura con il nord, i valutatori che ti hanno già criticato, le polemiche intorno alla validità delle prove, la scarsezza dei mezzi a disposizione per fare un buon lavoro educativo – ci si rende conto che l’esplosione del primo bambino è come la pistolettata di Sarajevo: fa precipitare in guerra aperta una tensione di cui l’aria era satura da un pezzo. E come sempre accade in questi casi i primi ad essere disponibili alla zuffa sono i più unfortunate, those who feel more at that moment the intolerable situation, and I want to go out whatever the cost.
The difference between our pitcher of insults and the regicide of Sarajevo that he believed his personal enemy of the Archduke, and this is his classmate.

What to do?
The first rule when you're in the shit is that we recognize, is to share the discomfort of the situation, it serves to give a name to an anxiety that from a rational point of view it is unreasonable and unjustified and which we are ashamed as if it were the light of a guilty conscience. When I had the opportunity to do my work coordinator, the first thing was to reassure them that a single test could not call into question the seriousness and dedication with which they had worked for an entire year. Of course there could be inadequate and that the results would be discussed, but in any case could not be questioned on their person.
This is the first step: Sort the results by the person and the results are the consequence of a very complex task and somewhat inscrutable, our mutual professional respect is based on attendance and a serious piece of work that goes on for two hundred days and 1600 hours. Of course we have to discuss if we have disappointing results, but the whole organization, beginning with the coordinator, who must get to work to identify areas of weakness. We know that the failures are pushing us toward new solutions. The important thing is to carry out the examination with the utmost seriousness and serenity in order to be ready to accept the defeat as a source of growth.
Without this with adults it is repeated verbatim with the boys. A review and test their complex meanings:
  1. visible to the institutions that organize the school what the final result, and this is important because in this way, young people know helping to improve the system. You can do all the controversy that you want on these tests, but then we should support them wholeheartedly, however, because they are a tool for change, the same evidence, if necessary. Supporting evidence is therefore also tell young people that are not mere 'objects of observation' but are subject to possible changes. For us to realize a project, perhaps it was easier to say "we work seriously, we see that the project had an effect."
  2. Making young people aware of their value. The kids often have low self-esteem, hanno il timor panico di non sapere, spesso sottovalutano le cose che sanno. Esercitarsi in precedenza per dimostrare  a se stessi che le cose che si sanno alla fine vengono fuori è fondamentale. Aiutare i ragazzi a contenere l’ansia che può diventare debilitante e distruttiva è un compito importante a monte delle prove. Noi arriviamo a fare delle simulazioni d’esame il cui scopo è proprio  imparare a gestire l’ansia
  3. Addestrare i giovani e i loro educatori a sostenere gli esami, a considerarli una parte essenziale e ineliminabile del processo i crescita. Superare un esame significa sostenere la prova e saperne accettare ed elaborare le emozioni connesse. Partecipare a un esame con questo significato means that whatever the results, I go bigger. Better able to manage my life because I know the limits of my skills, and better because I know my ability to handle difficult situations or frustrating. We use to say that the examination is not only to sum up a path, the path but add something that enhances any previous experience in retrospect.
So if you have had adequate training on these issues - and this is not done with a sermon, but you do with concrete activities that put young people in a position to recognize the anxiety, to commit to the best of ability to recognize the value training test - the results are not lacking. Generally, exams, our students have made better than they expected they and their teachers. In a significant number of cases there were good performances and that was the subject drawn up by the children and teachers in a few cases There was a bad reaction in the sense of non-acceptance of results by the young.

Think instead to another type of exam preparation: trying to find out beforehand what could be the focus of evaluation, the parents bring a private trainer, teachers want to rush to fill the more obvious shortcomings , many are scrambling to find or request ploy to enjoy some help during the tests, many were fitted to copy and do what the world began to do for exams.
All these things do nothing but increase anxiety, which multiply the weight that is behind boobies Examiner: must answer for itself, the parent who has spent the money, the teacher who brought a recovery of the last now, the principal who is keen to make the school look good.
must clear the field from all this and work on relaxation, to ensure that the young no matter what happens we love you and we're there to support to get out the better. In the past school year for reasons that I will not expose, we knew that a number of students would certainly have been rejected because the members of the Selection Board had expressed a final opinion on experience. So our job as educators and teachers of a restoration project has been to ensure maximum availability for our side to be more in boys, and if possible to continue the work begun in other forms.

So if we return to the matter: I am sure that the strong tension has played a decisive role, and has played a decisive role in the fact that there were no previous knowledge of the protagonists.
Now it is certain that the tests should be conducted with the presence of strangers and accept that this presence is itself an important test of maturity, but it is equally certain that the stranger should not be invested by the examinees from anxieties and emotions that do not concern him. Encourage prior knowledge, outside the configuration 'hard' exam can help to humanize a figure who is perceived differently almost as an enemy.
So you have to help teachers and schools to handle these situations, above all we must help them to think about these things, analyze them in detail to find new strategies and then we must begin by saying that teachers ed educatori devono essere messi in condizione di difendersi facendo bene il loro lavoro.

Va da sé che ci vogliono mezzi e quant’altro, ma è altrettanto vero che finché non ci saranno i mezzi dobbiamo comunque  imparare a disinnescare queste dinamiche; se no, non ci saranno fondi ministeriali che basteranno.
Il punto di vista che devono adottare gli educatori è quello di voler aiutare se stessi e ogni altro operatore ad affrontare situazioni difficili ed impreviste.
Altri punti di vista sono molto più interessati a usare il caso come emblema di qualcos’altro, lasciando l’operatore là dove si trova. Io penso che una buona politica, e una buona cultura dovrebbero partire dalla premessa di saper fornire un aiuto a chi sta in mezzo al guado. Ma mi pare che l’atmosfera sia troppo avvelenata dallo scontro politico  e troppo  ideologizzata per ansia da schieramento per curarsi dei maestri e delle maestre che domani mattina andando a scuola potrebbero incappare in un calcio.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Illegal Train Groping In Japan

meat work

Due to complaints and evidence provided by foreign workers who worked in Rosario, the police could have arrested 21 Italians owners of farms and 9 foreign corporals.
Their collaboration, called the head of the squad Renato Cortese "fundamental" has made it possible to establish an inhuman exploitation of their work. The immigrants were in fact exploited "like animals," say the investigators ( Unit, 27/04/2010, p.4 ).
The investigation revealed "absolutely unfair and oppressive subordination ... working conditions" ( Unit, p.7).
A day's work for 12 hours was also paid "on average" 22 €, but some of these modern slaves claim to have worked "for less" ( The poster, 27.04.2010, p.8 ) ; 2:50 went to the corporal. The apartment houses or factories ... dilapidated, infested with rats, cockroaches, lack of water and heating.
The paltry "salary" was paid late, often "barrel and even death threats" (The fact , 27/04/2010, p.9).
The accused will have to answer for "criminal association aimed at the exploitation of illegal workers and cheating" ( Unit, p.4). And perhaps, the type of offense or the charges could increase: violence, blackmail, threats, etc..
Although for now you can see connections with the 'Ndrangheta, "difficult" to think that this system could be left "without the green light of the clan" ( Unit, p.4). In
However, 20 companies were seized and 200 land "worth 10 million euro ( Unit, p.5).
It was almost like a system of slavery that is perpetuated through a web of economic exploitation, brutal living conditions and hygiene, protection medieval work, physical and psychological violence but was also practice because: "The delay in payments - we read in the papers, the investigation requires the workers to continue working, and be subject to the will of the corporal who in this way they can handle at will "(The fact , 27/04/2010, p.9 ).
The road workers non is still rising, not only in Rosario, but their complaint comes from a positive signal for the Italians, although not working in those conditions.
As observed by the researcher Antonello Mangano, the issue of the exploitation of the work covers the Italians, who often bear that, and even violence, blackmail etc.. without notable reactions ( Unit, p.6).
However, good May 1 to all workers and all workers of the world, of whatever color, ethnicity, country, religion and culture are!