Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lab Five Cell Respiration Worksheets

I died on the job of three years Saturday, September 11

Saturday 4 workers died at work. The statistics record notes at work an average of 3 deaths per giorno.1 died in 2009 1050 people for this tragic Inail budget is slightly improved compared to 2008.2
But this improvement depends on a lot by the decrease due to the crisis economica.3
Saturday at Pescia in the province of Pistoia "Romania is a 36 year old Marius Birt, was crushed by holding a press in which he worked for seven months with a regular contract" 4
A Capua, near Caserta three workers are dead. They were: Antonio Di Matteo, 63, a native of Macerata Campania and Vincenzo Musso, 43, of Casoria, near Naples. The first 2 were just "taken ill."
"It 's likely that Joseph Cecere, 52, of Capua, who was one of the deans of the team involved the construction work and known for his skill, has attempted to help .
Remarkable similarities between the tragedy and that of Capua Sarroch (Ca) of 26/05/2009, there also died suffocated by the fumes of gas three workers involved in the maintenance of a silo.
too Sarroch workers working for an important town in Sardinia for Saras to Capua for DSM, "a Dutch company that produces substances for pharmaceutical products." 6 A
Sarroch as Capua, workers worked for an outside firm.
But the problem transcends this or this geographic area.
rightly Minister Sacconi said: "It is remarkable that once again be victims of fatal accidents in those who work specifically in the contract maintenance services." 7
It is striking that people must work to live, work die , but it seems that the problem is the procurement as the way in which they are governed.
fact: "At the word" contract ", the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Supervisory Inail, dr. Lotito, "respond harshly."
"The problem vero_ says the clause is called _ largest discount , unfortunately is a known issue for procurement companies are offered at bargain prices but in doing so then they are forced to cut costs. And what? Those for security, first and foremost. "8
Because we find that the tank where they dropped the workers of Capua was already cleaned up, and scaffolding that Cecere" and also "had to remove her colleagues had used precisely to allow other technicians working inside the tank. "9 But the tank
seemed drained, because:" According to a reconstruction of the Prosecutor, c’era stato un tentativo “maldestro” di bonifica: era stato fatto uscire solo l’elio, non l’azoto presente all’80%.”10
Ora, dobbiamo sapere che: “Le morti durante le operazioni di pulizia e manutenzione delle cisterne sono diventate una delle cause maggiori di decesso”; “Dal 2006 si contano almeno altri sette episodi di particolare gravità che portano il numero dei lavoratori avvelenati a 26.”11
Ci sarebbe ancora parecchio da dire su questa tremenda piaga sociale-lavorativa che con un ardito neologismo è stata definita “cisternite.”12
Segnalo del resto il giudizio del sostituto procuratore di Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Donato Ceglie, who opened a file for multiple manslaughter, for him, "what is emerging seems to me that there was sufficient security and protection", in fact, 20 of the Santa Maria Capua Vetere police have arrested several inspectors Asl for false certificates for their safety at lavoro.13
Remember, as Dr.. Lotito: "In many cases, then, these are piece workers, or to be more explicit:" The cost savings incentive to resort to unskilled work shifts that extend far beyond normal hours, without training , security, technical equipment and security "14
must condemn serious default by the entrepreneur because "in general" dr. Lotito says that the real security of the worker, the first "cares." 15
fact, about the security warning that a ruling by the Supreme Court "is not enough that employers provide such guidance to be followed for that purpose, but it is necessary with prudent and continues to oversee the strict compliance with due diligence. "
This must be done" to the pedantry "that" these standards are not treated by the workers in ordinary work practices. "
are so many issues that relate to serious inadempienze e non meno gravi sottovalutazioni del problema delle morti bianche in sede politica, legislativa, imprenditoriale ecc. ….
Certo, le leggi e le regole relative alla sicurezza dei lavoratori non sono un “lusso che non possiamo permetterci”, come dichiarato dal ministro Tremonti alla festa della Lega; infatti, do atto al ministro d’aver corretto questa affermazione.
Concordo quindi in toto col presidente Napolitano che “raccoglie la diffusa indignazione per il ripetersi di incidenti mortali causati da gravi negligenze nel garantire la sicurezza dei lavoratori.”16
E’ infatti importante sottolineare come le cd morti bianche non siano random or isolated but are part of the dynamics that are self-perpetuating following constants are often similar.
So I think we should review some, relying more on technology (here agree that it is Lotito sen. Tofani pdl) and Lotito, on the legal side: "Attach a shared responsibility in case of accidents, the company which gives the contract and for those who receive (at present, however, is only the latter to respond degl'infortuni of his workers, ed). "17
Finally, if our really wants to be a democratic republic, it must not derogate from Article. 41 of the Constitution which says: "The economic initiative is free.
There shall not be contrary to public benefit or to harm the safety, freedom, human dignity . The law determines the programs and controls for public and private economic activity may be directed and coordinated towards social ends. "18


1)       Liberazione , 12/09/2010 .
2)       Ma su questo dissente G. A. Stella, archiviostorico.corriere.it L’art. si intitola Morti sul lavoro e statistiche. I numeri che ingannano.
3)       Liberazione, n° cit. ; su questo concorda abbastanza anche l’Inail.
4)       Ansa, 12/09/2010 .
5)       Ansa, 12/09/2010 .
6)       Corriere della sera, 12/09/2010 .
7)       Corriere della sera, n° cit . Il corsivo è My.
8) Corriere della Sera, No. cit.
9) Corriere della Sera, No. cit.
10) Ansa, 13/09/2010 .
11) Liberation, No. cit.
12) See F. Sebastiani on www.controlacrisi.org ; art. is 11 / 09/2010 cf. Price of the crisis 11/09/2010: "Those horrendous deaths at the bottom of the tank "and his interview with G. Norcia, a physician's work on Inca-CGIL www.commercialpointjob.it Art and interview dates back to 15/09/2010, tit. "Sacconi's masterpiece and the reform of the Law on Security cut the penalties. "
13) For the opinion of Dr.. Ceglie cf. Liberation, No. cit. and arrests www.carabinieri.it .
14) Corriere della Sera and Liberation, NN ° city.
15) Corriere della Sera, No. cit.
16) Corriere della Sera, No. cit.
17) Corriere della Sera, No. cit.
18) Emphasis added.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Do You Get Spots With Phlebitis

Niente di nuovo sul fronte orientale -16 settembre 2010 -

La periferia orientale di Napoli, un tempo sede dell'industria pesante e manifatturiera, oggi è sede di numerosi istituti di istruzione superiore che ospitano i giovani delle tre periferie, San Giovanni, Barra Ponticelli. 
Dopo aver detenuto il record dell'analfabetismo i tre quartieri hanno avuto il record della dispersione scolastica nelle scuole medie, oggi hanno il record della dispersione alle schools, the problem then was promoted. Here is a description of the phenomenon to the 'nascent state'

At midnight on December 31, 1980, instead of making me stunned by the barrels of my noisy neighbors of St. John, climbed Mount Vesuvius to enjoy the view. The night was clear, wind-blown, the Sorrento peninsula, islands, mountains of Caserta were carved into the blue sky, white lights and yellow paesoni drew the map of the province between Naples and Caserta, on the one hand, the agro Sarnese Nocerino other. The conurbation Caserta Napoli Salerno was visible in all its broken-down maze without can guess a drawing, or around a river or around a road network, or along a mountain ridge, only along the axes of absolute anarchy.
The barrels do not have a true beginning: the whole province are looking forward to their exploding firecrackers and powerful lightning in the distance one can see that suddenly illuminate colorful buildings, dark alleys. When the fire began to intensify a strange phenomenon occurs: it seems that there are 'stokers' that are synchronized, in fact several teams do so alternately appear in the body of the conurbation of inconsistent actual movements, such as a large animal , a writhing dragon moves. At midnight, when the intensity grows, it provides a real rhythm, a kind of breath a bit 'breathless report that the large animal with long chains of intermittent ignition light along the ridges of its shell. And while land is outlined in this fantastic drawing in a salt fog blue sky and draw a mirror image of the conurbation ominous cloud that expands on it by making it gradually more and more confused with the black backdrop of night.
was then that I had a clear vision of how the mind and the eye of the observer to give form to phenomena that in itself does not have and how is the word that refers to impart a sense of what not him.

A morning routine fear
The September 16, 2010 I had an appointment with a team of 14 volunteers who were to meet with 206 young people who set foot for the first time in the Institute Professional Sannino-Petriccione. Some of them were veterans, others met and prepared a few days earlier, others just tested the day before, others arrived only now through the chains 'trust' that still exist. I distribute for couples and see that I do not have enough, someone has to be alone. Then a nice number, but a young psychologist, trying to escape from being alone: \u200b\u200bthey are afraid and is very beautiful and important si sia stabilito tra noi un clima per cui nessuno esita a dichiarare nel modo più semplice e più tranquillo la propria paura. La mia paura in realtà è moltiplicata per quattordici e anche per ventotto: temo per come si realizzerà l’impatto , per come reagiranno in caso di ’insuccesso’ altri 14 docenti nei confronti dei quali abbiamo preso questo azzardo. Poi vedo Sabrina, l’aspetto minuto e gentile di una ragazzina di scuola media, infiltrata tra i grandi delle superiori – in realtà una laureata in psicologia - che incoraggia la sua amica che opera quotidianamente al SERT - e quindi non ha certo paura di confrontarsi con realtà difficili - e prendo i suoi incoraggiamenti anche per me. Sia chiaro che non are unconscious, in a sense, a specialist in the first impact, I discussed with the teachers of the school right in saying that relate to new students is important, the first minute of the first hour of the first day of school. One wrong word, a glance through a tone too have dire consequences. Imprinting of animals is directly proportional to the precariousness of their lives, a prey animal must learn to recognize his mother in a few minutes for the next few minutes will also learn how to escape. A man afraid of life, takes fractions of a second rank strangers who meet in an unknown environment as friends or enemies. So we are prepared, as we said are the words not spoken, the gestures do not, the words to say, the posture to take. The fact that young volunteers have studied psychology or have experience helps us a lot of educators, they understand how important they are to fly these things, how many meanings behind gestures should be read in elementary school. And despite everything, despite repeated positive experiences, there is the fear of the first impact and the fear of fear: feeling we may have overestimated ourselves that this time we will succeed. So the first moment is critical for us. But it is tempered by the fact that we meet our boys in the big hall of the theater, the group formed around the couple appear to protect young workers e proteggersi nella vastità anonima di un anfiteatro da 500 posti. Il tragitto dal teatro alla classe cementerà attraverso il cammino comune negli ampli e deserti corridoi questa prima conoscenza. Dunque il primo passo è stato fatto senza danno; come spesso accade il primo passo è silenzioso da entrambe le parti ed è un bene perché le parole sono fonte di equivoci.
Dall’altro lato, tra i ragazzi, si leggevano sguardi altrettanto spaventati. Il nostro compito era di riuscire a dare un nome a quella paura, a leggere un disegno in quel quadro incoerente, aiutare i giovani a trovare un senso in quella loro presenza, insieme, in quella squallida aula.
Dunque un primo gruppo di allievi se ne sta seduto in banks, real estate, perched at the bar physically as if it constituted a shield, seem more disciplined, they are actually the most scared, waiting with dread the evolution of events. Those who have an individual counter the tilt slightly toward you, and emphasize the idea of \u200b\u200bfortification. The youth of this kind, where I observed directly, are in the back rows, then there is a line more mobile, leaning over the counter, such as athletes at the starting blocks, are slightly inclined and ready to take on the bias, waiting for the opportunity to participate in some 'fireworks' and finally there is the first line, which does not fit in the bank, launching continuous attacks to those in positions of authority, but actually also to the group: as soon as the group seems to draw something, make a speech, they break, they act the physical condition of instability, the need to escape.
Soon these attacks began changing in one direction: out of class. This convergence is created by our own reactions: The first time I tried to say that you can not quit, not just to go out when you're writing a conversation, the fire starts in a row, that shoots the whole row in the same direction to this point is reached the first goal of involuntary coalition the small group. Comincia così un andirivieni verso la porta: uscite e rapidi rientri, incontri tra gruppi di fuoriusciti delle altre classi; molti si conoscono, molti altri si riconoscono: lo stare fuori in quel modo è il segno distintivo di uno stesso disagio, di uno stesso modo di non affrontarlo; incomincia a delinearsi la sagoma del dragone che ben presto percorrerà i corridoi della scuola.
Questa banda si aggira nel vasto e squallido corridoio alla ricerca di qualcosa, si muove come una muta di lupi, in testa quelli più audaci ed aggressivi dietro a grappolo quelli via via più timidi, l’estensione orizzontale della fila compensa la scarsa audacia; ultimi, in ordine sparso, quelli che non riescono ad intrupparsi, che non even have the ability to recognize horde, waiting for the scrum to express themselves in an anarchic way.
The group wanders aimlessly in the corridor until identifies a wire dangling. This becomes an opportunity for a test of courage: some override, others will go under, it's a challenge. The game ends when one of the natural leaders say and teach in the school's electrical system? (In fact it is probably inactive uncavo phone, and they have understood, but agreed that it was portrayed as a dangerous wire charged with electricity, writer, between the dismay of onlookers who saw a scenic element be less important, has 'tidied up' by anchoring it to a big nail in the wall long ago for that purpose, but with the wear of time was put upside down, releasing the cable from its anchorage) Now the band has become a "political movement", has identified the reason may be that the ideological: the school does not work as expected. Another boy more constructive, by manipulating a handle with contempt route, pushing his foot a radiator shaky, shaking a tattered door says, but then the broken things of adjusting the guys?
A teacher of the third hour class is completely empty, trying in vain to bring them back into class, then call down to the headmaster. They feel i primi commenti aggressivi e parolacce mormorate al suo indirizzo. Il preside arriva dopo poco facendosi precedere da una ingiunzione fatta con voce squillante: tutti in classe. Nello spazio di tempo che c’è tra il sentire la sua voce e il salire i tre gradini che consentono alla sua testa di emergere dalla tromba delle scale, la banda è dispersa e tutti sono ritornati nei banchi e siedono in silenzio. Il preside scompare in una delle classi e quelli che si sono seduti si guadano smarriti intorno, orfani di un incontro ravvicinato con la massima autorità.

Nello spazio di poche ore ha preso corpo un disegno: c’è un corridoio grande come una piazza d’armi, dei bagni fatiscenti e maleodoranti that no man's land where they meet the fugitives, the men on the run, who recognize that through signals that are gatherings of the stadium, the fights, the raids in the district and there are those who are involving them in the bank and that some interaction with teachers. The space of the hall is the space of emotions act of monstrous dragon that give meaning to the incoherent movements of people devouring time, the space of the class has a simple design and pre-established that it is not able to contain the burst of this and that will soon be overcome or reduced to a miserable remnant of a large group that could be vital.

Who's afraid of who
Those sitting in the pews are afraid of aggression of others, they feel vaguely that there are kids used to a violent life, attacking for no apparent reason, that put everything in terms of aggression, they also fear the possibility that institutional aggression that the institution punishes them and deprive them of something important. Some of these guys could stop coming to school because they find it too painful to bear this situation, their mind is too busy in defense activities in order to engage in learning. Those
line of attack are convinced that in that place they will never succeed, that the game will come out of the school always defeated, their activity is therefore twofold: to stay strictly out of that game, not to accept any offer of cooperation, systematically attack the guardians and guarantors of that game and possibly bring down the entire organization. The moment you show the weakness is the inability of the institution, is not the scenario that would see them defeated. At the same time are disappointed by the lack of a valid interlocutor with which to oppose. Very happy so they play cops and robbers, or read the script and then pray that the destruction of the reconstruction: These guys have an obsessive need of authority, which it's there, which is heard so that they can play the only part they know: one of the breaker. A situation reflexive, circle in which the exchange of words is very distressing for them, puts them in a game that does not know and the outcomes for their unpredictable and threatening.
And what we are afraid of us? Many things together, the most basic, perhaps the one that unites all those who have to establish relationships with groups of people in potentially confrontational situations is the explosion of violence. To understand violence does not necessarily lead hands, but I mean the systematic destruction of any possibility of speech, the explosion of uncontrolled impulses elementary and especially their contagious effect in the mass. Each of us feels more or less obscure, the explosion of violence that leaves us helpless, unable to act when not acting for ourselves the violence and fear that this particular: the deconstruction of our self in a chaotic situation. We are not afraid of being able to suffer some physical injury, some kind of moral offense, but above all we are afraid of our reaction, the possibility of losing the attitude, that of losing control of an identity painstakingly built.
The second fear that amplifies this is specific to those who are trying a new operation to the limit: to lose control of himself means anche perdere ogni credibilità rispetto alla propria professionalità e compromettere il gruppo professionale di cui si è parte. Dunque la paura di chi tenta azioni audaci è più forte degli altri.
La terza paura riguarda il proprio sapere disciplinare, ossia il fatto che nel dilagare della violenza non ci sia alcuno spazio, per la trasmissione del proprio specifico sapere, e quindi di perdere la propria ragion d'essere nel contesto scolastico.
Dunque intorno a questo incontro si addensano nubi minacciose ed è molto difficile riuscire a vincere queste paure e a sviluppare una attività positiva.

Risolvere un problema essendo parte del problema
The first rule of
source to a complex and intricate problem solvers and in which part of the problem is to decompose the problem, sinking in small doses in space and time. Operators can be trained and prepared in advance, they may experience in different situations and at the side of veterans solutions and ways of acting. The preparation should be theoretical, ie have a sufficiently accurate description of the problem you are facing, have a plausible interpretation. Without a theoretical framework, the operators are prey to stereotypes, of concepts taken from common language that make them vulnerable to changes in respect of complex phenomena. The preparation should also be used as training aspects, namely be designed to have the skill and readiness for immediate answers and are not reflected in the face of unforeseen events. The skill can be reached only by repeated experiences of similar situations and learning to give sufficient response to automatically apply. Necessarily need to train to operate for a time alongside a skilled, confident, sure of being able to cope with the unexpected.
The second strength is to work in groups: the group gives strength to the individual, a group can offer different responses can facilitate the task of each member to reflect, to think quickly to a solution without being too stressed, it allows an alternation moments between hot and cold. Many think the group just as the multiplication of forces, it is instead of an integration, the ability to differentiate in the Joint Action and the fragmentation into many small faces.
Once involved in the action, action is needed having in mind that black is never so black as it seems, that there are always areas that a more careful observation appear lighter. A teenager who attacks you saying that the only village that is known by the phrase "you've wrecked three quarters of c." is also signaling that he knows something about the villages, but which wants to keep its own language. To capture a volo questi piccoli segnali di apertura è il difficile lavoro di aprire dei canali di dialogo. Per poter cogliere questi segnali è assolutamente indispensabile sapersi mettere dal punto di vista dell’altro, capire come l’altro, dal suo punto di vista, legge la situazione. Questo è possibile solo attraverso una capacità empatica, ossia riconoscendo che ciò che vivono i nostri interlocutori lo abbiamo vissuto e lo viviamo in forme diverse anche noi.
Un docente ed un educatore che si senta “diverso all’origine” dai nostri adolescenti aggressivi non potrà mai dialogare con loro. ‘Diverso all’origine’ significa ritenersi quasi di un’altra specie, dire a se stessi - And sometimes cry in public - "I'm not like them," puts a distance that no good reception and no way can fill. Thinking that "the end" we are different is to be aware of the fact that there is a difficult road ahead and that the fact of having taken part in does not allow us to feel hopelessly superior. This kind of humility can not be simply stated as a leap of politically correct speech, but it must be lived through the pain of failure, through the travail of the desire to escape and made only if we have explored - and we continue to explore - our parts are weak and fearful, our parts aggressive, envious, jealous, we understand - that is, read and consider - the fears, jealousies and aggressions of others. It follows from this the need for an educational project in the opportunity to reflect on their emotions in a group under the guidance of professionals who have made the exploration of the psyche has jurisdiction.
It is also necessary to climb up a mountain during a dark night to see how it moves away from the dragon who lives imprisoned in informing tangle of relationships that take place in an educational community. Metaphors must each make sense of their own actions and movements which are absorbed and subservient to the failure movement of young disadvantaged adolescents. A thoughtful guide for the group is to make sense to build a story, to have memory and consciousness of their actions. Without this working group is doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Just as the individual grows so must grow the group through its own evolutionary history and memory through its own its own identity.

This rule applies to all complex organizations. A complex organization can not be reconstructed only on the basis of protocols, rules, skills. To inherit a heritage professional is required a long common attendance. E 'possible to build organization with a similar appearance, but it is necessary to start a new story, build a new memory, and yet we can take a lesson from previous experiences, so that the need to protect the history and identity of a group is not a creed identity of its members but a professional necessity recognized by institutional purchasers of a project.

deny the future
at this time in more than one hundred professional and technical institutions in the province of Naples starts or they begin their first year in high school classes about 700-800 young 20-24000. 7000-8000 of these are not intended to go to the second year, many of them stop attending within the month of December. Many will spend their hours out systematically from the courtroom, creating situations of noise, shouting in the aisles, smoking in the bathrooms, assaulting verbally, sometimes physically, teachers. Their inconsistent movement seen from afar drawing a giant monster that devours intelligence and vitality. Thousands of teachers around them suffer without being able to intervene effectively, hundreds of school leaders will get by without being able to adopt useful strategies.
I think you have to give an answer to the problem in its entirety, build it together with patience, knowing that this is a difficult problem that no one has a solution and we can all take action if we have patience and if we devote ourselves making small steps. You can start from any point, you can start working on ten classes instead of 800 but you must have a strategy for 800 classes, outside of doing this project still experimental specimens, the flag means only cheating themselves.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How Long To Wait To Get Gallbladder Surgery

EASST, 2010 Department of Sociology Trent


photo of Serena Busana

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Clipart Of Diapers With No Writing On The Diapers

Un anno scolastico buono

Nicola Magliulo I receive from these quotes. Happy New Year to all schools.
But there is a good school year, which is organized in a meaningful way?

Walking (1913)
"One of the largest and most pestilential superstition schools Italian is the length of time. More school children are forced to remain in the classroom and less profit. Who does not know that, in the morning, the third hour of instruction is useless?
What the teacher sees the tired eyes, restless legs and arms, the general lack of attention? Worse in the afternoon. There are technical institutes where, in certain classes, ranging from two to five and possibly six, through a kaleidoscope of teachers, which happen before a student body increasingly restless and inattentive. The school
educational, healthy, fortifying should take place only in the morning, three hours with some interval of rest, in which case the third hour would be profitable. The afternoon should be dedicated to the tasks of young, independent study, part of the exercise and the walks. "
Luigi Einaudi (economist and president of the Republic, 1874-1961)
The art of wasting time (1966 )
"When he finally knows the whole truth about the kind of teaching (but I fear that day is still far away), mankind will face a gigantic hoax, and a monstrous imposture. Finally we find that the professors and students do not listen to blather, no one does anything, the student and the teacher will let cheat cheat, that string string, thirty hours of study would cover comodamente il contenuto di tre trimestri scolastici.
Nella sua forma attuale la scuola è un'eccellente preparazione. alla vita impiegatizia, a quell'arte di perdere tempo facendo finta di lavorare che contraddistingue i burocrati. Quell'indottrinamento diluito, ripetitivo, apatico e sempre uguale è esattamente il contrario di come dovrebbe essere un insegnamento degno del suo nome: conciso, intenso, stimolante".
Witold Gombrowicz (scrittore polacco, 1904-1969)

  Il contratto perverso (2008)
"Alla scuola, molti ragazzi sono disposti a dare il corpo, non l'anima. In pochi anni, ad iniziare dalla scuola media, almost everyone learns the tricks of the trade: the dead time to relax, feints and strategies to avoid being noticed ("the ambush"), the endless tactics of evasion and avoidance of so-called "duties" as when they do group work which in effect gives them the ability to copy or to leave it to others. Although not all love him, students cling to their contract, because it gives them a social identity, because that protects them from excessive personal involvement. And I cling to the point that they do not want to change it, so we have become accustomed: to play with the expectations of the institution and teachers, to invent new rules of the game, to manipulate the rules of assessment. Each innovation that threatens, directly or indirectly, to craft a student is ill accept it disarms them, deprives them of the defense mechanisms that generations of students have built and have been handed down.
Differentiate or make flexible - as it wants independence - the time and times depending on the design process is not accepted, because the boys know that it is easier to survive when the matter and the teacher changed every three quarters of an hour: you can get to the end of a week of thirty hours after having done so many times "decent minimum", and would be completely unable to do the same if they were forced to engage in the same activity for several hours below.
Rosario Drago (Superintendent)
An absurd teaching (1906)
"educated men, teachers, students of pedagogy, which would reject the proposal to engage in terror, was even if only for a week, to attend three lectures per day, one after the other, even on topics that most interest them, do not seem to see the absurdity of teaching, hygienic and psychological education systems that force children from ten to eighteen years to be nailed, for an average of five hours a day, while whole years, on the benches of the school, as if there were other means to achieve the goals so that they reach or, to speak more precisely, it is believed that the purpose of reaching, as the final result of this intensive culture system - too similar to the system of nutrition brutally put in place in the countryside of Lower Lombardy get delicious goose livers - is too often reduced to this, to give birth in all pupils, and often the most intelligent, such a
aversion to anything that smacks of school or who has any bearing on what you are taught , to be almost feel fortunate that the curriculum has given so much to what is not worth to be known: so at least the student to leave the school because most of the baked Part of that knowledge to better serve the fulfillment of his duties as a citizen and family man and for the profession to which we aspire, at least not come out even counting any desire and impulse to acquire them for its own account as soon as recognizes the utility.
Giovanni Vailati (mathematician, 1863-1909)

Rediscovering the adult in every teenager (2007)
In an 'interview immediately after the publication of the book The Case Against Adolescence : Rediscovering the Adult in Every Teen (2007), Epstein said: "Adolescence is the artificial extension of childhood. In any mammalian species, once established la pubertà si agisce da adulti. Nelle società preindustriali quelli che chiamiamo adolescenti erano integrati nella società come adulti responsabili.
E' stata la nostra cultura ad estendere artificialmente l'infanzia, in primo luogo attraverso il sistema scolastico e le restrizioni nei confronti del lavoro. I due sistemi si sono sviluppati parallelamente verso la fine del 1800. Le leggi sull'istruzione obbligatoria sono andate di pari passo con l'innalzamento dell'età per l'accesso al lavoro. Regole nate soprattuttio contro gli abusi e lo sfruttamento minorile nelle fabbriche nate con la rivoluzione industriale. Questi sistemi hanno sempre più isolato i teenagers dagli adulti.
Ma oggi questi sistemi non funzionano più e non hanno longer applicable. Faced with an education that lasts a lifetime, learning after puberty should be combined in interesting and creative ways with work. Our teenagers are very capable in some ways much more than adults, which is detrimental to pursue their infantilization with the continuing compulsory education, which keeps them up beyond the age of majority under the supervision and control by the school, far away authentic work environments, where instead may develop responsibility and autonomy. We must rediscover the adult in every teenager, giving young people independence and responsibility as adults!
Robert Epstein (American psychologist, b. 1953)

The school building should be a meeting place for teachers and pupils in his free time (1908)
The school building, we should say, itself a powerful means of education, and it is ridiculous buffoneggiare hill curriculum reform, methods, timetables, when humble hovels, without light or air, we claim that educating the mens sana in corpore sano, in all solemnity that more or less official is praised as a noble end of the school.
Cities and provincial little town where the school is the only home of culture, the school building should be the central meeting place for teachers and students in his free time, something in between the club and after-school detention, and it should not ever fail or a reading room open to the public, the parents were enticed to come into contact with professors, not a theater for dramatic performances, in which students were free to dispose of it as their own, as they should also have free use of fitness gym.
Gaetano Salvemini (historian and politician, 1873-1957)

Too many hours (1925)
"Another serious defect of the common technical schools, as indeed of all our secondary, is the length of time overall. The twenty-four and a half, twenty-six and a half, twenty-seven and a half hours a week for the class of common schools of the twenty-nine, thirty, thirty, thirty-one schools with special address, which become twenty-six and a half, twenty-eight to thirty-three and a half hours, if there is the additional time for physical education, are too many.
are too greatly when one considers that these 5, 6 daily hours spent in class if they must add at least another two or three hours of domestic employment for lesson preparation and execution of tasks, whose burden on the system of watertight bulkheads and teaching in each subject each day weighs heavy on the frail shoulders of our school children, despite repeated circulars on overload. "
Augusto Monti (teacher and novelist, 1881-1966)

The student worker (1955)
" As long as we have - as, To take the example that is closer to me, in the training colleges - from twelve to fifteen years for materials, each with its brave subsections, in a total of thirty hours of instruction per week (that is to be five hours per day average), until we will claim that these thirty hours of shared learning as it roughly corresponds to personal work and repetition, as long as we put, quindi, lo studente dai dodici ai diciotto anni nelle condizioni di un operaio dei tempi di "Metello" (giornata lavorativa dall'alba al tramonto); e fatto questo, ci ricorderemo poi del bisogno di riposo dei ragazzi soltanto lasciando qua e là vacanze a casaccio, allungando le ferie estive e dimenticando di accorciare i programmi; finché la scuola sarà una cosa con programmi che nessuno ha mai potuto svolgere (cioè abbracciare per intero, con trenta quaranta ragazzi da interrogare, cioè da conoscere uno per uno e giudicare ogni due mesi in modo equo); finché questo caos, questa ipocrisia della dottrina scritta sulla carta e
della ignoranza reale, della fatica e dell'ozio distribuiti all'impazzata, finché insomma, this school, Draft of otia cum litteris of Cicero, is gone, we can not truly speak of education, an approach
of school to the real needs of Italian society. "
Laura Lombardo Radice (teacher of literature , 1913-2003)

We eliminate the physical education curriculum (2010)
The Italians suffer from a strange form of schizophrenia: ask the State to provide all sorts of public services, if they complain are removed or denied, and at the same time a protest against oppressive taxation, but inevitable if the services they must provide pubblica amministrazione. Se poi, come spesso accade, i servizi richiesti sono forniti in modo inefficiente dal Governo, ancor meno si capisce perché gli italiani vogliano a tutti i costi che sia questo, e non il mercato, a fornirli. Facciamo un esempio concreto. Attualmente gli italiani pagano attraverso le tasse l'insegnamento dell'educazione fisica che i loro figli ricevono a scuola. Nel panorama vacillante dell'istruzione pubblica italiana, la ginnastica è forse uno degli ambiti più disastrati, soprattutto per le condizioni fatiscenti delle palestre e delle attrezzature di cui i nostri edifici scolastici sono dotati. Tanto è vero che, al pomeriggio, gli adolescenti italiani vengono iscritti dai lori genitori ad ogni tipo di associazione sportiva private that will make them do that exercise is essential for physical growth, the public school, in most cases, it is able to offer the morning. So Italian parents pay twice for their children's gymnastics: the State in the morning for a service inefficient, and individuals in the afternoon for a quality service commensurate with their preferences and possibilities. Italians do not seem to realize this and not even realize that what they pay the State for a service is not just inappropriate. There are 33,830 physical education teachers in middle and high school Italian, whose gross annual salary is about € 29,071 (with 15 years of seniority). (...). With this somma si possono acquistare nel mercato privato attività sportive di qualità mediamente migliore di quella offerta dalla scuola pubblica. (...) La maggior parte degli italiani probabilmente reagirebbe con stupore ad una proposta di questo tipo partendo dal presupposto che sia un diritto inalienabile del cittadino ricevere un'educazione fisica adeguata da parte dello Stato, e in particolare che tutti i cittadini, anche quelli poveri, debbano poter accedere a questo diritto. Ma se lo Stato richiede ad ognuno di noi una spesa rilevante per fornire un servizio che in realtà è ben lontano dall'essere adeguato (soprattutto per i poveri che non hanno alternative), non sarebbe meglio chiedere allo Stato di farsi da parte rendendoci i soldi, in modo da consentirci di organizzare da soli quanto necessario per produrre il
Andrea Ichino (economista, n. 1959) dall'articolo su Il Sole24Ore del 25 luglio 2010  

L'invenzione dell'orario e del calendario scolastico (1599)
35. Costanza nell'orario e nelle vacanze (Il Direttore provinciale, equivalente oggi del Ministro della PI, n.d.t. ) stabilisca l'ora di inizio e di fine delle lezioni per tutto l'anno, là dove variano secondo le stagioni. Una volta fissato l'orario, lo si osservi scrupolosamente, così come non si permetta con facilità di ritardare o anticipare il giorno di vacanza settimanale (mercoledì o giovedì era libero almeno al pomeriggio n.d.t. ). Si abbia cura infine di rispettare puntualmente l'ordine dei giorni d'insegnamento e di vacanza.
36 . Le vacanze. Come è necessario uno studio assiduo, così è necessaria qualche interruzione. Si badi pertò che non sia introdotta alcuna nuova vacanza, ma si mantengano con regolarità quelle che sono stabilite.
Ratio atque institutio Studiorum Societatis Iesu
(Ordinamento degli studi della compagnia di Gesù), Roma, 1599.  

I ritmi di apprendimento (1999)
2. Nell'esercizio dell'autonomia didattica le istituzioni scolastiche regolano i tempi dell'insegnamento e dello procedures for individual disciplines and activities as appropriate to the study and at the pace of pupils' learning. To this end, schools can take all forms of flexibility as they deem appropriate, among other things: a) the joint modular annual hours of each subject and activity, b) the definition of teaching units which do not coincide with the 'number of lessons and use as part of the curriculum required under Article 8, hours of space debris; c) the activation of individualized learning paths, in accordance with the general principle of integration of pupils in class and in the group, including in relation to pupils with with disabilities as required by law of 5 February 1992, n. 104; d) the formation of modular groups of pupils of the same or different classes or different years of course;
DPR 275/99. Article 4 Autonomy teaching (in force)

Milena Velba Hardkore

Dimenticare il Meridione

I followed the radio "all the Town's Talking", which focused on the growing intolerance towards the south
Some observations:

must tell the truth.
a) right of the pastor of Green Park Caivano, truth be told.
life in our cities is unworthy of a civilized country. E this we have to say that we live in these neighborhoods and we must say also that there is a social class - taking different political colors depending on the time and convenience - which has a parasitic role and he plays at least a century and a half to use misery and degradation of the south - by her own power - to pump and suck money which only serve to fatten itself. Traditionally this social class is in the early conquerors of Savoy - the unit is important, we believe but the flags are not always taken by people equally noble that their flags - then the rulers of the moment. Minister Brunetta has that place thanks to the votes and support of the parasitic class and his government has done nothing against this parasite class, and while he says the government of which it forms part is buying the votes of the parasitic bourgeoisie. So right
Brunetta and would do well to spit in the sky to see who gets his insults.
Racism has always been fueled by those who use it and exploit it for their own private interest. What is serious is happening is that millions of conscience remain hostage to this game in which opposing sides in the name of a common front, some bullies continue to bully those in whose name they say they fight. So we must say the truth must be said that we live in sucks and that they are responsible for this crap the same people who pretend to be condemned. What is serious is that an educated person as the pastor does not realize that any public figure, even more so a minister can not speak that way, can not instigate a thought that is inherently racist in a category that unifies that can not be unified as this - linguistic and psychological - contributes to oppress those who are victims of this crap. The rubbish on the streets of Naples is a true reflection of its leaders and this does not absolve those who deposited any rubbish in the spots and also in the house, even makes them doubly guilty of being sozzoni and be mentally enslaved by sozzoni who govern us (who are the current ones and those who clean autdichiaravano who ruled for 17 years the region, province and municipality).

The injustice of the victors not the vanquished nobility injustice
b) the historian can not remember the name right when he says that there were massacres, that the logic of the generals was to invaders. They are the fourth generation of an officer who fought in Piedmont Curtatone and arrived in Naples in the house where I live, as occupation troops, at home I found the military planning and the provision of troops to defend the hosts, but to bomb and attack the working class areas. In front of my house the sharpshooters have fire on striking workers Pietrarsa workshop which was the first in Italy to repair locomotives. All the great industries of the area east of Naples - where I live and work and where it now dominates the Camorra - have been dismantled a after the other, those heavy, textiles, leather etc. .. so those are all true, but it is also true that the whole industry was protected, that the whole industry was in the British capital, Belgian, French, Swiss, etc. .. While some monstrous city (Naples was larger than Paris, and then the most populated cities in Europe, but it was a city, a productive environment and social structure, or a grande accampamento di clienti commensali di briciole della grassa borghesia che consumava a Napoli i frutti delle rapine nelle campagne meridionali?), è anche vero  che alcune industrie protette succhiavano il sangue di tutto il meridione. C'era ricchezza ma mal distribuita, male usata, riversata nei palazzi principeschi che affollano Napoli, portata all'estero e mai riversata negli investimenti produttivi. Ancora oggi il sistema bancario raccoglie nel meridione molto di più di quello che investe in loco, le banche locali sono diventate filiali lucrose di grandi gruppi del nord.  Gli studi dicono anche che a parità  di macro-indicatori economici c'erano nel cortile di casa dei Borboni - che tale era il loro indicibile regno - livelli di investimenti incomparabilmente diversi e soprattutto una mancanza di imprenditorialità vera che ha reso l'apparato economico del sud facile preda del colonialismo vendicativo dei piemontesi.  Dunque non c'era giustizia e non c'era un sistema economico sano. I piemontesi invece di combattere questa sperequazione e queste ingiustizie hanno sostituito la loro ingiustiza a quella dei borboni, il loro colonialimo industriale a quello degli inglesi, dei francesi, dei belgi. Dunque, allora come oggi, l'ingiustizia dei vincitori non nobilita l'ingiustizia dei vinti. Anche in questo caso dobbiamo dire la verità perchè la verità aiuta la giustizia, aiuta a dare un senso alla sconfitta e all'oppressione degli ultimi, mentre deployment biased, one way or the other, in perpetual thought a clash between the ruling classes without considering the lives of entire peoples.

It's never been done the only thing that had to be done
c) is not true that everything that needed to be done was done. It's never been done the only thing that had to be done: to break the political alliance between the state and the national bourgeoisie and the Southern parasitic corollary of this alliance which is the tolerance or the alliance with traffickers. The story of the last century shows us that even when New York cops, prefects iron-general of police, police commissioners, judges, priests, journalists, rebel against criminal organizations, the network weaknesses, tolerances, liabilities, and finally also the shallowness of the complicity of real closes at the end of the protagonists who pay with their lives. So those who are tired of the south have always turned my face away, who are bored by this talk always of the same things, this tangle around the same issues, who want to continue doing business and living with the bourgeoisie southern without being disturbed by a lot of unnecessary chatter. They're right, I ask you journalists if we chase these people to convince them of the goodness della causa meridionale oppure dobbiamo aiutare le persone - e sono già milioni - a capire che la proria dignità la si difende innanzi tutto dissociandosi  mentalmente e psicologicamente dalla sudditanza alle idee e al potere di questi signori.

Cesare Moreno, maestro di strada, ex coordinatore del progetto Chance, un progetto che si è occupato per dodici anni - con successo e con onore -  dei ragazzi che non vanno a scuola e che è stato chiuso nell'indifferenza generale  da quella borghesia che oggi grida allo scandalo razzista.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dental Equipments With Names

Non ci disperdiamo? Precari e dispersi

Ieri alle 13 - con supplementi al cardiopalma fino alle 15 – L’associazione Maestri di Strada, insieme six other partner has sent a "Foundation for the South" an envelope with the request for funding for an intervention project in a vocational school designed to prevent and reduce drastically the dispersion. We have translated into formulas, boxes questionnaire, budget items, the work done in July with the study days and the best of twelve years of experience in the field. Do something because all our young people can become true citizens. We try the road of this small project to take on 'the pilot flame', to remember that after the end of Chance, is not over the issue, if this project takes off, but it takes at least three months before that can happen, we can take care three hundred of which 100 young people at risk - a certainty - of dispersion, but in the meantime, in a hundred vocational, technical, Polispecialistico of Naples province alone there are eight-ten thousand young people who are candidates before all''esclusione from school and then to 'exclusion from full participation in civic life.
The experience and direct knowledge of teachers, head teachers, scholars, tells us that half of these young people, 4000-5000, at school or does not put your foot, or if it goes in the first days or more or resists least until early December. It is as if, assuming that every school has a thousand students, within three months had been closed five major schools laboriously put up in early September. This is a huge social harm and serious consequences: when the boys were not going to school causes 'socio-economic', that is because they had to "bring the money home" (but I'm not sure that that was the case, was rather a social representation accepted by the victims and responsible to cover the fact that in reality the school had nothing to say - the way he said it - too many young people of the poorer classes) could remain at a minimum level of self-esteem: I able to study if only I had the money. Going to school and do not succeed, get on the first day in class, saying to themselves: not I will never do succeed, to confirm this in a few months, the young forward to this perpetual sense of mutilation, the idea that he continued in this society can only be dependent on someone or something, if you accept that some other tell him what to do. In many ways it would be better that this young man did not set foot in school 'due to force majeure', due to social discrimination, to any external cause rather than the autoconvincimento to be 'inferior to the others'.

We have learned over the years, notwithstanding the right of everyone to access - and to be incurred to be able to stay - at all levels of education, la priorità è che i giovani restino convinti di avere le risorse per poter gestire se stessi. Non è obbligatorio fare tutti gli ingegneri, ma è obbligatorio poter riconoscere la dignità di tutti i lavori e poter svolgere in modo responsabile il proprio ruolo nella società. Forse bisogna che ciò che è politicamente e socialmente intollerabile, noi impariamo a tollerarlo nella nostra psiche, ossia a metterlo nei pensieri e nelle esperienze che ci appartengono, in mezzo a cui occorre imparare a navigare: il lavoro precario, mentre ci battiamo per eliminarlo continua ad esistere, e così esistono il lavoro nero ed illegale, la violenza diffusa, la criminalità spicciola, la criminalità organizzata. Tutti i peggiori mostri social control that many of us are fighting are part of everyday life of our young students and we live together every day with this. We must live with the Camorra. I can see everyone jumping on the chair, but maybe it has not already said Berlusconi or his peers? That 's right, everything is to understand which side you live, if staying for lunch with them or trying to maintain a dignified existence in places where there are leaks, but we are the infiltrators.

I saw an interview with me for 'Cara Italy' (1998) the great Enzo Biagi:
- His children know the Camorra?
- Of course I know, we live in
- And speaking of the Camorra?
- Fanno di più parlano nella camorra.
E lui stesso in quel momento con la sua grossa auto, con la sua scorta reale e simbolica, si trovava nel cuore della camorra, ed era sotto lo sguardo di criminali che lo spiavano dietro le tende delle finestre: alcuni dei bimbi di cinque anni che davanti a lui cantavano “oi vita oi vita mia” oggi hanno già imbracciato un mitra, stanno già seppelliti sotto terra, in una cella di carcere, in un bunker aspettando il killer. O stanno in sella a una moto impegnati in un agguato.
Era una scena surreale e anche un po’ penosa: vedere un grande giornalista completamente cieco di fronte a quella realtà, parlarne come se stesse fuori. Ecco questo si intende per convivere: vedere reality, but continue to see, look at the poop on the pavement before putting his foot in it.

We educators can not peddle dreams and put us in competition with other dealers, we have a dream that is not for sale and is the dream of a young man who realizes and knows how to be himself also, and especially because he lives in difficult conditions, without deny, without adapt.
So we can help reduce the damage, we can establish 'a dialogue of life' with young people and use our skills, our experience to support them in a life that is difficult for everyone. With the project
Chance for twelve years we have shown that taking 15 desperate, aggressive, already wounded by life, scarred by defeat was possible to reopen a speech: 12-13 were able to take the 6-7 middle school and a vocational qualification. Having means other than we could have done more, but we are sure that you can do more of the action when the process of withdrawal from social relationships and learning is in its infancy. Exclusion of the ten thousand kids at least five candidates can go forward without much effort, but it is necessary to establish a dialogue with them, prior to any human alliance training contract, any school rules, any coercion of law.
Many teachers know how to do this, have learned to do it on their skin and they just, in spite of the ministry, records, laws of the sarabande, the trade unions, contracts, door-to-door sale, and more. Congratulations to them
Many others could do it but do not have the overflowing energies needed to go against the tide, many others may only do so if they were a little 'encouragement and support.
A number of us have learned to support teachers to enhance their knowledge, to guide them in a process of self-paced training that once set in motion no one can stop. We asked our ability to capitalize on this, before it was too late-as pensions, the deaths and fatigue - but we were not listened to ignorance, envy, for arrogance. It does not matter if we are not able to survive the idiocy thing we could ever teach our students?

Precarious precious
Among the teachers who have learned to establish a good dialogue with the students, or who can learn quickly, many teachers are insecure for reasons easy to imagine that they have conducted their professional precarious existence especially in poor neighborhoods, in precarious Schools and young people in precarious conditions of 'schooling'. Those who have survived this crazy jungle or are entirely or have reached a higher level of wisdom.
So if only we could bring together some capable of driving a process of 'professional learning set' (this is to clarify the terminology that should be reflected in the situation and not just in the labs' - when there is - the academy, with those teachers who already have a wealth of experience waiting to be exploited we would have a 'task force' able to tackle the leakage problem with a score of at least 50% of success.

I do so this modest proposal.

Given that next year 10,000 students in the province of Naples and will be out of school or be written again in the first, we put 600 teachers in the field (two hours per class chair) to support students in difficulty. At the end of the year they will take a test - type INVALSI - to see if you really are back and next year there will be classes in more than sufficient to absorb or use them-if we are successful - in a similar project with the new first class .
Dorrebbero Gelmini Tremonti also be happy: because Gelmini still looks good with casual, with the culture and then decreases a little 'pressure on her political union, because the global Tremonti from state coffers will leave much less and "better" than to spend money twice for repeating over and how long to spend on prison, drug addiction, petty crime which is certainly helped by social exclusion (fortunately low in proportion) and compared to increase the number of people to live more or less parasitically marginalized. Napolitano also should be glad, because this is how a neglected constitutional right is at least partly reaffirmed.

So where's the catch? I do not know, but I'm sure there is and that this proposal will not be taken into account or if it will be, will be so distorted that it's better opt out in advance.

Then I have a spare proposal, part of which I'm already doing: I took

three months of unpaid leave (lose € 4200, a luxury I can afford given my level of consumption and then I had 7500 euro settlement for the death of my wife) and I have made available to a school to accommodate boys in the early hours of school, delicate moment in which you play a very important match and confirm the negative expectations from both sides of the fence. I gathered 20 educators, psychologists, educators and volunteers for one day we will do this task. After that, I hope to do some little thing with the network that we established in the territory with Chance and is now inactive and partially dispersed.
could do more if, for example, some teachers were willing to make a precarious sort of strike on the contrary, a demonstration of what could be if someone think keeping in mind the common good and not just their own interests more than legitimate.

The Association of Masters Road, using the free services of myself and a few other volunteers, is able to support a group of 15-20 teachers (temporary workers and unemployed people) that are committed on this front, asking each of them about ten hours per week in class and seventh in 3 in'work discussion 'which are groups of discussine' duty free 'out of register, formality and profits more than is strictly a function of this can be done in class with students poco motivati e che vivono realtà difficili. Si potrebbe fare questo lavoro fino a Natale, accompagnato da un pubblico monitoraggio del procedere dell’azione (leggi una conferenza stampa mensile per fare il punto della situazione) e poi chi vivrà vedrà.
Chi sia interessato può scriverci e prenderemo accordi. Non prendiamo tutti a scatola chiusa, facciamo prima un colloquio e verifichiamo di poter lavorare assieme e di essere felici di farlo. Educare è un piacere, se non ci piacciamo, che piacere è?

"Donate Free to  preserve, and protect the rainforest....  "
PS – Se ognuno dei 5000 allievi promossi elargisse – as is done for free software - free assistance to teachers, say € 100, we would have a cash fund of € 500,000 with which some of us could escape to the Caribbean and get a well-deserved luxury vacation. (But if you like this idea too bourgeois or capitalist or socially discriminatory - € 10 per month taper a sacrifice too great for our young people marginalized and their families - if you like trekking and tourism is not organized, delete it as well, on purpose I put at the bottom)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dora The Explorer Goodie Bags


Yes, 3 years of continuous blog and ...!
"Yes," as Stan would say Moulinski in one of his most successful disguises , to quote from the cartoon of Nick Carter.
And this is for someone like me, there is some over 40 years; many years ...
Now, in May of 2007 I started to infest the web and I must say that so far I have been fine.
course, I had to celebrate the anniversary of the blog three months ago, Oh well, 'I do now. It is important to them, the things he said as the forger. In these
Bloggistici 3 years I met many interesting people with whom I had stimulating discussions and positive.
There was also some controversy, as out of the web, for that matter. Everything ok.
Some bloggers and / or a commentator / a now deceased / a (I do not know why but I'm sorry) and it came to new, sometimes the "old" come back and so on.
Fine: This blog is like an inn, where every traveler can stay in 4 exchange gossip before resuming his journey.
And of course, can stop those who want to ... what he wants.
Otherwise this would be a secret medieval, not a blog.
I chose to give the impression bloglocanda predominantly artistic, although even then talk of other things.
I do not mean much to me, except in veiled form, and (hopefully) lightweight clash with the imaginary interlocutor, for example.
About me overflight, but perhaps someone who writes about himself always and only, it does so hidden ... for security or for a form of modesty (perhaps exaggerated) a little 'because it is considered much interesting.
With a few hundred pounds of suffering, here I chose to say little of the blues, Lennon, Springsteen, Dylan, The Who, Socrates, Abelard and Heloise, S. Augustine, Gramsci, Dostoevsky, the novel by Jean D'Ormesson God: the life and works , the great Praise of Folly by Erasmus of Rotterdam (but maybe I saddle, being crazy) and so on. etc. as well.
I also decided not to post music clips (but this thing I do, sometimes, on my page fb), otherwise you will not post anything else.
do not post regularly, and sometimes start things that I do not have the time to conclude, neglect, or some too "arguments.".
Eg., In the "philosopher" I spoke of the devastating impact it had on the Indians the English colonization ... ed il tema necessita di nuovi sviluppi e di una conclusione.
Ancora, in “luoghi e culture” ho pubblicato un solo post.
Sul teatro non scrivo da tantissimo tempo.
Sui mondiali (venendo ora allo sport) nonostante il mio amore per il calcio e lo sport, non ho scritto una riga; neanche una riga e mezza, accidenti!
Ecc. ecc.
Ma del resto, temi complessi ed almeno per me appassionanti richiedono del tempo; né sottovaluterei il fatto che… non mi corre dietro nessuno.
E per una volta, sono d’accordo con me stesso.
Benché abbia pubblicato 3 libri, di loro non parlo molto; in effetti, mi piace parlare also those of others.
Moreover, blogs, many others I am very happy / and know how to write. For me, many / and they should at least try to publish a book.
Be ', thanks for your interest and in some cases also for the affection that shines through the words of some, some of you.
you soon!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pyle Chopper Series 1400 Amp

density graphite, Library of Trento

Speech on the bookmark usual are delivered to users of the Public Library with the date of the term of the loan. For a period of two weeks it will be distributed made by Suzie Wong 8000. The bookmark will reproduce the image of a passport issued by the Library and not a state, indicating that citizenship is achieved through access to knowledge common, that "knowledge is travel," and that it is not uncommon to be excluded from access to knowledge. On this bookmark-passport will also be reported concerning volumes in foreign languages \u200b\u200bavailable in the library for the seven language groups present in Trentino (Romanian, Albanian, Arabic, Serbo-Croatian, Ukrainian, Polish, Chinese).
On the back you will find information on the number of immigrant residents in the province of Trento, and in this case will be referred to the first eleven nationalities.